im sitting in the tty on a fresh install like an idiot because i cant decide. Need some confessions.
How is mate? what about openbox? all we heard about is kde and gnome
im sitting in the tty on a fresh install like an idiot because i cant decide. Need some confessions.
How is mate? what about openbox? all we heard about is kde and gnome
Other urls found in this thread:
KDE is best !
dwm if you want to go full minimalism.
openbox if a window manager is enough.
If you don't like GNOME or KDE, then give Xfce or Cinnamon a try.
install gentoo
i3-gaps and be a ricer faggot
>using a DE
>In literally 2019
D to the w to the m
>full minimalism
based retard
Your definition of minimalism is autistic you smelly inbred virgin.
does it still krash? i used version 5.12 last. The ui was also disorganized like hell
which one has a good file manager besides kde? id rather avoid qt. can i replace thunar with something else in xfce or will it fuck things up?
tiling is annoying
If you had to go floating I'd go with openbox IMO. If you want a DE and not just a WM then xfce
KDE never crashed for me, but I've always had issues with it waking up from suspension/hibernation
Wayland is unfortunately not there yet, but yes, militant minimalism while using Xorg is ironic. Yet if you want to be as minimal as possible, with Xorg being an unfortunate restriction, then dwm is the way to go.
You can use every file manager with every DE.
Dolphin might have problems with some functions outside KDE (e.g. opening a terminal other than Konsole in your current dir) and removing Nautilus hampers GNOME's search functionality in the activities overview, but there are no major consequences.
unironically GNOME.
KDE, XFCE, Unity, Ubuntu Maté.
ill give open box a go. Either that or xfce
what file manager do you recommend besides dolphin? i heard pcmanfm is good
i use it on my laptop, its great but its not desktop friendly because its keyboard based
Stick with the tty
If you just need a WM: *i3 for tiling, openbox/*xfwm for stacking
If you need a full blown DE: (from feature-rich/pretty/bloated to minimalist) Gnome/*KDE, Mate/Cinnamon, *XFCE and LXDE
I've marked the ones I have had first hand experience with with an asterisk and I can recommend all of them. My taste has just become more minimalist over tine so I went KDE->XFCE->i3.
The truly based solution is to not install a DE but to pick and choose anoe yourself. Personally I use i3 with some XFCE utilities like xfce4-appfinder and xfce4-notifyd. I've tried xfce4-panel, and while I like it, i3 just refuses to have a vertical panel.
Maybe I'll have to switch to another wm. Does anyone know if any tiling wm works with a vertical xfce4+panel?
there is only one way to find out...
install and try yourself
you can have multiple DEs installed
i like i3, jwm is nice too
awesome and enlightenment are also options
openbox is okay but it comes without a bar
mate is okay
gnome is okay
kde i dont like it
xfce = shit tier
why is xfce shit tier?
i think i will try openbox
>what file manager do you recommend besides dolphin? i heard pcmanfm is good
Unironically Midnight Commander. Even tho it's mostly made for keyboard use, you can still use the mouse if you want to. If you use vim, I can give you my keymap file that has vim style navigation. If you use emacs keybindings, then you're in luck, because that's what mc come with by default.
>Having two panels is just much more efficient, and having hotkeys for copying, moving, deleting, editing, gzipping... is fast as hell.
>The learning curve isn't steep at all, especially if you've used an orthodox filemanager before (norton commander (if you're old) or Total commander (on windows).
>You have a great integration with the terminal, as there is a comandline available at every time at the botom.of the window, and you can switch between a shell and the file manager with Ctrl-o
Try it and never look back. Dolphin, Thunar, Konqueror et. al. try to be too much like Windows explorer which is shit.
dwm comes with a bar and therefore is bloated.
PCManFM is good. Lightweight, can handle your desktop (if you want to) and it even offers an otherwise rare function among Linux file managers, by allowing you to save view settings for individual directories (although you have to manually check a checkbox to save it). Personally I'm also quite fond of it, because it allows you to set a custom command for your terminal emulator, bypassing any trouble your DE might give you because of hardcoded terminal emulators (looking at you, GNOME and Cinnamon).
Nemo is also quite nice, with the big exception that it doesn't handle large directories (e.g. >1000 pictures) well. Otherwise it offers quite compact view modes (in contrast to Nautilus), can sort files by Date Created, supports extensions to add right-click context actions, can handle your desktop ...
