Thoughts on this thing? Worth the price or overpriced scam?

Thoughts on this thing? Worth the price or overpriced scam?

Attached: shell-l5-1.png (421x881, 276K)

Other urls found in this thread:

It's a scam for bugmen to whom the idea of putting their fucking phone away when running important errands is a completely alien concept.

Haven't had a phone since the Snowden leaks in 2013.
I have preordered this and am pretty stoked.
People complaining that it doesn't have 12 cameras or whatever are retarded.
That you'll be able to install any compatible GNU OS on it is novel and important in it"s own right - Freedom aside, this is what all smartphones should have been like from the very beginning.

Unironically this.

You are being monetized and spied upon. A phone like this is a step closer to freedom.

I like the concept of a smartphone with good privacy features and running pure Linux.
The issue is that the software running on it looks super laggy and not optimised at all. It's probably going to have majors bugs when it comes out.
After it comes out we might get a good 3rd party OS for it

It really depends on what you want out of the phone. CPU separated from the baseband, hardware killswitches, fully-free software, it's not perfect, but it's making strides to the ideal beckbeard phone.

Attached: Serial Experiments Lain 02.jpg (1008x720, 362K)

Well, now their design decisions make a whole lot more sense.

Attached: 1555463253056.jpg (635x633, 41K)

based lainposter

>good 3rd party OS
my dream is to put GuixSD on it

>modern design
>tons of compromises to fit the design
>not just making it bulky so it lasts long, like a thinkpad
get it out of here.

Why does it have a selfie camera if its privacy oriented?

It's a fashion accessory for virtue signalling nerds, not people who actually care about privacy.

Yeah, it looks pretty damn slow right now. I'm willing to bet after a year or two it'll get faster as its software is optimized. It's still important enough to me to fund the first version though.

The thing that is going to kill this is the software
Most Linux desktops have a hard time of utilizing GPU power for efficient rendering of things like browsing or the desktop
I’m not quite sure how they are going to handle making sure DSPs and hardware decoders are utilized properly which is kinda important for a phone so the battery life isn’t shit

This phone will not be a leader in any category. Libre software is almost always inferior in some way because it doesn't have the ((manufacturer's)) secret sauce code or documentation.

I'm buying it because I want a phone with tracking devices that can be disabled and a CPU that isn't backdoored from the manufacturer. Also, full GNU/Linux capability.

>The only modern smartphone you can (truly) own.
>can't buy it, preorder scam only

I've preordered this and the EOMA68-A20.
What other free hardware design projects are out there right now? I wish to support all I can.

Attached: eoma-micro-card_jpg_project-body.jpg (749x454, 28K)

leaving your phone at home when you don't need it is also a suitable way to disable tracking devices you know

either option will be about as useful considering that this thing is nothing but an iToy social media terminal rather than a real GNU/Linux computer

You are an asshat or a trolling asshat.

This is a real GNU/Linux computer.

Despite all the shilling against it, I am still going to buy it when my current poorfag phone kicks the bucket. I do 4 things with my phone:
>occasional web browsing
And this appears to be able to do all of them. I don't give a shit about any other zoomer garbage normies do with their phones nowdays. Also it doesn't follow the stupid trends the phone industry is doing in the current year like gluing in the battery and removing the 3.5mm jack. it is also the only smartphone that separates the cellular modem from the CPU and RAM - consider the security implications of this alone. Also, like linux distros it will get updates for the foreseeable future, unlike Android/Apple phones which get updates for 2-3 years and then they become a paperweight.
Why do I see this same line shilled constantly, almost like it is a directed operation?

i honestly feel kind of bad for them.
this is the type of thing that should be almost trivially easy in 2019- an age where Shenzen exists and the now-30-year-old Linux kernel is being used on all manner of ARM devices...
but of course it isn't.
i have the feeling that google and apple (not to mention mossad and the nsa) would literally move mountains to sabotage this project in some way or another.
if i had to guess, free phones scare tptb more than maybe anything else in the world right now.

i hope this is successful, but i didn't preorder one.

The usability of trustable physical kill switches vs wrapping your phone in foil and leaving it home are so drastically different that to compare them is just insane...
Why do the fudders think this makes any sense?
I don't want to have to carry a camera, gps, ipod, pda, and cellphone - I want all of these in one device as I need them. It doesn't have to be crazy powerful or fancy (I have a desktop and real peripherals for that) - But I need when and what it accesses under my control.
Free software and kill switches baby!

looking good so far

Attached: librem5.webm (320x180, 122K)

>touch screen input only
>barely any I/O or expansion
>"real computer"
>Why do I see this same line shilled constantly
because anyone with a brain can see that it's still a literal radio tracking device that can be triangulated whenever you have to turn those meme kill switches off to do pretty much anything
you're paying $600 for slightly more control over WHEN you are tracked and profiled, nothing more.
nobody's telling you to wrap your phone in foil, we're laughing at you for paying $600 for a shitty scam device because you can't just leave your facebook machine at home when you go out to buy weed.

