Redpill me on Windows 10

Redpill me on Windows 10.

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install gentoo

It just werks

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it's shit

Unusably bad.
LSTC is Windows 7, even more bloated, but with actual bugfixes and improvements.

Both of these are true


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you need to go back
windows 10 is the best os

Probably the best option for 95 percent of users, considerring most people use laptops these days and most deb OS dont have great battery life optimizations.

Stop repeating what you have heard and explain why it is bad or your opinion doesn't matter.

>treats you like a child, even the illusion of control is gone
>the failed attempt at replacing the win32 API with the universal windows platform has created even greater instability and inconsistency within windows itself
>the security features built into the kernel can be downloaded as a driver for older windows versions
>now regularly pushes broken updates
>filled with telemetry
oh and let's not forget
>no actual justification is given to update to it other than "it's new thing but can be made like old thing with work"

i will admit that there are a few positives like being able to unfuck windows long path handling without prefixing everything with \\?\
but overall it's not made for the home desktop market
it's made for the enterprise market, enterprise being a pejorative, and it shows

Botnet Borgware

>the security features built into the kernel can be downloaded as a driver for older windows versions
How do?

install the enhanced mitigation experience toolkit
set it up
let the EMET service run in the background

there are about seven different ui styles thrown in, basically every time you right click something you may be greeted with a different style.


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well it works better than linux

linux is not an OS

>LSTC is Windows 7, even more bloated
Really? This is the first time I hear about this.

>enhanced mitigation experience toolkit
>Microsoft has announced that EMET will reach end of life on July 31, 2018.[4] The successors to EMET are the ProcessMitigations Module—aka Process Mitigation Management Tool—and the Windows Defender Exploit Guard only available on Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016.[5][6]

are you dumb
of course it's eol
it's done, complete, finished and no longer needed on windows 10 anyways

an absolute trash OS that you're forced to use because it happens to be the most compatible with most programs and peripherals

Vydia, Adobe Suite, AutoCAD, MS Office.

tfw SDE at MSFT
forced to use windows


>are you dumb
Are you?
Nobody's talking about Windows 10 in this reply chain.
The point is that it won't be usable to get security updates on older Windows versions anymore.
EOL =/= Complete or finished.
EOL = No support, death.

finished things do not need support
it does not need updates
it does what it needs to do to the kernel and that's it

Is shit but plays games and you can install a less retarded version of MS office if you need it.

>finished things do not need support
Death = No support is going to be given to the users because M$ is not going to provide any more support to the application at all.
Idk why are you being this dense, but I suggest you to seek professional help.

OP here, finished installing and testing. Is a good interface, but i'm worried about all that privacy stuff.

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Also, brokes my grub.

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I already noticed that.

I have yet to find a single proof of actual privacy invasion which isn't telemetry (which isn't). Even when people repost pics from the privacy policy like "we'll disclose your data to the government if we get a warrant" fail to actually use their brains and read 2 sentences before that where it says this applies to OneDrive. The problem is that ALL kinds of data on vastly different platforms and services under Microsoft are lumped together and labeled as "muh privacy" which is 100% distilled FUD.

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The question is, Windows knows about my collections of lolis doujins and will report me to authorities?

If no, I'm ok with this.

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>It just werks
But does it tho ?.

Except it does, in the big majority of the cases anyway.
People with obscure, weak and old/unsupported hardware is naturally going to be casted aside because the world doesn't care about them.