Be random newspaper reader

>be random newspaper reader
>start noticing an increasing number of typos and double characters on words
>realize that it started happening a while after Applel started selling computers with that retarded butterfly keyboard

Attached: 1555174908162.jpg (645x773, 55K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Interesting theory, anything to back it up?

Youre girls ass

Take a timestamped picture of a newspaper with typo right now. You can't because your post was a crappy, obviously fake larp. Like seriously, how much a retarded virgin do you have to be to think it sounds vaguely realistic?

Have sex

Sent from my iPhone xr 64gb


Just some random words I have found in the first article I clicked today:


And, again, this is just the first article I clicked today. You probably don't understand Spanish, because it is difficult for a brainlet to learn another language, but you can clearly see the double characters.


Attached: 1530628344435.gif (520x293, 2.52M)


The savior of Jow Forums strikes again.

>Make retarded thread
>post forced meme
>post stale reply
Autism everyone.


cringe and bluepilled
based and redpilled


Cringe and bluepilled

>literally putting sage in all fields
You're doing it wrong, cancerfag.


>there are still journalists who don't type everything on their phone.

cool story.

what kind of shit publications are you reading if they're not spell checking?

>he let's some onıondrinking fagdev from cali look over his shoulder and, even worse, delete and manipulate his data

never going to make it

Probably just alt-right manifestos

Online articles have been having increasing amounts of typos long before the keyboard debacle happened. I think it's because media companies quit hiring proofreaders because computers could do it instead, but they just don't do as good a job.

Articles from major publications, including CNN, have typos in them all the time. You just don't notice because they're not the sort of typos that most people would notice on first glance, and because you're a pop culture dick sucking retard.

>what are computers
