>wake up
>dilate my new mangina with applel pencil
>alarm goes off
>time to go to work at mcdonalds
>pop in my airpods
>plug my iDildo into my iPad
>try to open car door
>it won't open
>never show up to work
>get fired and get kicked off my HRT meds because i cant afford them anymore
Wake up
don't newfags get tired of spamming the same three templated threads about fruit shit every day? when are you going to talk about actual technology?
>being this new
Fuck apple and based satrina poster
You're the one who's new because it wasn't always this way, you fucking faggots shit up this entire board.
>Apple good
>Apple bad
Nobody fucking cares, Anti-Apple threads are just as bad as Apple threads, the big difference is that pro-Apple threads are usualy ironic bait to get brainlets like you angry, Anti-Apple threads however are unironic threads by double digit IQ imbeciles who have nothing better to do than spend all their time hating a big fashionable company instead of ignoring it.
Unironically masturbate yourself to death you lonely cunt.
>t. Salty iFag who cant afford a car to jam his pencil in
Hate isn't the opposite from love, you faggots are heavily emotionally invested into hating Apple.
Imagine being this dumb, imagine caring about Apple at all.
You fucking children.
>ironic bait
It is sending out a signal that gives apple a data packet from all the stuff you'd drawn with the pen. That messes up anything else with the same frequency.
Apple also had a Thunderbolt port that blocks WiFi signals when you attach certain devices to it.
Signal jamming is illegal.
remarkable really, the sheer amount of different ways and things applel can fuck up entirely. Their like the Al Queda of personal computing
Thats a yikes from me
>>wake up
found your problem
Go drink some bleach, shit for brains.
>instead of ignoring it.
yet you are here in a thread you obviously dont like.
You may not like it but this is the absolute state of this board. Techshit is casual as fuck and will get worse everyday.
It sucks to lose Jow Forums and Jow Forums as a whole but is how it is. Time to finally move on.
>replying to yourself
imagine seething this hard
>wake up
>envy my betters that aren't poor
>envy my betters that aren't poor more
>envy my betters that aren't poor repeatedly
>envy my betters that aren't poor even more again
FTFY. You're welcome.
Bless satania poster
Doesn't FCC test for things like that?
more like apple pincels
>hate isn't the opposite from love
>wake up
>think of more ways I can substitute money for my lack of personality
based and sataniad
Did Woz design that? The original Apple 2 couldn't be sold with a RF modulator or paddles because it emitted so much.