Showering is bad for you
>be me
>live in a office space to save money
>only shower once every 2 weeks when my parents pick me up
>notice a day after shower have a odor and hair is greasy
>3 days later smell goes away and hair isnt greasy
>notice that I smell worse after a shower because Im washing away the good bacteria
>hair is greasy after shower because Im washing away all the oils and good bacteria
You arent still falling for the shower jew right user?
Other urls found in this thread:
I workout twice a day. I need a daily shower.
You don't. You are washing away the good bacteria that eats the bacteria that produces odors qnd you're washing away pheromones
I just sweat like a fucking pig, I need to be clean.
It's not the "showering" that's the problem, running water isn't gonna fuck up your natural ecosystem. Using chemicals in (most) soaps and shampoos and stuff is where the Jew gets you
Use jojoba oil after showing you fucking idiot. It closely mimics human skin/hair oils.
>falling for the “don’t shower everyday” Jew
Lol yeah. It's those unshowered guys that are drowning in pussy.
It sounds like black people product
You are right, Rabbi Shekelstein. I will surely smear myself with shit and refrain from every using soap.
Truly, you are my greatest ally.