It's noteworthy, that Nemo doesn't offer a batch renamer. Instead it gives you the option to invoke a custom command when renaming multiple files (e.g. Thunar's batch renamer via thunar -B).
make own DE with parts you like best
>install 2bwm or bspwm or herbslut
>doesn't come with a bar
>get a bar
>customize it for hours
Whats your point autistic faggot
>using a DE
>using a WM
links on tty1, tmux with a status page on tty2. irssi in full screen on a tab.
Install Xmonad
you don't need a bar.
post screensshot
easy to do wth fbgrab
post desktop. I am really intrigued on your setup
how does it compare to other similar ones like ranger? And ill happily take the vim bindings config please :)
is it posible to browse the web or watch videos? noob question... but if the answer is yes then i could give the tty life a try, i do enjoy the command line
you can watch framebuffer videos through mpv, but it's a bit janky as it basically overlays the video on the screen. You can move the video around with a commandline argument in mpv, but imagine having to do that every single time is a bit jank.
Also websites just don't like to work with links, namely anything with bloaty amounts of javascript or recaptcha. You can use the audio captcha through the terminal if it supports it.
its dwm with the bar disabled. You literally don't need it. use CLI programs that accomplish all of the things you want, and have them auto start.
>its great but its not desktop friendly because its keyboard based
Fair enough. Then I'd recommend XFCE
I work with LMMS and blender, i need the dwm bar
Don't use a DE. Install dwm.
how does it compare to other similar ones like ranger? And ill happily take the vim bindings config please :)
Ranger is based around having a directory tree and a directory listing, while mc has two panels you can use to show different things. The default option is having two separate directories which makes things like copying files very easy. Just select the files in one panel and press f5 and they get copied to the other panel.
You can of course also show the directory tree in one of the panels. But also file information, or a quick view, if it's a text file.
This is the keymap. I haven't changed a lot, mainly navigation with hjkl, quick search with /, accessing the context menu with m, the exetended commands with : and quitting with q. Just read it and change whatever you want. most of the stuff is pretty self-explanatory.
Read the man page, it's pretty extensive and covers most things.
pic related is how it looks.
use awesomewm you get both tiling and regular window management
thanks man. Whcih program do you use for music so i can replace rhythmbox. temrinal based of course
how does it compare to openbox
im a big fan of mps-youtube, but there are definitely command line music browsers that link up to mpv.
>thanks man. Whcih program do you use for music so i can replace rhythmbox. temrinal based of course
mplayer -vo=none
mpd + ncmpcpp
i settled on a wm, openbox specifically, because prefer stacking. My computer is getting old anyway i think itll appreciate it as well.
How long does it take to get used to terminal programs anyway? Everytime i used one i get annoyed about forgetting a command and give up
Last week I used Cinnamon for a bit in between ricing i3 in Void. It's comfy and minimalish but with modern animations. Great if you want something windowsey with no cruft.
u dont deserce to post this meme
We uh might start another shit flinging contest here but if you use zsh+Prezto it has some handy autocomplete/flag listings for common programs
The first time you do something on the command line it'll take a long time reading the wiki. man pages and forum post before figuring out what you actually need to do.
If you then use it later you will only need a refresher with --help.
if you use the command often you will eventually memorize what what option means, just like you memorize where letters are on your keyboard.
If you keep using the command or a chin of commands, you will eventually write a script to do it for you .
As for how log before you memorize it: on avarage a week, depends on how often you use it.
pic related is a little script i wrote for switching the video output on my laptop. if i ever needed to do some more complicated stuff with xrandr, I would need to look at the man page.
excuse me you dont just ge tto install the best experience. you have to try them all and find out why each one is shit, then find the least shitty one, then repeat for browser, for text editor, for file manager, for audio player, for torrent client, and ultimately, for distro
not op, but how hard is it to switch to zsh from bash, or alternatively get zsh-like autocomplete in bash? My main concern in portability of some of my bash scripts, especially my .bashrc, that prints a statusline when in virtual console.
pic related its the script in question.
Shouldn't be too hard, you can always test it by copying your bashrc to zshrc and starting zsh and see what shits the bed
just kdding the answer is xfce
Ok, turns out I 'm an idiot an bash-completion exists.
Wayland is here thanks to wlroots.