It's not a scam, but it has fallen into development hell (like the Pyra).


people rarely want to hear the truth when it's unpleasant

>because anyone with a brain can see that it's still a literal radio tracking device that can be triangulated whenever you have to turn those meme kill switches off to do pretty much anything
If I was worried about the government hunting me down, I wouldn't use a mobile phone at all. I just want a phone that runs actual linux and isn't part of the google/apple botnet.

then I really don't get why you'd support this piece of shit that can't actually do anything that would make a portable GNU/Linux device worthwhile, nobody's actually going to develop worthwhile offline/tinkering applications that target this thing directly and for running desktop or console applications and tools it's pretty much pointless compared to a cheap SBC with better hardware for a twentieth of the price

You can plug a usb keyboard into it retard

what part of respects your freedom don't you understand?

Attached: rms.jpg (403x447, 35K)

Fuck these shills are fast. They're not even paying you a living wage.

you guys aren't even trying to hide it anymore huh. this is pathetic

I am buying one to replace my android phone, which has many downsides:
>google spyware and keyloggers baked into the OS
>little/no repairability, making it a throwaway device
>google botnet/bloat increases security vulns, and fucks the battery life
>limited software and security updates (OEM can tell you to go fuck yourself)
>tons of proprietary software
>using encrypted messaging software is pointless because of aforementioned google malware/keyloggers

>but use lineageOS with a chinkphone
While that does solve some of my points, it fundamentally wasn't designed for the device and still is not very repairable.

>then I really don't get why you'd support this piece of shit that can't actually do anything that would make a portable GNU/Linux device
I think you are misunderstanding why people would want this phone, I don't want a mobile computer, I just want a phone running free software with good repairabilty and security. All it needs to do for me is watch videos, play music, answer and receive calls and texts, and check my emails. I don't do anything else with my phone, so beyond that I don't care. I already have a pi for my SBC needs anyway.

For actual mobile computing I already have a ThinkPad, but most of the time I don't need to take that anywhere, making this phone convenient.

i think it's way too expensive for what it is, but i'm excited to see how it turns out

you can just turn it off, it has hardware kill switches.

in all honesty, user, it's probably just some guys in india or malaysia where 1.50 / hr is enough to live like royalty.

Do you honestly believe that? Those kill switches are probably just a placebo, and they just let software do the trick.


I want a phone that doesnt shit the bed after a year of use,
That is this phone. Ill buy the finished product in Q3 2019.

Well, unlike basically any phone that currently exist, because it uses free software and the hardware specs will be released and are thus verifiable, someone will actually be able to check and confirm this.
It's not blind faith and free software devs actually give me reasons to believe them.

yes hello I would like to buy a 5'' GNU/Linux smartphone to plug a massive USB keyboard into it
just put the money towards a blackbird and have something actually free as in freedom while you're at it with hardware from the last decade
what part of proprietary baseband and "who gives a fuck when it's still a literal tracking device" don't you understand you retarded hipster
>everyone who tells me something I don't like is a shill
bleat on brothers while you jerk off in a literal marketing thread and shout down dissent
the subjective struggle with non-standard ROMs is understandable but I can't at all get behind the repairability angle, this thing is still a soldered fashion accessory being built in small numbers by a company that will probably go bankrupt in a few years
yeah because this isn't the first time the industry has been deluded by a good marketing pitch am I right guys?

Someone will put LineageOS on it kek

I really enjoy your hot takes on these issues.
You should don a trip so I can follow you and like all your comments.

>yes hello I would like to buy a 5'' GNU/Linux smartphone to plug a massive USB keyboard into it
you can use it with a monitor too, supposedly.

>what part of proprietary baseband and "who gives a fuck when it's still a literal tracking device" don't you understand you retarded hipster
not a tracking device in any meaningful way, and the baseband thing seems like it's just because becoming a "real" cell phone would've involved selling their users' firstborn children to the NSA.

>yeah because this isn't the first time the industry has been deluded by a good marketing pitch am I right guys?
that's between purism, indiegogo and the people who backed the project. what possible reason could you have to care? why root for them to fail?

you are clearly either:
1) mad as hell
2) a shill

neither would really surprise me. i think Apple and Google would nuke a country of 20 million people before they'd let free phones be a thing.

