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Is there any reason to use Arch over Manjaro anymore or has it officially been BTFO?

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If AUR is what you need, then manjaro is what you want. At least it doesn't shit itself every other day.

I tried Manjaro, and now I'm on Arch.
I'm definitely going back to Manjaro if my system ever needs a reinstall.

It just werks.

Yay or Pacman?


or you could use debian and not have your system break every other day

Is there anything you can do on Arch that you can't on Debian?

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manjaro i3 kinda suck

Manjaro is gay af use a real distro lol

Meme faggot distros ask you to turn the clock back to receive updates, real distros just week if you aren't retarded.

>Is there anything you can do on Arch that you can't on Debian?

Run updates past 2016.

I gave Manjaro a good go the other day, installed it on a ThinkPad W540, pure Intel hardware, even the SSD is an Intel SSD.

Of course it worked great for all of 17 minutes, then it froze up. Literally, even the fucking power button on the laptop wouldn't respond and I have to remove it from the dock and pull the battery.

Got it up and running again a few minutes later, 9 minutes into the desktop it did it again.

I hate it when that kind of shit happens so I reinstalled it again clean, did the updates, got 14 minutes into it and the fucking machine froze up again the same way.

I've been using Linux distros since the original Debian release (and I do mean the original one so long ago) and I've tested out several hundred distros over the years and had issues of all kinds with them from shit not working to updates never updating to anything you can imagine.

But I've never had a Linux distro freeze up my fuckin' 'puter so hard even the power button won't shut it off when I hold it for 4+ seconds, that's pretty fucked up.

And I just love how everyone says Manjaro just werks/works/werx/worx/what-the-fuck-ever.

Laptop has no issues, 32GB of RAM in it, tested extensively with memtest86+, absolutely nothing wrong with it, Liquid Metal thermal compound, at full load on the CPU and Quadro GPU I see temps of about 65C max, so it ain't a heat issue.

"It just works...", that's pretty fucking funny. No other distro does that shit, so there's something funky about the latest Manjaro release in my experience. I really wish it did just work but I'm not gonna spend days attempting to troubleshoot those hard locks, fuck that.

not being a zoomer, but arch is shit and manjaro is even shittier though

Use Debian sid.

Run updates past 2017

>Arch is bad because it's unstable
>Instead run the bleeding edge of Debian which is significantly more unstable than Arch and has absolutely no testing
Are you fucking kidding?

I’ve distro hopped for years, arch has unironically been the most stable distro. I managed to destroy Debian and Ubuntu within a few months, arch has lasted over a year now.

>downloading packages from unvetted maintainers on a free-for-all repository

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I don’t sun gwt the Manjaro hate. Seems to be a lot of dust in the wind.

The default manjaro images are somewhat bloated. For example, it eats up 1.3 gb of ram with gnome, while on my current arch install it's around 600mb. I guess manjaro architect should let me reduce that. I'll try it if my arch install ever breaks.

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Manjaro is funnily enough less stable in my experience than the notoriously (though pretty undeservedly so) unstable Arch.
>If AUR is what you need, then manjaro is what you want.
Wtf does this even mean?


No idea, half the time people complain about aur packages, it ends with 'nvm, it was because I was using manjaro'
Aur packages aren't made with manjaro in mind

arch has the "experience" of installing, i guess

there's nothing difficult about installing arch
even if it takes you an extra 10 minutes, what's 10 minutes for an installation that will last you many years?

That's correct.
Archtards are basically NPCs copypasting wiki commands, thinking this is a noteworthy achievement.

Well it's more difficult than your typical distro, that's probably what is meant by that.

It isn't. You do the exact same things as every other distro.

You click next next next on the gui while it does everything for you? Wow, times have really changed from when I used Arch, you had to do that manually back then without any installer

What is the difference between entering it manually and using a GUI? It does the exact same things.

One is significantly easier for the user to do. It's like building a shelf from parts following an IKEA guide or having someone build the shelf for you. Technically the process is the same and because of that it's in a way just as hard to assemble it, but for the user it's easier to have someone do it for you.

>7 hours
filthy casual

spacing cancer

Manjaro conflicts me. Its a solid noobie distro, I just wish it wasnt based on arch. Having the two distros muddies the waters for reports, manjaro niggas think they run arch and get confused when things don't work that would otherwise work on arch
Arch masterrace plebs who don't want to manage their own systems can gtfo

lmao arch niggers test packages for free

>solid noobie distro
Literally every Linux help thread by a newbie is about Manjaro.

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sure out of the box its not the best but it was pretty intuitive for a relatively not a tech savvy person like me and i got it customized and riced to my liking very quickly as manjaro comes with the same software i would have installed to do said customization in the first place

It runs pretty fast imo and it just feels good.Also the hardware compatibility with my perticular machine is pretty good.
But hey , everyone has their testes so i can't judge