The "hobbyist" distro for ricers and the ancient distro for trannies runs Gnome better than Fedora...

>The "hobbyist" distro for ricers and the ancient distro for trannies runs Gnome better than Fedora, the one with red's hat cock down his throat

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>runs better than Fedora
LMAO so funny
Try harder next time ok?

It does, I tested it myself. Gnome 3.30 runs like shit on Fedora, heavy, sluggish, a horrible mess. It uses a ton of ram on all of them but even the animations are smoother on Arch(the testing was a while back because gnome is now on 3.32)
Fedora always feels heavy and slugish no matter what. Fedora and SUSE are identical on this. Bloated, overrated, corporation shit distros.

I'm not footfag
But fedora is the best distro for gnome DE

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>GNOME 3.30
>while back
Your test is old and doesn't reflect the present. GNOME on Fedora 30 is the best GNOME implementation ever. Pic related. No stutter, no lag no problems.
>Bloated and overrated
you just described Arch

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>better than Fedora
>red's hat cock down his throat
you're funny, red hat literally pays to fedora while fedora is just a community project for upstream technologies. Arch is literally the same still helping downstream like red hat with patches, but without getting paid.
To me it sounds like arch is in the inferior position

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I don't understand Fedora posters with 1500+packages implying that Arch is bloat

Fedora is a test distro. It doesn't have to be good. Gnome is also made by retards.

the gnome task manager shows used + cached memory that is why it appears to be using more memory
>package count is bloat

What are you doing with your distro that requires 1600 packages?

Clearly nothing important with that ancient hardware, fedora bloated AF.

Using 517 of them to shitpost here

That's still 500 over my package count and I can also shitpost.

I have i3, Ardour, Firefox, Krita, GoDot, OBS, Kdenlive, Dolphin, Ktorrent and the entirety of the ladspa and lv2 plugins, and I only manage to hit 843. Your distro is bloated as fuck.


if you installed libre office and gimp still under 1000. i just don't understand 1200 packages clean distro install...

> Compares number of packages on different distributions
you dumb retard please kys

everyone knows that arch packs several packages into a single one.
Your distro is bloat containing all development and documentation files of a library in one single bloated package even though you only would need the runtime.

Ho ho ho ha ha, ho ho ho he ha. 'Ello, my old chum. I’m gnot an gnelf. I’m gnot a goblin. I’m a gnome. And you’ve been, GNOMED!!!

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using fedora for few months wants me to go with debian again
and i hate debian more than the next guy

any debian (yes, ubuntu as well) derivate makes me puke
any fedora derivate is pure hell (yes, even centos or rhel)
most of customers I support at work have to run SAP, for which suse was the go-to OS for a long time... opensuse, sles is at least acceptable, throwing mandriva on some old pc that my dad uses for literally browsing 4 sites all over + spotify and i've heard no complaints at all

but being on a bleeding edge for personal use is the only way for me to go, so I either get pacman with systemd cock in your ass or gentoo (and i'm way too lazy to deal with portage)

so here we are, pic kinda related

>> ...
why do people care about number of packages so much?

kde (plasma), gnome... it all looks aesthetic as fuck, but a pain to deal with.. thank we have old good "oh noez dead project" xfce

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> 1200 packages clean distro install
its not our fault if you can't manage to do a minimal fedora install just because the distro doesnt force you to

>ITT: Archfags coping hard

> why do people care about number of packages so much?

because they think its a meaningful scale for the "bloat" of a distro even when its not

Package count means nothing you fucking arch cretins you literary have nothing meaningful to say against Fedora so you just go >haha faggot my arch setup has less packages
Guess what!
Nobody fucking cares you neanderthals, go brick computers somewhere else you attention whores, nobody cares about your i3 rice with anime wallpaper

Faggot. Arch doesn't split packages like most distros so take your faggotry somewhere else.