It should be fairly easy for people to open one up and see.
Privacy oriented people might still like to share selfies with their friends.

With this phone you don't have to leave it at home though, isn't that the whole point?

do not engage with the shill ITT

I'll buy it when it comes out, pre-order is for dumbasses.

glad you've given up on trying to rationalize buying this piece of hipster shit, but don't worry you'll forget all about it when the another trendy freedom fashion accessory starts begging for money again on kickstarter like these guys did
>you can use it with a monitor too, supposedly.
indeed, it has a docking solution that converts it from a mediocre GPL angry birds terminal into a fully-fledged mediocre SBC with no GPIO or anything else that makes an SBC somewhat useful, totally the point of owning a GNU/Linux phone.
>not a tracking device in any meaningful way
every time you turn those kill switches off your location and data usage can be monitored and profiled, at most it might take interested parties a little longer to do the profiling, but pretending a smartphone, built from the ground up for violating your privacy, is not a tracking device is just absurd.
>what possible reason could you have to care? why root for them to fail?
because it's a mediocre attempt to exploit a niche market that deserves better than yet another iToy with a barely functional operating system and nothing actually going for it beyond wishful thinking, it solves a problem that doesn't exist and just serves to enable shitty practices that no level of freedom respecting software will ever remedy on its own.
you're god damn right I'm mad as hell, hipsters ruin everything.
another pre-order drone desperately trying to cope with opinions other than their own that don't validate their decision to waste $600 on a scam

Cellular communication is inherently flawed from a privacy/anonymity standpoint, no one is claiming otherwise.
This phone is the first that gives some more control to the user over when and where their location is able to be triangulated.
Just like connecting to a wifi network gives whoever is operating it some information about you, but you're able unplug your network usb or whatever.
I need to be able to use cellular phone services, but it should be on my terms and not spewing metadata to the provider 24/7.
Kill switches and separating the baseband/cell modem from the main processor make this feasible and it's a compromise that even a diehard freetard like me is willing to make.
Really hope they can deliver everything as promised.

Attached: horse1367647147708.jpg (455x608, 21K)

>ITT shills calling everyone who not shilling anything, shills.
I guess trying to convince to buy something that doesn't exist while pretending marketing lies are somehow reality is difficult. If you weren't so dumb you wouldn't have kept spamming this garbage.

>every time you turn those kill switches off your location and data usage can be monitored and profiled, at most it might take interested parties a little longer to do the profiling, but pretending a smartphone, built from the ground up for violating your privacy, is not a tracking device is just absurd.
there's a pretty big difference between "they can read some tea leaves and use their AI voodoo to figure out who you are anyway" and "literally-letting-google-and-apple-watch-you-having-sex-through-the-selfie-cam"
if you don't understand that you're pants on head retarded.

>because it's a mediocre attempt to exploit a niche market that deserves better than yet another iToy with a barely functional operating system and nothing actually going for it beyond wishful thinking
gotta start somewhere. it's hard to convince me that this isn't a step in the right direction.

>Runs GNU+Linux
I can already tell I'm going to hate this piece of autism. Pass.

Librem 13 is already a based laptop, the company has proven itself before
>only consumer laptop from last 7 years with a cpu that doesn't have a hardware level backdoor
If they can disable IME then there's no reason to doubt that they can make a few hardware killswitches work

>47 replies, 21 posters
honestly surprised you aren't literally half of this thread, but if you don't step it up you're not getting a paycheck. please sir do the needful, rajesh

it certainly gives you additional control, but you should stop and ask yourself if it's actually meaningful or particularly useful control. all it takes is a few lapses in discipline with those switches here and there over the space of a few years and the pieces will all fall in place, and even with discipline, it's not perfect.
>there's a pretty big difference between "they can read some tea leaves and use their AI voodoo to figure out who you are anyway" and "literally-letting-google-and-apple-watch-you-having-sex-through-the-selfie-cam"
the point is that either path is sub-optimal for a device that's being constantly shilled here as a panacea for privacy and a power user's wet dream, you're still getting fucked in the ass even if one dick is more appropriately lubed for your fragile asshole.
>gotta start somewhere. it's hard to convince me that this isn't a step in the right direction.
here comes the "w-well yeah b-but we're TRYING our best! you NEED to support us!" bullshit again. people are capable of doing good work the first time, if they don't they deserve to fail. it's simple as that. this in its current state is a pretentious fashion accessory for morons who only care about privacy to look socially conscious, all marketing and no substance other than some two cent switches.

