I finally beat the game guys. And this fight fucked me up bad...

I finally beat the game guys. And this fight fucked me up bad. I wasn't expected an other emotional punch after the Joyless ending.

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Oh and thx for reading my blog


I see you are a man of culture as well.

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You arent the good guy

the only error Brad made was killing Marty
I think he was justified for everything but he could've heard Marty out for Buddy's sake. or at least not killed him in front of Buddy.

She was the last woman in the world it was her duty to be a breed sow user...

Brad has a warped perspective of Buddy's age, she is probably well over 15. But because "muh second chance" she will always be Daddy's little girl and never given the dicks she desperately craves (which would also literally save the entire world).

Also if you read more lore, you'll see that killing Marty is the most morally justified thing he ever did.

this game sounds hilarious.

I'm aware of what he did to Lisa. But the Marty Brad knew was arguably different from the Marty Buddy knew.
Hence why I said he was justified in everything but should have taken Buddy into consideration when he dealt with Marty.

The game does have some comedic genius moments in it

Everything he did was nearly justifiable from viewers perspective.
Now think what Brad must've felt.
He tried his best in his misery.

I felt it in my heart when he asked Buddy if he did the right thing. Double felt it when Buddy hallucinated the fight with him. Brad was a tragic hero.

I don't know why people where so down on Joyful. I don't like the Rando twist but it had enough of a different tone and journey to separate it from the first.

Attached: hnkrando.jpg (480x360, 38K)

"Brad and Buddy. It sounds good to me."
I have been calling people buddy ever since. Single most beautiful and soulful game I've experienced.

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Yado was under developed IMO but the joyful itself was pretty good and is worth playing for the final bosses alone


my favorite moment


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The victory march before apocalypse

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