Why Windows 10 has no Classic Theme?

Why Windows 10 has no Classic Theme?

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Because isn't bloated

No clue, I've never used it.

Because you need to get over it and move on with your life.

Dunno. Maybe microsoft is deeply ashamed?

I think i will get in your house legally and paint all your walls yellow puke, and you will need to get over it and mover on with your life.


This is the best you can do (and it is pretty ugly).

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I said it was ugly. You don't have to shake your head like that.

How many years do you intend to cry about a theme?

Do you have any actual things to do besides crying about it? Maybe, just getting a theme kit and moving on ...

Better to cry on Jow Forums that you want something and nobody has handed it to you, I suppose.

>theme kit
>windows 10

New gui elements made it impossible to use the classic interface even on W8.

this is the first time I ever posted about it. calm down. I just updated and it sucks.
>theme kit

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Because they don't want to remind you of any of the old ones you may have actually liked (no aero from vista/7, no classic theme, etc) and submit to ugly boring flat shit.

Do your own research, Jamal.

It doesn't? One more reson not to use it and just stay with 7.

It had something to do with vsync or something. I don't remember.

Finally someone said it already

You chose to use windows 10.
Install Linux if you do not like it.

Because it looks like fucking shit.

jesus christ thats just awful.

I have a hypothesis, but I don't know if it's correct

I think the classic interface was built on the win32 API (or maybe GDI+ or whatever) whereas Aero was built on .net 3, and Metro is built on .net 4. So they don't feel like reimplementing the whole UI with the new framework
> tl;dr they're lazy

to give Linux the opportunity to steal market share from them

Attached: 1498263808714.webm (1024x768, 1.95M)

Is Trinity the closest looking DE to Windows?

Learn english you fucking faggot

I go Win7 with the classic theme
Goes fast
Decent gaming

Because nobody using windows 10 (read: living in the 21st century) is running a 90s beige shitbox pc.


Nah, this is way better.

use windowmaker, hipster

this. the win10 aesthetics are fine and with 7 the classic theme was half baked anyways and didn't even work well with many programs (like firefox)

>the win10 aesthetics are fine
Who are you to decide what "fine" is? It looks like shit, and if it wasn't restrictive garbage, making it not look like shit would be fast and easy.

win10 looks horrible in my opinion.

They probably made it look more like some kind of shitty web page to differentiate it from "operating system look" and make it look more like some kind of service with monthly subscription fee as end game.

I miss being able to make your own colour scheme so your eyes didn't burn every two or so minutes.


You wrote a headline, but you didn't provide an answer.

feel free to rice it then.

Learn how to ask questions, pajeet.

windows 10 visual style is basically a white square with white huge text
like the cheapest css-less website from geocities
and the reason behind it is just portability to mobile devices
something that will end up never happening... and here we are now, with basically no design at all

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Because there is no way to serve ads in the classic theme.

>not using windows 7

Classic theme actually still exists in Windows 10 and the OS will fall back to it if you disable enough services and other bullshit. It was "removed" because fuck you eat our shit. I'm sure the pajeets will get around to removing the actual code eventually.

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