Please use KDE Plasma

Please use KDE Plasma

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I do.

GNOME is way better


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KDE users are mongoloids.

Laptop or desktop? How is KDE with scaling? I'm buying a 4K X1E and I'm not sure about the screen, having to run it at 1080p because scaling in Linux is shit might suck.

Install Gentoo

Xfce master race

>How is KDE with scaling?
Plasma has fraction scaling. Just like Windows. It's perfect for HiDPI screens

xfce is the only true window manager
i3 is the other only true window manager

Did they finally reduce the size of the tray icons?

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Shit performance on AMD GPU.

>please use this buggy pile of shit
Devs would rather work on making everything more "pretty" than fix its many, many, many irritating fucking bugs and problems.

Can you list some of those bugs?

>Gnome Devs would rather work on removing everything than fix its many, many, many irritating fucking bugs and problems.

>many irritating fucking bugs and problems.
name a few

I have been using Kubuntu with KDE Plasma for some months now both in my desktop and netbook, really good customizability.
Although the shitty netbook my country's government gave me handles it like crap, so it's a no for useless boxes like this with a fucking 1 core processor.
Either way I'm now switching to arch with i3wm. Thanks for the good times Kubuntu.

KDE does have a fucking bug site, you know.

Something breaks in gnome:
Feature is removed, never to return
Something breaks in KDE:
Gets fix plus 3 alternate ways of doing the same thing are added, never to be removed.


And so does GNOME, what's your point?

I think he was implying you should look at their bug list if you doubt there's any.

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Been KDE since September.
Tell me more about these crashes.
I cannot replicate.

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No thanks, I prefer assembling my own DE with things like i3, pcmanfm, rxvt-unicode, et cetera like a boss

gnome is objectively worse, except for their microsoft-tier YOU WILL USE OUR APIS OR YOU WONT USE ANY style fucking library pushes. Cant install fucking anything without needing 8039832GB of gnome and systemd bullshit.

Gnome devs would rather remove features while somehow also adding bloat and memory leaks.
My work station cold boots to 2GB RAM usage, and its 100% all being used by gnome.

I already do. Don't beg people to do it. Also change your Jow Forums theme to "Tomorrow"
Aslo I looked up that "quitting your job, i'm being sued edition" its fucking funny.

Whats the point of using """ungoogled""" chromium with linux though? its like still googled. so youre still fucked.

>KDE has lots of bugs!

>ok like what


KDE devs would rather add bloated, broken,features while somehow also adding graphical glitches and memory leaks.
My work station cold boots to 2GB RAM usage, and its 100% all being used by kde.

No, it really isn't.
It's scalable.
Scales fine. Even better than MacOSX did with the whole retina meme.

your pic reminded me of video

The retarded "launch bar" will constantly appear in the lockscreen after about 6 hours of use.
Uncontained memory leaks, I have to reboot my ubuntu box at least twice a week
It will slowly, but surely, fail to launch any instance of an application that relies on GNOME frameworks. I don't know why. This is also only solved by rebooting the entire system.
If compiling something eats memory too quickly, the entire GNOME environment crashes. Not just "reverts to Xterm" crashes, I mean the entire system locks up and crashes because no input can be registered through GNOME anymore.
Launching the gnome calculator app takes more than 30 seconds. That's not strictly a bug, but it is fucking stupid.

Oh, also if you have "network reporting" enabled, sometimes your internet will just short out. Entirely. the only fix is to disable that setting and reboot.
GNOME is literally the Windows NT of linux computing.

A soon to be VERY disappointed Linux user, good going KDE.

>I'm just gunna repeat him and make myself sound good!
The difference is you don't run KDE on any of your systems and don't have to deal with a quarter of your RAM being shit on by a DE that barely works.

I would but I'm no communist

>aunching the gnome calculator app takes more than 30 seconds
2 seconds on my machine, with firefox open and a very heavily loaded program running in a Windows VM. The calculator in KDE never loads for me...BECAUSE IT DOESN'T HAVE ONE! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

>2 seconds to launch a calculator app is good
You do realize that's still unbelievably fucking terrible, right?


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I dual boot both KDE and Gnome.

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Yes, but it's certainly no where near as bad as that faggot was trying to claim.

That is the dumbest thing I've ever heard.

I am that faggot and it is that terrible, I end up punching simple equations into google because of it.
Also the file browser will lock up and refuse to respond half the time.
It's a shit DE. "Oh it works fine for me!" isn't a fucking argument.

They're different distros. Chosen for software reasons.

I would if I used a de

>"Oh it works fine for me!" isn't a fucking argument.

That's even more retarded.

i3 is for virgins, try bspwm

Oh fucking look I already listed half a dozen irritating or system-crashing bugs with GNOME, just like you asked, you stupid blind faggot

Yeah, well, you get GNU Radio modules working with soapy SDR and we'll talk.

i like kde 3 better


I used to, but I upgraded to a WM, DEs are bloat.

Make CSD the standard and I will. Otherwise enjoy being stuck in the past.

>muhhh werks on my machine xDDDD~~~~ upvote
Who gives a fuck, dumbass!

Those all apply to KDE, too. Should we visit the bugs page?

KDE is the only DE to properly implement DPI scaling

no thanks. enjoying debian install with gnome. I'm done jumping from WM or DE just because Jow Forums has a problem with it. gnome is comfy and runs well on my hardware.

I would use KDE if its applications used header bars like in Gnome. I unironically like them more than traditional menus. Also, bring back Oxygen for the window theme. It looked so much more unified than Breeze.

You probably want Gnome's header bars. CSD is a shit architecture concept.

