Is it ethical to buy products from companies that use child labor?
Is it ethical to buy products from companies that use child labor?
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the country that gets paid taxes is more important than the company that makes the profits
who are you willing to fund
she looks about 28 to me, you shouldn't say asians look childlike OP, it's racist
those are 40y\o women
You mean pretty much every company on Earth?
>Asking Jow Forums about ethics
No, but we don't really have a choice. westerners get nearly all of their menial goods from the east.
If you don't buy those products the children won't get any money and they'll starve to death.
So yes, buying products from companies that use child labor is ethical, in fact, I'd go as far as to say that it is the most ethical choice.
depends on the working conditions/pay of that individual company in relation to the average working conditions/pay of that country.
that figure is for sweatshop workers btw
There is no ethical consumption under capitalism
I only buy products from unprofitable companies that are losing money, thus, I'm fighting child slavery.
Depends on your name.
There is no such thing as ethical consumption. Do what you want.
Vita vaita vegemin!
these are mums, not their kids.
it's better that those children work in factories and can have at least some savings than to not let them work in factories and have thier parents let sex tourists rape them for a couple dollars.
it be unethical not to, you're really just gunna let their hard work go to waste? C'mon man, don't be an asshole.
If I don't buy from them how will they feed their families?
>Is it ethical to buy products from companies that use child labor?
if you want that kid to have food then yes buy the product
I usually don't care as long as workers are treated okay.
she's 12 and smokes 3 packs a day
These and you can't even reasonably avoid all of this. You will cause some exploitation just by being alive. Whenever you can get some insight into the supply chain (if a scandal breaks out) of a particular company - you can stop supporting them. None of this is exactly straightforward.
if no one buy they don't get paid of course it's ethical
Knowing my shit is assembled by child slave labour gives me the same warm fuzzy feeling I get when shooting uppity niggers on my property I bought a few months ago in the hood. Its also the same feeling after making and eating a nice barbecue on the top of my roof.
is all chinkshit like this? thinkpads too? all my shit is used so no children were harmed
Your mother's inner child was harmed shitting you out and looking at your dumbass mug all this time
There is no ethical consumption under capitalism.
Sadly this is 100% accurate
You're buying products which were made by kids who get money to feed their families. Is that not ethical?
Or do you want them to be in prostitutions/die of hunger?
i mean u don't have control over that anyways so yea just buy
Nope but makes shit cheaper sadly.
Absolutely. They voluntarily become children, they voluntarily surrender their labor, and they voluntarily starve if they don't. That's called the free market and it's beautiful.
Se, mi hermanas es pobre y trabajadora.
They're essential. Essential workers!
Their fingers polish the inside of shell metal casings. How else am I to polish the inside of a 45 millimeter shell casing? You tell me. You tell me!
Is it ethical to buy food from Americans who earn $3 an hour and live in poverty despite working 40 hours a week?