Whats a good lightweight distro if I just wanna learn C and browse the web?

Whats a good lightweight distro if I just wanna learn C and browse the web?

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debian netinst
but you already knew that

yes but no

>I just wanna learn C and browse the web?
Stop lying to yourself.

Just install arch.

C is dead. Learn rust, blow 10 dudes.

10 black dudes

Manjaro or Antergos

I hear Linux is good for that kinda stuff


Keep using Windows if you don't know what you need a desktop Linux distro running as your primary OS for.

Not throwing any shade on you. If you want to learn C, install VSCode/any editor of your choice, get a book and go for it.

Linux isn't a prerequisite for learning programming.

P.S.: xUbuntu/Manjaro xfce if you really have to.

install Gentoo, GCC and Lynx

You could install whatever distro, say Ubuntu, but the thing is this is a downwards spiral. You will forever keep experimenting with Linux.
So yeah just stop thinking about distros and jump right in.

manjaro xfce, cinnamon, openbox or i3

Windows 95
No but seriously you'll learn more by installing arch.

unironically use a debian fork like ubuntu or something. If you're dipping your toes in the water anything debian based can't be beat, because there's a shitton of documentation on it
>inb4 archfags bring up the wiki, it's shit. I say that as an arch user

i hate visual studio

What's the best IBM/systemd distro to learn C#?

Windows 10

VSCode isn't a visual studio by any stretch of imagination.

It's a solid text editor with a lot of customization though. If you prefer something else, it's fine.

Hey can some ni/g/gers help me?
How do I make openSUSE more lightweight?

Since we have a . net core, anything goes really.

Any Debian based distro + Rider. If you really don't want to use windows and visual studio with resharper and main .net that much

you put it on a ssd.

unironically debian.
Here's your first hack in C
git clone
./configure (to /usr/local)
make install

Why so many sources can only change the installation path before compiling? that's kind of retarded. Actually I tried everything and I couldn't get texstudio Makefile, or anything to install to /usr/local, it just kept installing into /usr. Everywhere it was PREFIX=/usr/local and it just kept trolling me

theres a reason why certain things go to /usr/local/. protip, its not retarded as you put it.

what the fuck is wrong with your reading comprehension, I never said that