Why do normies not care about free software?

Why do normies not care about free software?

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No sir. People have lots to do and very little time.

Normies are indifferent and prefer free shit if it's easy to find.

You mean free as in "free beer"? Free software is free as in "freedom"

because it has a terrible name that no-one understands and all the big free programs like blender don't advertise themselves as being "free".

give this man a free beer *clap* *clap*

I make software that needs to remain secret and I have no intention of making it public. Not all software must be free and accessible.

People want a distopian organisation to control and restrict all the aspects of their lifes and you don't have a gram of shame to ask why this fucking nigger cattle does not care for freedom?!

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look at that disgusting fat pedo kike.
why would anyone care about that slimy yid?

Everyone fell for GNU is Not Unix when everyone knows it used to stand for Girls Nearly Underage.

Free as in no longer in the dungeon...

No time to be a commie sry

Pajeet is SEETHING.

because nonfree software is more convenient

>girls nearly underage
so they're not actually underage? Disgusting

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>free software?
>it must not be very good
>it's just the free alternative to the paid version

People have this preconceived notion that you get what you pay for, and rightfully so.
Free software is arduous and requires a complete change of lifestyle to use and understand.
Explain to me how free software zealotry isn't a cult.
In order to understand how delusional freetards can get, one can look no further than the official FSF Christmas gift guide, which is full of 10 year old obsolete refurbished laptops and smartphones simply because someone replaced the default firmware with a FREE alternative.

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stop posting comic girls

This. And in my case it's even paid for with taxes.

Because Linux is not accessible for everyone:
Most computers are sold with Windows preloaded. To install Linux, you have to make a bootable stick, and then install the distro (create partitions, users, ...). It's too much complicated for a mere normie.
Not to mention that install Linux prevent you to launch software available on Windows (games, professional software, ...).

Only poor people care about free software, and no one cares about the poor.

because the movement spearheaded by the FSF and people like Stallman focuses less on actual freedom and more on orthodox autism
>"it ain't free unless it strictly follows these criteria"

> government developed software should ALWAYS be released under some kind of open license.
Change my mind

because they are normies

Free *clap* as *clap* in *clap* Libre *clap*

You're barking up the wrong tree, you should redirect your bitching to hardware manufacturers for not respecting your freedom, free software devs are in no position to provide support for every piece of hardware ever because: a. Nobody's paying them to do this and b. The documents you need to write a device driver are often not available for everyone

I installed proprietary drivers today and it didn't even resolve my issue. I am in a state of utter despair

>free software
All software is free for me, dumbass. Whant me to teach you this one (1) easy trick ?

Free software generally sucks, there's only a few things that don't suck, such as VLC and OBS.
Those are solutions where even the dumbest normie can install it and run it.

Most free software requires setup, config files, knowledge of at leash bash or similar to make it work as you'd expect.
Even then, it's often command line software, which is good, but normies are too dumb for that.

because you have to do some digging to find them as opposed to paid commercial softwares that are funded in copious amounts just for advertising/marketing alone and they appear at the top.
free software as in open source does not come with 24/7 customer support as opposed to softwares run by the corporate shitheads.
free software requires a lot of researching to learn it and master it takes time and patience and a lot of people don't want the hassle, they need to have it working straight out of the box because everyone has different objectives to achieve.

look at this whore ready for bbc

free software is a lost war...
but at least open source is the future.

>disassemble the software binary, translate it into a human-readable format and post the source on the internet

If normies liked, nobody here would like

"free software" is an abstract concept that doesn't make sense to people who have no clue how computers and software work and treat them only as black boxes that hopefully give them the desired result (facebook, vidya, funny youtube video) when they press the usual buttons.

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People hate being in control because it's troublesome and takes too much effort to do well. They want others to do all the work for them (while letting themselves to get abused and their rights trampled over). Similiar in sex; it's easier to find a sub than a dom. The rare doms you find aren't even good at it, and the actually good ones are the ones you pay money for.

Because we have sex

And *clap* not *clap* as *clap* in *clap* Gratis

Because they don't know how it feels without being spied on. In 2019, spyware is fine, while in 2009 we hat tools to remove spyware. They don't know what freedom feels like anymore.

Because they're not interested in computers full stop.

ITT: people who have no idea how much free software is found in proprietary things. You get what you pay for? Most important open source stuff, such as Redis, takes donations from companies who rely so heavily on it.

From memory MS-DOS started by taking free proprietary software and modifying it.

>free software is a lost war...
I don't think so, it's been what? Roughly 30 years since the beginning of the movement, and just now we are reaping the fruits as open source becomes the standart. It was a long battle but the movement is closer to it's goals now more than ever, and if it could survive the extremely hostile environment of the 90s it can survive this open source loving IT market.

Maybe to citizens of that country. I don't want my taxes helping pajeets

dell used to sell laptops with ubuntu instead of windows, they were a bit cheaper than the alternative aswell.

My laptop came with Ubuntu 14.4.
It used to crash every week.
Probably because I was new to Linux and was playing with compiz tho

The sad reality is people don't care about what their lives depend on. People expect "just werks" without the single speck of intuition or curiosity. GNU/Linux distros actually require you to read and use your mental facilities which people don't want to do even though they have the time usually. The very little time argument is bollocks since what this translates to is getting home from work and drooling over the TV or Facebook for the rest of the day. Another factor is that no one knows about the issue. For real. If the FSF actually spent their funds on marketing it would be much more widespread. And by marketing I mean hiring socially adept people to hold talks and reach out to the public instead of the socially inept Stallman spreading FUD in interviews.

That's true. I hate freeware. It's terrible. I always have to end up buying software now to make things easy and just work right out the gate.