Why don't these idiots know how to make a keyboard?
Why don't these idiots know how to make a keyboard?
Baskins robins
Based Satania poster.
REALLY made me think
Thank you
They can't make a rugged keyboard since it might be too difficult to use by their user base, namely women and mutilated faggots (trannies)
I don't think many mutilated faggots use shitty macs.
I know a fair number of trannies and they just use windows
they used to
the scissor switch keyboards they used to put in the older macbook pros were really good
Works on my Apple(TM) machine.
economic optimization of the manufacturing process led to the conclusion, usable keyboards can no longer. On viable, practicable, aesthetic and fuck you grounds, non-working keyboards are New Apple Now. Welc m t th f t reee, shits here to stay
They prefer to suck it
you'd be forgiven for thinking how after 40+ years of making computers, the keyboard would be a perfected part of the machine, not its weakest point. it appears that apple have been btfo for eternity, yet again.
because they don't make computers and phones, they make status symbols, plain and simple. form over function.
The keyboard thing is pure hubris, which is a pity, though Apple have gone in kind of a crappy direction. I only hope they can follow their iPad line with the laptops and have the MacBook as a sub1k mainstream laptop.
I agree with the butterfly keyboards, but everything else they made is super dank.
I am currently using the wireless iMac Pro spacegray keyboard and it's amazing. Previously was the iconic white wired version.
>inb4 name calling
They do, but their shitty "thin aesthetic" meme is more important to them so they create their keyboards around that instead of the other way around.
They do, they just decided to stop because being thin is more important.
> >inb4 name calling
Oooohh weeeweee if afwaid we weww caww you homowobic names? Awwwww.
Faggot nigger queer reddit macfag. Go back to your hugbox.
They used to know how to make a good keyboard.
Paid 1€ for pic related and its even mechanical I think, I can't manage to get the keycaps off.
It's really solid and feels great.
>Anime loving homosexual detected
I suggest suicide by castration.
Fuck me, it's NMB rubber dome switches.
The problem is jony invested so much time in his white room coming up with such an iconic keyboard, they don't want to explain to the investors why they abandoned it and had to make the macbook thicker again.
The real problem is that Jony got full control over product design now and Steve isn't around to kick his fucking ass whenever he shits out completely retarded concepts.
This is probably the most accurate post I've seen on Jow Forums about Apple.
Everything else is just meme tier bullshit.
based and butterflypilled
Dieter Rams retirement hit him hard as well. Good product design does not grow on trees for Jonny Apple, No, Sir.
Nobody fucking knows how to make laptop keyboards anymore.
b&r and fpbp
t. macfaggot
They do, they just try to make the flattest keyboard in the world to make their already too thin "pro" laptop even thinner.
They try.
They know how, they just won't do it unless Steve jobs yells at them and humiliate them.
Nevermind a keyboard, why haven't they ever been able to make a mouse?
>you only need one button
The macsheep has to be carefully herded, this in the sole direction you wish it to. They get easily confuse and upset when presented with superfluous choice
It's the ones with the low and squared keycaps that you want, those were Alps.
They're the type of people who piss in your cereal bowl & claim they added a little bit of salt to enhance the flavour.
Because the only thing worse than pajeets are dindus.
80s-90s Apple is pretty based desu
>carbon copies of products by other companies
Batman and Robin
>edgy for the sake of being edgy
I like the Butterfly keyboard. :(
Do you like giving it "oral relief" as it's been put?
Because their userbase (girls and sóyboys) need everything to be as small, thin, delicate and gay as possible
Most users dont care about the "feel" of the keyboard. It must be thin and just werk. The last good Apple keyboard is the 2011 to 2015 butterfly switch.
The touchpads are nice tho.
Never had to. Just haven't had the problems that apparently everybody is having. It functions just fine. I've only had it for a few months, though, so maybe things are going to turn to shit really soon.
>using a membrane keyboard
>using apple ishit
iToddlers btfo
>massive multibillion dollar company
i mean, say what you will about their products and whether or not you like them, or the intentions behind their actions or designs but a truly dysfunctional, clueless company doesn't earn this much success. it just doesn't happen.
Based Satanichia Kurumizawa McDowell poster
>bunch of retards coasting on Jobs prior success
>its all going down the drain
>can't even make a keyboard
kill yourself
Well it happened
Apple has been coasting ever since RimJobs died.
Jobs was also an idiot. He thought he could cure his cancer with veggies. He never wore shoes. He wet the bed.
Apple has never hired anyone of intelligence. It just doesn't happen.
Because of all the years of innovation, they have the best keyboard.. you as the consumer don't know what you want, listen to big daddy apple. Love me.
>operating systems are called apps now
since when?
Apple, where we strive to see how far we can go before people finally stop buying our products.
So were Model M's but those are considered THE keyboards amongst enthusiasts.
>fucked up so hard they had to apologize publicly
>only surviving because their usebase is fucking retarded
Many trannies don't even like men, they're just people running from the peer pressure from the far left.
But then they discover that even after cutting it off, the far left still see em as white males but pretend they don't.
its still undeniable he was a successful idiot. Now the company is full of real idiots
Oh, they know. They just don't want to. Normalfags seem to like thin keys and stupid layouts, so that's what the market provides.
its literally plain text
you could connect to an IRC server and send chat messages through command prompt
Wrong window?
You have to respond the pings the server send you in timely manner or you get DCed.
But in general you can irc like that.
haha you left out the best one
:^) nice post friend
Nice good shop!
They do, they just choose not to for the sake of the thin meme.
It's an incredible keyboard for programming my compiler
No they aren't. They're buckling spring that uses a rubber tip to slap the input if you want to be autistic but there's no rubber dome.
You clearly give a shit.
I'm buying a 2011-12 non-retina Macbook Pro just for the keyboard.
>i'm buying a piece of shit with a defective GPU and massive overheating problems for the shit tier keyboard
>I'm incompetent and can't take care of old electronics
Back to your childproof Surface kiddo
At least you can do real work on a Surface
really the jewel in the crown
kek i love this meme
Even their good Alps keyboards were made *for* them, not by them.
tbt g4 powerbook keyboard that was a great keyboard