>55$ overclockable apu
>better gpu performance than gt 730 which is 80$
>only slightly worse cpu performance than pentium g5400 gold which is 120$
is amd actually fucking crazy with their pricing?
Other urls found in this thread:
no, they're just not jewing you out
no, they're just shit
It would be foolish to buy an Athlon now with the 3200G coming out soon.
if you want to both a) cheap out and b) buy new this one's a king, but imo when cheaping out you're better off buying used. For the same ~150 you'll need for this apu + 4GB DDR4 RAM + mobo, you can find something like an old 4th gen i3 + 8 GB DDR3 RAM + a 750ti and these used parts will beat the other build easily. Just a thought.
ehh not so fast user old motherboards are pretty pricey and the 750ti isnt THAT big of an improvement, i think its beaten by vega 8 if im not mistaken.
to be fair the 3200g is seemingly more focused on better CPU performance and not GPU and will cost 100+ dollars.
for some strange reason intel mobos are generally cheaper than AMD ones. Anyway this dude treats this specific subject:
The performance is obviously nothing to write home about, but it's great for $55. If you're building something for your mom to use to just check her email and stuff, it's perfect.
I wouldn't try and play any modern games on it obviously, but for a cheap low powered box it's perfect.
>dual core
buy a 2400g, even higher performance/price value
and no amd isnt crazy theyre just based as fuck and not greedy jews, it shows most with their gpus; the driver updates make every gpu consistently better up to about a total 20% performance increase after 2 years, novideo however gimps all older gpus with every driver update to schlomo more shekels out of you
literally 30 dollars is too much for my tight budget rn
Intel is literally paying OEMs to not use AMD CPUs and is skewing benchmarks whenever they can. AMD literally can't price their CPUs higher because nobody would buy AMD then.
Is this Linux?
>better gpu performance than gt 730 which is 80$
>only slightly worse cpu performance than pentium g5400 gold which is 120$
You act like these are impressive specs.
A nearly 5 year old ultra-budget GPU, and a trash-heap Coffee Lake CPU?
These are the processors cut from the wafer they would usually throw in the garbage because of the poor binning.
The consumer would be the crazy one spending money on this shit.
>samsung sells grade b panels to chinks
>works pretty well for cheap
>amd sells grade b CPUs
>works pretty well for cheap
so what's your point?
Still shitty tho for 2019.
You can buy shit for free its still gona be shit
>I-I-I wouldn't t-try to p-play games on it if I were you a-user
Eat shit faggot
This is an athlon thread, not an i3 one.
Got a one of these along with a b450 mobo. Would upgrading for 3000' APU be worth it or just pair the thing with, say, a RX 550, and get more mileage, gaming wise?
>rx 550
If you want to upgrade to a discreet gpu, save up enough to directly upgrade to a 580(8gb). It'll last longer and the performance jump will be way higher.
Amd was always the best deal in cheap computers
Yeah but wouldn't that be a bad pair with the cpu tho with the bottlenecking? I would like to build a nice little htpc with these and the 550 seems to the only one not needing a 6 pin.