extinction level event is about to occur and the internet will be permanently wiped out. You have a 10tb sd card, what do you download and store on the sd?
Extinction level event is about to occur and the internet will be permanently wiped out. You have a 10tb sd card...
>You have a 10tb sd card, what do you download and store on the sd
the /his/ library mega and porn
all of my porn
Store mathematics and engineering information to create another computer and the electricity generation to run it.
50% of Arin network 50% porn
why would you ever load ANY media on an SD card? Dogshit format
Honestly I would just dump my desktop in that and keep living. I got wikipedia and some blacked porn in there so I would probably be fine.
>Dogshit format
in what way?
A few encyclopedias and maybe some philosophy books to cope with not having internet.
>store mathematics information
Loads of porn, dos, winxp+shitloads of drivers, wikipedia, techfag info, Fallout 1/2/Tactics games
You will be too busy trying to survive to play fallout lol.
PrimitiveTechnology videos
All the touhou games and some doujinshis.
im proud
Math information.
slow speeds
>we aren't in a mass exstinction event already
we still have internet access
Full dump of derpibooru and e621.
Survivalism youtube videos books on programming mathematics engineering and a shit ton of anime also books how to generate electricity books on acgriculture and farming and all of the above
what is funny is i already have this saved in my massive book folder on my hard drive
The library of babel algorithm. Leave other 9.9tb free.
>extinction level event is about to occur and the internet will be permanently wiped out. You have a 10tb sd card, what do you download and store on the sd?
>extinction level event
>what do you download
Id download a 10 tb archive of Jow Forums
>You have a 10tb sd card,
It'd die before I even filled it. Why not just use a HDD or SSD instead?
ssd/hdd are too heavy and clunky to carry around.
it's a high speed sd card 300mb/s+
I would download more ram
my resume and family pictures
are you dumb
My Collected Jow Forums Posts and Frozen in HD.
A bunch of books that I'll still never read.
10TB of porn re-encoded to x265, should be able to get about 30TB-40TB worth
>You have a 10tb sd card, what do you download and store on the sd?
Nothing because Etsy sold a 128 MB SD card from China & passed it off as 10 TB.
>extinction level event
Why would it matter to download anything at all? An ELE means you also die.