Yaourt, yay or pacman?

Which one to choose and why?

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pacman and yay ! :)


Yaourt is a wrapper of pacman. Same syntax and everything

This thread is evidence of why arch fags are retarded

yaourt has been discontinued and forgotten for a long time, so at least the choice is easier.
That said, you're doing something wrong if you need an AUR helper to keep dependencies from breaking.


pacman and pikaur


Yaourt and yay are literally deprecated. Drop ot already.

It's 2019 now and people still consider yaourt as an option ? Holy.
I remember pacaur superseded yaourt years ago.

Yaourt has been dead for a long time now, use Trizen or something

USE flags.

yaourt is the one not being updated. Everyone jumped to yay since it's pacman wrapped with a few neat options and easy as fuck to use.

I use trizen for aur stuff, but it's best to use as little aur stuff as possible. I should probably actually use guix or nix for anything not in the normal repos now that I'm thinking about it. I don't put Arch on new stuff anymore, but it's still on a few machines from the past and it works fine enough to leave alone for now.

based af

i use this and it works. have not tried other yaourt or yay


I miss when you actually had to learn to use the AUR

Attached: sayob_wip.png (417x557, 73K)

Why bother at that point. May as well just do it yourself if it’s not easy.


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I was learning Arch over the last year, found out about yay only a month ago because I never conceived that there would be an AUR helper.
Learned a lot though.



You still need to learn though. AUR helpers aren't gonna work all the time.
The people who can't use AUR without helpers are cancer.


i don't think they hang around here
more likely reddit or their irc


you rarely if ever need the first two

apt because fuck you

>"""learn""" how to git clone and makepkg