I really like the idea behind this project, but the computer cards they are starting with are RPi-tier.

funny how all the "shills" in these threads are usually the people who aren't unquestioningly buying or outright regurgitating the marketing... makes you think. now refute the points we've all made instead of mindlessly bleating "shill" like an ignorant sheep in the face of things you don't like to hear.

also, does Purism know you're using racism to market their products? that's not a very good idea especially in the current free software community. you might want to clarify with your supervisor on effective advertising strategies beyond telling people who don't like your garbage "shit in the street pajeet"

>it's not perfect
>THEREFOR it's meaningless
consider suicide

Nobody can disable IME, retard. They didn't disable it.

>I need to be able to use cellular phone services
You don't. You can use email if you're dealing with some archaic people who still use SIM cards.

>you're still getting fucked in the ass even if one dick is more appropriately lubed for your fragile asshole.
bull. shit.
app level data is an order of magnitude more sensitive than herd-dynamics metadata.

>here comes the "w-well yeah b-but we're TRYING our best! you NEED to support us!" bullshit again.
Wow- you clearly don't know shit (or, again, are just a shill).
Purism is the only manufacturer of laptops pushing device firmware towards FLOSS.
They have a pretty impressive track record of doing exactly this. if anyone can get it done, it's probably them.
They literally created (and ship all of their PCs with) one of the 7 or so OSes approved by the FSF as actually-libre.

at first i thought you were just stupid, but now i'm about 99% sure you're an honest-to-betsy shill.

oh no no no

Attached: Purism Librem 5 development kit demo-2IiTru7ICEU.webm (1280x720, 2.79M)

Practically salivating with anticipation, put in my order a week ago. If the librem 5 wasn't an option for a phone, I'd rather just not have a smartphone at all. I could get by with a flip phone and carry a laptop in my bag with a cell network card installed, but that's about the only option for privacy besides being a luddite.
Also, ignore shills trying to slide these threads. about 3 months ago there was a massive shill campaign on reddit that spammed FUD constantly and advertised for thinkpenguin, was very obvious, this is the same thing.

>I want a phone that doesnt shit the bed after a year of use
My Google Pixel is 3 years old and still works like a charm.

I lived without a phone at all for many years and it was wonderful.
I am now living a life that requires me to have and use one.
I've been using a dumb flip phone which is everything I hate about cellphones/proprietaryshitware/surveillance minus all the convenience of a smartphone.
I'm hopeful this phone will somewhat invert that for me.

Attached: holycrackers1358469444188.jpg (250x250, 16K)

>we should all just give them our money anyway, they’re trying their best!
fuck off shill
overpriced shitty laptops literally nobody buys are not phones, no amount of regurgitating the same bullshit marketeering that was already regurgitated by some other retard further up will make this piece of shit worth $600.

I’ll say it again: fuck off shill.

Yes, but unlike the RasPi et al, it will be freedom all the way down.

>if you don't believe in my paranoid delusions then you also must be conspiring against me!
You realise this is how paranoid schizophrenics think, right?

ironically, this actually is a shill post. guys, look, he’s practically /salivating/ at the prospect of consuming such a based product! you need to join the movement bros! preorder now!

I seriously can’t wait until Purism eats shit.

Pic related, the aggressive advertising is off-putting.

Attached: librem5 marketer calls me a shill #aggressive#advertizing.png (394x698, 129K)

t. Thinkpenguin shill dept.

with all the hype around it, it can only be shit

>overpriced shitty laptops
totally fair price for the components. if anything maybe a small premium, but no worse than apple, and at least it goes to actual features that their users want.

>literally nobody buys
so are they just a charity operating at a loss then?
because they've been at it for like 6 years now.

don’t even know what that is and couldn’t give less of a fuck about finding out


you’re either hilariously naive, deluded or actually a fucking shill. go away.

6 years isn’t a very long time, and with markup like this it just takes a few suckers to keep you going.

Why would he be naive or deluded for believing in free and open source hardware to go along with his free and open source software? There are literally no other options for modern hardware which don't have IME or AMD's equivalent, platform security processor.
>librem 13 didn't disable IME
post a fucking source to prove that then you quadrilateral long-nose. This is the singular argument that proves you're a shill, because it's the exact same tactic your operation was using on reddit not even 4 months ago. 'IME is still running, IME is still running, NO I DON'T HAVE PROOF BUT IT'S TRUE'

Back to plebbit

The shill is partially correct, the firmware of the ME is gutted to remove everything except what is necessary to boot the machine, and then it is disabled. The NSAs HAP bit that turns it off is also used. Fully removing the ME on any post 2009 Intel platform is currently not possible. However, purism is one of the companies working on it.

