Was looking at buying a gtx 1080 a bout a year ago they were like 700-800 ish and now they are 1900 a year later...

Was looking at buying a gtx 1080 a bout a year ago they were like 700-800 ish and now they are 1900 a year later. This seems shady as fuck. Why is this allowed?

Attached: product_3_20171012153630_59df1b7ecd614.png (600x480, 238K)

Other urls found in this thread:

newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIAFA48HT2979&Description=gtx 1080 ti&cm_re=gtx_1080_ti-_-9SIAFA48HT2979-_-Product

OP confirmed poor. How sad.


Could you post a link to your retardation?

I don't know why they're so autistically priced on retailers like Amazon, I guess they never got the memo that the mining craze is over. That being said, the used market has settled down to where it should be and you can find cards at the prices you'd expect them to be at.

no, your the retard, fuck off dumbass lmao

Uh, could you post a link, my smart friend?

do you really want to pay that much for incrimental improvements over a card that costs like 300-400?

a link to what? those are what the prices are, if you don't believe that and need visual confirmation your a fucking dumbass, piss off

It's a sign that you should stop playing games and grow up.

which card are you talking about? im using a 770 atm

I can't find any gtx 1080 cards for 1900 (although you didn't specify currency). For the love of god post the link, now I'm curious.

alright, heres 1 thats 2400, since you dont believe 1900

newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIAFA48HT2979&Description=gtx 1080 ti&cm_re=gtx_1080_ti-_-9SIAFA48HT2979-_-Product

like a 1060 or 1070

everyone bought them up when turing came out because they realized they are paying more for a comparable product. Now that the pascal stock has dried up, the prices increased

I don't know why your 1080 ti prices are fucked, but you should absolutely not buy one at those prices when you can get a 2080 for less.

even the USD ones went up like 700 dollars out of nowhere

Machine learning.

Wow it's almost like they stopped being made with limited old stock driving up prices.
Just buy a 2080 which have come down in price over time

Just buy a 2060 for $450 CAD

Bad card

You can get a refurbished one for under $400 (American). You can get a new one starting under $800 (American). Wtf is the problem here?



dude.... go buy one off ebay.

cryptofags are selling then for $300 last I checked, which was feb when I bought mine.

got an asus ROG strix gtx 1080 for $329. Was about to purchase a 1070 for $449.99 off amazon before i saw it.

have sex

why? inb4 muh vram

No way, fag.