ITT technology that bug people fall for

ITT technology that bug people fall for

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>basing your purchasing decisions on anything besides merit

Anything to do with Microsoft.

>think different
>they all look like the same stupid brick
what did apple mean by this?

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learning Assembly

It's almost like they're all computers with screens and are made by the same company. No wonder Windows 10 has shit design, you fucks WANT inconsistency.

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Have they even used that slogan in the last decade? It hasn’t applied for about 15 years now.

i use assembly frequently in debugging and dsl design and implementation. any half-way decent virtual machines have their own assembly languages and if you understand it then debugging becomes a breeze. the retards who say 20% of a project or more is spent testing and debugging are brainlets who can't into assembly. there is literally no excuse for taking that long to debug something you wrote yourself.

>CRT monitor
Not bugman at all.

Bugmen use CRTs for muh scanlines for their manchild games. Not as monitors.
Bugmen use fancy expensive modern cherry keyboards with custom caps. Not an old PS/2 interfaced keyboard.
Bugmen don't even know what a trackball is.

actually, bugmen do not exist.

They're different from other companies, like Google with their products that look like cheap toys.

i always refer to east asians as bug people because they live in cramped cities and they move in big crowds gracefully, like they have antennae to navigate around each other. it's not a pejorative, i'm very impressed by insects.

>using a CRT for an actual reason that can't be replicated with anything else and not just because it's old is somehow a "bugman" thing
Kys, retarded Jow Forums hipster. Tell me why you would want to use a 480p box as your main computer monitor.

Is bugman the new meme insult that people throw to feel superior now that the NPC meme isn't trendy anymore?

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lower resolutions are simple to work with as you can write directly to the framebuffer pixel-by-pixel and still mantain acceptable performance. higher resolutions have too many pixels to draw with the cpu. computers aren't televisions and they're not supposed to look photorealistic, they're supposed to convey information efficiently. requiring a gpu with a jet engine cooling system just to display text on a screen is not efficient at all, it's a stupid misuse of resources.

what the fuck does that have to do with anything? are you writing video games that only you can play?

Commit suicide

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>Kys, retarded Jow Forums hipster. Tell me why you would want to use a 480p box as your main computer monitor.
Because even mid-90s shitbox monitors could do at least 1024x768 and any remotely high end one can resolve 1080p resolutions without difficulty.

They’re not practical for every use case, but before their prices started getting memed, quality CRTs were absolutely still worth considering at the very least as a secondary display.

It's just another way for anti-social NEETs to feel superior about themselves, they see a dude with an iPhone and make up a story about them being consumerist servants with no meaning to their life.


no, if you want to play video games you should use an appliance that connects to a television. having one system that attempts to do literally everything is never as good as domain specific appliances. if you look at a video camera it's rather surprising that it can get away with such low specs and still perform as well as it does. the same can be said about video game consoles, drones, self-driving cars, airport security systems, crtv systems, etc. doing any of these things on a consumer pc would require at least twice the specs to provide comparable performance.

lmao check out this brainlet

buy stax poorfag

t. iPajeet

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i'm guessing you change your car tires with a crescent wrench instead of a tire iron, then? do you wash your dishes with your laundry in a washing machine? do you have a silverware drawer full of swiss army knives? domain specific tools are always better at their job than general purpose tools. consumer pcs are quickly being replaced by internet appliances, i wish it wasn't true, but it's undeniable at this point. technological progress is no longer measured by what is best for the humans that use it.

I have that exact trackball from back when it was actually popular

Literally the only thing posted that's correct.