>but I BELIEVE in it!!!!!
lmao, just shut the fuck up.
also I’m not the guy who posted about the IME, big name OEMs have been able to configure systems that way for quite some time and it’s not a special achievement, neither is it relevant to this thread, you’re just using it as a buzzword to deflect from how shitty your other product you’re marketing here currently is.

also if you care about what people are saying about your shit on reddit so much then just go back there already and damage control where it’s worthwhile instead of shitting up Jow Forums with yet more fucking advertising threads

>yet again no sources for any of these claims
The only time big name OEMs have ever disabled IME is when the NSA worked with them to accomplish that because they were supplying computers for a government agency. No consumer can get their hands on one of those systems, aside from buying a purism. and no, your shitty system69 chinkpenguin is not equivalent, shill.

whatever retard, stop deflecting

Have you thought of just not owning a cell phone?

>No consumer can get their hands on one of those systems, aside from buying a purism
I'm actually interested in seeing any proofs of purism actually removing IME.
All I remember is Intel (((asking))) them not to do that on Twitter, after which they stopped.

There's nothing, zero results, in the rebecca black tech archive about it, in a few minutes this thread will be there. I never heard of it and no one has ever discussed it on Jow Forums. Interesting.

>Published onApr 29, 2013
I-it's totally shills guys!!!

>Preorder special pricing ($649)
Ahahaha, no.
As much as I consider privacy important and advocate fir free software, but with this pricetag it's confirmed consumerist shit for tinfoilhats so they can brag about having a special snowflake smartphone too.
I'll stick to my Blackberry Q20 as a phone and any android flavor of the month phone that doesn't cost more than $200 as an entertainment smartphone.
Fuck scammers.

Attached: image_3.jpg (900x900, 510K)

"post proof"
see, same shit every time. these shills literally never have a source to back themselves up with, but somehow asking for one is not allowed.
disabling IME IS actually possible, but at the moment purism is the only company selling to consumers to actually take the steps to disable it. There are hardened optiplex machines ordered by the glowies, but again no non-luminescent folk are going to lay hands on one through any consumer channels.

Ok so you know what it is but I don't and don't care. Literally no one has ever mentioned it on Jow Forums before but you brought it up because someone else did when you were discussing this same thing on another site. I don't use reddit, twitter, or whatever site you normally shill at so how would I know.
I didn't click the link because fsf, lol. Fsf is a cult, why would I listen to cult members about some penguin or librem stuff.

>disabling IME IS actually possible
Sure, that's what libreboot tries to do.
My question is whether or not Purism actually disables it in their laptops.

Because if they do, I might look into buying one, even though I strongly prefer AMD CPUs.

Ok so the best resource on what purism does to disable IME is, surprise surprise: purism.
these articles are far more in depth than any other company which claims to disable IME has, and they follow the same method as what's already known for disabling IME. The first link's section on 'Field Programmable Fuses' is probably the most interesting part.

So if you can trust purism as a source about purism, (considering there hasn't been a shred of proof that they were lying about this stuff) then that should be Good Enough.™ But, considering how many tin foil hats you have to have in your collection to care about this stuff, it's understandable if you don't. Unfortunately, the best proof there is that they've disabled IME - besides their own claims - is the complete lack of proof that they haven't.

AMD CPUs have a similar system in place called platform security processor. Since AMD doesn't have incel's marketshare there hasn't been as much interest and there aren't known vulnerabilities or backdoors but
>if it glows, it glows

I was avoiding linking to purism, couldnt find anything about their method of disabling IME that didn't just link back to purism tho

>the best proof there is that they've disabled the complete lack of proof that they haven't
So windows is immune to all new malware because there's no proof its not?

>Not building your own phone from scratch
>Expecting privacy on some consumerist shit

Attached: really.jpg (1181x709, 127K)

>but you should stop and ask yourself if it's actually meaningful or particularly useful control.
Yes, it is. Thanks for playing.

why dont manufacturers put a small mirror or screen below the rear camera?
selfie addicts can attach a larger mirror on the back
this way we don't need a front facing camera.
wouldnt this improve photos because you're using the higher quality camera and the price would go down since you only need one camera?

Attached: Nubia-Z18s.jpg (1457x969, 318K)

>Worth the price
>crippled product for premium price
is this a joke? give it me for 50$ and i maybe consider to buying it.
