Being this retarded

>request refund for Pixel 3
>Get sent 10 more by accident
>Posts on redfag
>Makes deal with Google for his original refund instead of selling $9k worth of free phones
Brainlet level Reddit

Attached: Screenshot_20190419-230028.png (1521x2048, 1.99M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Google could just brick the phones remotely so redditfag did the right thing.


Sell the phones. Who cares if it gets bricked?

Not if redditfag sells them while they're off and unopened brainlet. If they do get bricked remotely, sucks for the buyer

Sell the phones & get sued for fraud == lose, karma
Sell the phones & no harm == win, less moral
Return the phones & get money legitimately == win, moral upperhand

Google would be the one who fucked up. They can't punish him for that

If you claim that google can't punish him for that you're going to need to pony up some evidence. Post the EULA/purchase terms of Google services/products where it says that the consumer has no responsibility to ensure the accuracy of their order(s) have been fulfilled.

That notwithstanding, as already said, even if they don't punish the original consumer, there may be repercussions for the next person in line for these devices.

In conclusion, do the right thing, Tyrone.

He has every legal right to keep unsolicited merchandise, it's US law, so Google can't just brick his property out of spite for their own fuckup.

Kys nigger, goody two shoes incel. Be smart.

google would have done nothing, they don't give a shit

Google cannot do shit, it is legally theirs.

This, why would they bitch over a 9k fuck up?

that doesn't sound right

do the police randomly do home searches for stuff shipped incorrectly?
the whole article reads pretty strangely and lacks a lot of info on how the investigation was conducted
>police showed up and search my whole house
>then they came later and surrounded my house just because I got a bigger TV from incompetent shipping companies
the fawq?


It may be a difference between mere drop-off and signature.
He misled the delivery company in order to receive the delivery, which would make it larceny.

If you're sent something via mail it's yours, even if you didn't but it. That's the way the law is set up.


Legally? Sure. In the realm of eula and service denial? Sure.

honey, your father's ignorant statements shouldn't ever be your legal compass

There you go fags. Read up. Redditfag confirmed brainlet


Fucking brainlet redditfag

>Do the right thing
>Moral upper hand
Brainlets just like the Redditfag, how does it feel?

why is your average redditard such a moralfag

The shipping company claims he pretended to be someone else in order to accept their delivery instead of his. That's a crime, because it wasn't addressed to him, also because he lied.

It's possible they're making it up to cover their ass though, in which case the guy is fine.

why do you absolute faggots talk like this? goddamn.

Attached: 1541265192549.png (720x717, 565K)

ah, that sounds better

Reddit is full of incels and faggot normies who claim to not be. What do you expect?

As long as the guy can prove with order history that he didn't pose as someone else, he could sue them for false accusations

Fake news. Clearly its written to mislead. More occured then simply a package delivered incorrectly.

There's a lot of these "look how good boy I was being honest and doing the right thing" posts. It's basically some people's way of getting a high by bragging about their goodness. Guy could have returned them phones without bragging about it on redshit. Smart thing to do would have been to just wait a few months and see if anyone at Google had noticed - no request for them to be returned after two months would have been a clear sign that selling them would be fine.

The police didn't randomly decide to search his house. The shipping company had realized they sent him the wrong TV and had requested that he send it back - but he just ignored them so the shipping company called the police and they showed up. If a crime was actually committed will be up to the courts, if it even goes that far. Do keep in mind that policeofficers aren't prosecutors or lawyers, they can show up and arrest you for something they believe is "wrong" even if it's not a crime.