>Also, bring back Oxygen for the window theme
You can install any theme you want. You're not stuck with the default. It's the most customizable DE.

KDE is the best DE.
Gnome is the worst.

who other than a mad man could be happy with Debian? Outside of being a base for other distributions, Debian has little relevance as a desktop operating system.
>but muh stability
enjoy using the software the rest of the linux community enjoyed three years ago

I am, but this shilling is getting out of hand
just stop

debian just works and is stable as hell. I don't give a fuck how old the packages are, they still work perfectly and as long as I have the latest ESR I'm fine. besides devuan I see no reason to use a debian based distro unless you're retarded when it comes to linux. have you even tried it out yourself or are you listening to what these faggots are saying

The Oxygen theme doesn't work in KDE 5 since I last tried it. Additionally, I don't like the sharp corners of windows and taskbar popups. Sorry if I have normie tier taste in that regard. The transparency triggers me too but that might be customizable.

I am happy with Gnome + extensions that make Gnome usable. Hopefully the Gnome devs don't fuck me over by removing support for those extensions in the future. I would fall back to Cinnamon before KDE, however.

I use Gnome but I am happy to discuss free software.

>Hopefully the Gnome devs don't fuck me over by removing support for those extensions in the future
That's a lot of hope you got there buddy.

>please I have a wife and 5 kids
fuck off pajeet, fix your bugs and properly implement freedesktop standards with backends that don't let pulseaudio die first

Xfce cold boots into 200 megs of ram


hello ranjit nice seeing you here

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nu/g/ cares about themes and GUIs when linux is just like 1% the desktop environment.
It should just work, to not make you think why the sound is not working or why is the terminal not launching.
Only manchilds use an inferior product because it has retarded themes and animations (""functions""). Gnome has better keybinds out of the box than any DE out there and opposed to bare window managers it already has sound and hardware control. I would give 0 shits if altogether every other desktop project died and started working in gnome. I still could use dwm or bare Xorg if that happens.

Why would I use this when Windows 7 just works?

> top bar has all star shot graphics, spare start button, auto hide
>bottom bar has multidesk, program windows, start bar and search bar, autohide
>right mouse button on desktop is also start button.

I'm cobbling together my own DE at the moment, is there any part of plasma that would be worth nabbing? Unfortunately it doesn't seem very modular so it's like all or none heh

Ignore the 2 panels and their ugliness I'm deciding on what panel I would like to use still

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Gnome is switching to an extension API. Fucking Gnome devs.

GNOME is unironically the more bug infested DE

I mostly agree but appearance is a big deal for me. if they take away (hide) the feature to change the theme then it's all over for me. the ktards do have a point on some things. removing or missing basic features is unacceptable and the devs are all around stubborn assholes. it is my favorite DE but it just pisses me off that they're improving and making it worse at the same time

currently am. enjoying debian install with KDE. I'm done jumping from WM or DE just because Jow Forums has a problem with it. KDE is comfy and runs well on my hardware.

ehhh KDE has been removing features for a while too.
>can't set a wallpaper to span multiple monitors
>tabbed windows removed from kwin
plus probably some other stuff but these bothered me


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i use kubuntu

haven't used plasma 5 long enough to even notice these so not much of an issue for me. late kde4 was peak kde for me

>name a few
The most annoying of the open KDE bugs I've filed or commented on: You can't have utility windows (like smplayer's playlist window) always visible and have panel auto-hide at the same time.

There's quite a few others.

I use XFCE4. I have the KDE desktop installed and I try it once or twice every few months. I guess you can get used to the bugs, or work around them. I could, for example, not auto-hide my panel. But.. I prefer to simply not use KDE.

>Gnome devs would rather remove features
I gave up on GNOME a long time ago because of their attitude "We are right, if the users disagree they are wrong". These days they are actually, very seriously, debating removing all ability to customize the desktop with themes. Everyone doesn't get a "consistent GNOME experience" when you can change colors, icons or wallpaper. That's a level of power-hungry and authoritarian beyond belief. The most amazing part of it is that they seem to believe that they can keep on removing any and all options and features and not have people switch to something else. Hell, if I was given the choice between Windows 10 and GNOME I'd probably go with Windows 10.

I cried neckbeard tears during the 3.5 -> 4.0 transition because it was so bad and 3.5 was so good! Once they figured it all out around like 4.3 KDE was good again and it's still nice.

F for KDE 3.5 and in b4 Trinity because nostalgia is strongest when left untested.

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Works fine in slackware. What's your excuse?

i don't see anything amazing there. but i don't have any big complaints about kde5, and 10 years ago i used gnome, so maybe i missed out

honestly the only reason I love kde4 is because of nostalgia

I prefer openbox


I'm all for kde but those fucking defaults man, Jesus! I'm also not a fan of their UIs in general. the one time I tried to run it on open use it was buggy as hell but I'm not sure if that waswas because of the shitty hardware I was testing or SUSE.

Their software is definitely better than the competition though, and they usually have a good idea of what users want. EXCEPT WHEN IT COMES TO THE FUCKING DEFAULTS SERIOUSLY

I'll try it again on Ubuntu and see what I think.

Relatively new to linux and getting a XPS 13 next week. I like the look of KDE, should I go with Kubuntu or Neon?

Yeah, KDE defaults are insane.

I've been using KDE on Suse without a hitch on different versions for 4 years.
>0 crashes
KDE on Kubuntu
>Krashes at least once a week, memory hog
It's annoying
Need to convince work's IT department to stop being afraid of other distros.
Fuck Ubuntu

I do, and it's the best. Still a bit buggy, though