Best Setup For Remote Text Editor

What's the best way to set up a text editor to be able to work with files on a remote Linux VM from a Mac over SSH?

I know Sublime has all the nice RSub shit but Sublime's code completion functionality is trash, their extension system sucks and they're WinRAR-tier with pestering you to buy a license.

I'm using pic related right now and its OK. It's really fast and responsive but I still have to manually connect to the VM and run rmate on there every time I want to open a file. It also doesn't work with anything that isn't text or source code files even though VSCode supports shit like opening images.

inb4 it's a trash setup. I know it is. It's how we have to do it. How do I make it less shit?

Attached: 1_T7KOE5Yv3n4xbUP4P-1vMA.png (1838x551, 238K)

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what's the problem with using a terminal text editor?

this, learn vi(m) user-kun. it's very useful, it'll be on every linux distro.



Why though? Just work in git.

Visual Studio Live Share would work for zoomers like you.

just use vim

sshfs, don't know about osxfuse though.

vim + tmux

some (all?) jetbrains products can do remote editing, with proper autocomplete and stuff. recommended if you've got a decent server on the other end.

I am on windows, what is the best terminal to use for ssh vim/tmux sessions? It seems like conemu has an issue with tmux. If I open multiple panes the content of one pane will render across the whole terminal window.

conemu has always been kind of buggy for me, ctrl-c never works right and sometimes it hangs after closing a terminal. I don't blame the developers though, it's probably because MS doesn't make it easy for that shit to work

what's wrong with the built-in windows cmd console? with git bash it's fine

Did you tried windows' built in ssh?

cmd.exe or powershell one?

I havn't really tried those. Will give it a shot. I also tried alacritty recently, however it seems the status bar at the bottom doesn't always render correctly. (eg. if you press 'd', it will show you in the bottom right you are busy with the command)

Yeh, I am using that.

I ssh into a debian vm, would the env variables make a difference?

git bash in cmd.exe ... (or whatever it is that installs with git, when you say to add a context menu entry for "git bash here")

but I never use anything fancier than vim so I don't know if it's going to behave properly.

I will give it a shot

Emacs in tramp mode

Learn vi(m) and you'll never go back.
I'm using cygwin with its default terminal emulator - mintty, iirc. That's win7 though, just use wsl with default terminal if you're on 10. There's also putty, but I've never tried it.

I dont care how fancy it is. I just want it to work with ssh/tmux/vim.

So i see alacritty can either use WinPTY or ConPTY (experimental) does mintty use something else? Or is it just a better wrapper for it?

Install an SFTP program, mount the folder via SFTP, use whatever fukn editor you want. (SFTP is ssh.)

Mintty is for cygwin, msys/2 and wsl.

I just tried it. (using git-bash then ssh). Just using vim doesnt work. When I 'dd' the buffer doesnt get updated, if i scroll down the file and back up the line is removed. When I tmux/vim you get that weird 1 second delay when exiting insert mode (pressing esc).

did you choose the built-in console or mintty?

This was using cmd.exe, and then calling win-git's bash

Attached: vimtest.webm (1050x629, 1.13M)

Emacs with tramp allows seamless editing over ssh. You can even browse files using dired, or swawn a shell.

Running a local vim isn't a problem, I am having issues running vim over ssh (with or without) tmux.

what's wrong with putty? that was the gold standard for years

ok. I think the git for windows's bash works

Ok. It seems fine now. The only last thing that is quite annoying is that (over ssh) in tmux, in vim, when I press esc it takes a second to exit insert mode. This is not an issue without tmux. Just normal ssh then vim and everything is fine.

Am I missing a tmux setting somewhere?
Is pretty good


Fuck off, what you mean is learn vim install a shit load of plugins so it behaves like a ide and then jack yourself off on the internet about it.
OP, mount the fucking drive on your system using sshfs and use a real ide like man who has hair on his testicles. Don't listen to these idiots.

Attached: 1553837818389.jpg (1200x712, 94K)

I do use IDE when I need to, with vim plugin, obviously, but vim is objectively the best way to edit files on remote machine. Besides, if you're working with a project that has codebase big enough to require the use of IDE, why the fuck would you use something like sshfs instead of git?
Don't be angry that you couldn't learn superior way of editing text.

:set nocompatible

By default Vim emulates Vi, which has funky updating etc.

ssh, vim and tmux