going to study data science, should i buy a macbook or a thinkpad? do i need a dual boot with some linux distro?
Going to study data science, should i buy a macbook or a thinkpad? do i need a dual boot with some linux distro?
What laptop you purchase doesn't matter. You're going to be a SAP monkey.
they both have the same hardware, who cares.
might as well get the macbook since it's objectively more aesthetic and the defacto these days.
ignore neckbeard sysadmins telling you to get a thinkpad
why the fuck would you need linux for data science?
Isn't data science just excel and a bit of matlab?
No it's mostly python these days.
>you should buy a macbook because everyone else is doing it
install gentoo
Just buy some Lenovo laptop. Doesn't have to be a ThinkPad. You won't get fucked in the ass by Applel's pricing, and won't get harassed by ThinkPad supremacists.
you can code python in the python IDLE. I mean using linux for this will not make a difference. Unless you think you need to use linux sometime in the future.
For analysis, probably. For interacting with it, gathering it, etc I'm sure they program or whatever.
Not that there's any reason to use Linux for anything, though.
What does he care about pricing when it's a drop in the bucket on his federal loan.
buy a macbook and install gentoo on it
>you can code python in the python IDLE.
Only if you hate yourself. Use Vscode at least jesus.
Buy macbook and dualboot gentoo
I guess that answer OP's question then.
In saying that. If you want to save money linux is the way to go.
Get a laptop from 2011-2013 era for like $50-$150, chuck some more RAM at it get an SSD and get some decent cloud storage. I know in Australia AARNET gives 1TB free cloud storage to students and you can also use their high speed mirrors for all your repos. Maybe there's something like this in your country. If so there no reason to pay thousands of dollars on a device.
It really doesn't matter what you use as a text editor when you're as student as productivity isn't important.
what is this meme called pls seriously for the love of god what is its name?
And they usually mandate what you use anyway, just so there's compatibility across the course.
death grips - guillotine
yea. My introduction course was a choice of vi or vim in a Linux environment which was cancer to learn alongside learning programming.
ML Engineer here
For anything not related to Deep Learning, my thinkpad x220 is more than enough. I put in a 2TB SSD and 16GB or RAM. For deep learning related projects, I have a Desktop with 64GB ram and a 1080Ti GPU.
For the price of a applel macbook, you can get a decent laptop and build a nice desktop with a gpu.
really doesnt matter. you might have to do something in excel depending on your school so i'd lean towards macbook but thats marginal. really your priorities should be
>build quality. machine breaking during heavy workload period is disaster, esp if you're a broke student
>lightweight. dont want to be carrying around some brick in your backpack.
>battery life. depends on your school, you might have power stations everywhere but you also might not.
macbook probably wins if you're ok paying the price, but i did my whole undergrad with a macbook and never had a single issue and it retained its value pretty well, so i'll always recommend it
Lol, I bet. But at least they forced you into learning something ultimately valuable to know.
Do people's universities not have computer labs?
If it breaks it shouldn't be a big issue as all your data should be backed up somewhere else...
If you get the MacBook you can just use macOS, but if you get the ThinkPad you will have to install GNU.
Of course, but that's fucking annoying. Computer labs are loud, uncomfortable, and the machines are not the best.
Laptop you can use anywhere, be personalized, etc.
Why you would ever restrict yourself to a lab in the current year is beyond me when you can purchase a laptop for the cost of 2 credits.
OP I am warning you. Do not go out and spend over $500 on a laptop. You will regret it as it's a complete waste. I cannot think of a situation where you will need to use over 4gb RAM or use more then 8 threads unless you're running windows 10.
Put the money somewhere else. You will eventually find a use for it during your degree.
back im my time, the so called "data science" was numerical analysis + statistics
Incel. Computer Labs are fine, if you're uni is anything like many other universities then there's many places you can find that are quiet and have decent people. You've just gotta not be anti-social.
When I'm at school I study, I'm social when I'm at work and in my free time. If your school is anything like my university the lab is always packed tards.
Meanwhile me and other patricians are in the quiet section of the library on our laptops, sitting in comfy chairs with comfortable lighting.
Nah my labs are pretty good as they are restricted to Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering and other related subjects, and students that are trusted only get access. And the labs themselves are quiet well hidden. The Computer Science club here looks after them basically and sells drinks there.
Just write it down by hand on your notebook.
so what are you gonna compile your code on your piece of paper?
desu this would be interesting to seem some autist do this. I can see how it would be doable.
Don't worry about Linux. Hadoop Engineers don't let Data Science cucks touch the cluster anyway. We deploy their code for them because they're too retarded to do so themselves.
thinkpad with linux is fine
macs are also fine
t. guy who worked in both data engineering and analysis with a background in math making 6 figures in mid 20s
chromebook with crouton, great for pissing around with code when im away from the desktop. Cheap af and the battery is thiccc.
(used my acer chromebook for 4 years at uni)
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