Is this just projection or can you really tell who is following a hash tag?

Is this just projection or can you really tell who is following a hash tag?

Sometimes this doxing stuff gives me the spooks, and I'm not even involved.

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They're not following people following the hashtag though.

What are they doing? Using IP logs from various websites they link to?

Why are people that make threats like this allowed to stay on Twitter. The whole thing should be shut down, desu.

He should be worrying about his city's crime rate instead.

But that would mean acknowledging racial differences and then he'd be what he hates, so he won't.

hey fucking retard. it clearly says that the nazis are the ones who are following a hash tag so when one gets doxed, everyone can see it in the feed. because that's where it's posted. you're fucking braindead. Lol.

Well, nobody reports then and even when they do Twitter doesn't do anything. I've been following this closely and they've doxed around 75 people over the last two months, although so far I haven't seen anything like them hacking using IP logs. They're just decent at finding people's information and using small clues to narrow people down.

im so scared

I don't think you understood the question.

what did Jow Forums do this time


>Down with the fascists!
>Proceeds to forcibly suppress any opposition through direct personal threats.
Wew lad.

If leftists had any self-awareness they wouldn't be leftists.

>he thinks fascism and authoritarianism are synonyms

the paradox of tolerance isn't exactly a new concept

Its almost like the platform has some kind of incredibly obvious agenda.

You're thinking of the actual definition of the word, which would make sense. Unfortunately they've stretch it to encompass far beyond what it actually is judging by those who they label with it.

It's not authoritarianism that they oppose. It's right wing ideologies. For instance, any ideology that rejects equality or egalitarianism.

This is called bluffing, user. Identity Europa is an organization of people who don't hide their names or faces. You can't dox people who are openly members of a political organization.
This is some nobody retard Antifa wanna be making empty threats to virtue signal.

theyre not able to tell anything like that nor are they claiming to. theyre just trying to intimidate people who might be viewing the hashtag with threats of doxxing.

>thinks censorship and violence are authoritarian
KYS fucking commie

Did you just have a stroke?

yeah i had a stroke, and busted on your mom. Go back to Belarus.

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Twitter users are pretty bad at OpSec. A lot of these faggots register their DNS of their shitty domains with their actual name and/or address.

The funny thing is most of these armchair "Anarchists" have their sekret kilub meetings on reddit and run Windows PC's. This is evident from the amount of Windows-Base Skiddy shit that shows up on these subreddits.

Doxxing isn't hard. Just dont be a faggot and use your real name or any other personally identifiable information on the internet and you'll be fine.

Seriously just look at the the people getting Doxxed:
- Streamers
- YouTubers
- Reddit Users
- facebook users

These people are PUMPING information about themselves out at a massive rate. With Just a little bit of this information and some database dumps you can get a lot of "private" information VERY fast.

The left collectively chose to spam a word that has strong authoritarian connotations everywhere to put down their opponents. They then behave like this. If you don't see the irony, that's on you.

muh equality

They deserve getting doxed, fucking retards, go back to

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>are twitter employees illegal giving out user information
Yes. Leftists are garbage.
Its a political organization pretending to be a website.

>For instance, any ideology that rejects equality or egalitarianism.
Then they would have to reject their own ideology.

No, they aren't. They were posting all kinds of personal information in a Discord """server""" and eventually someone scraped everything and leaked it, literal brainlets.

>Popper gave me a license to subvert Liberalism
Fuck off and read the book instead of parroting the dumb shit people say on Twitter. The people suppressing their opposition through threats and violence are the ones open society can't tolerate and stay open.

Anyone who gets doxxed, deserves to get doxxed. Change my mind

Ah yes, the Twitter company, which uses a traditional capitalist business structure of executives being paid magnitudes more than the workers, is somehow leftist

I swear you guys don't know what actual leftism is and just label random neoliberal/idpol shit as leftist despite the fact that there's no worker ownership of the means of production. Y'all probably unironically think "socialism is when the government does stuff"

Just wait until you find out that Karl Marx said "Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary"

>the Twitter company, which uses a traditional capitalist business structure of executives being paid magnitudes more than the workers, is somehow leftist
What's next, you're gonna tell us Google is right-leaning and YouTube is a mouthpiece for neo nazis?

You're fully transparent

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>paying any attention to online drama and garbage
I'm a white nationalist and I visit Jow Forums like once a month. I don't go on any social media sites. I actually have a job and a family and technology is enough of a hobby as it is. Don't be a retard and you won't have problems. I'm practically undoxxable because my digital footprint is the size of a grain of rice. Stop posting edgy shit in glownigger honeypots like Discord and you won't get v&.

Communism is fake and gay. Not even commies care about what Marx said, because he was a hippy and a faggot, and none of his idiotic ramblings can be applied to the real world. Any and all communist ideologies are a thin facade over the "gibs me dat" mentality of spoiled brats who haven't worked a day in their lives. You aren't a revolutionary. You're a weak bitch demanding handouts.

do you not know how hashtags work?

what do you expect? most of them are oppressed gamers. i don''t give a shit who you are but if you use botnet services because they're easier to use you'll get what's coming to you.

I destroy trolls so easily. I could be making big money.

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>Not even commies care about what Marx said, because he was a hippy and a faggot, and none of his idiotic ramblings can be applied to the real world.

he was red pilled about niggers though.

you can be doxed using any platform.

they catch people by using small bits of personal info, if you want to remain user don't post anything about your age, job, family etc.