What is the best public DNS server?

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Why would someone do that to a gamecube?

What do the open source fags like? I'm not sure if I trust Google.

please don't hack me

Attached: Screenshot_20190425-202717_Chrome.png (1440x2560, 361K)

The one provided by your ISP.
Unless you're an amerimutt you literally don't have to worry about your ISP breaking your privacy because they're already making enough money. Can't say the same for these """free""" alternatives

Nice fingerbox.
Don't see many quads anymore.

>we are already making enough money
said no company/ceo ever.
imagine being this naive

Because not everyone is a smashbros/kart loving toadstool hugger.

So when your government comes to your ISP demanding that websites be blocked (for whatever reason, piracy, incorrect political views, etc) does your ISP laugh in their faces and tell them to get fucked, they don't block anything for anyone? Or do they meekly remove whatever is demanded from their DNS records?

They put ads and shit out on them, so using it is a no.

I don't live in the US and my ISP lets me pirate whatever the fuck I want and I never heard I single word from them. They are probably more than happy that I find shit interesting in the internet to keep paying them.

>They put ads and shit out on them
Maybe in the "land of the free" but I've literally never seen something like that here.

Someone grew up and quit playing video games.

Probably because it deserves it? It's easily the worst nintendo console .

>It's easily the worst nintendo console

Attached: H2x1_generic_WiiU.jpg (2000x1000, 190K)

Ok, what is a good DNS that is not botnet?

Unless you live in Switzerland you're fucked regardless of being in the US or not.

Worse than that.

In what way?
I don't think my 3rd world ISP cares about me pirating stuff

>Only 24 NA titles (not including indie shit)
>Supported for only 4 years
>Worst controller since Dreamcast/OG Xbox
>Worse than that.

Attached: lolwut.png (236x246, 120K)


OpenNIC (anycast servers if you want pure stability)


Tenta DNS (especially with OpenNIC name servers)

But even fucking Cloudflare's DNS is better than google or your ISP's, especially if you live in the U.S.

I mean if it's broken, why not?

I can't argue with that.


I'm so sorry.

I wish I could change my DNS, the ISP combo unit forces you to use theirs regardless of what you set on the host devices.

the one your ISP provides
unless they're DNS spoofing assholes who redirect you to their shit, then use or

run your own local instance of Unbound or something and just don't send any traffic out on port 53. I guarantee you that ISP shitbox won't touch DNS-over-TLS on 853.

because its nintendo trash system

Use namebench to figure it out

Because the internet is ruled by zoomers that think Nintendo was always a nostalgia-milking onions company.

This user is correct. I also had an ISP that blocked 53 and did the same setup to reroute DNS traffic over 853 to another server. They didn't touch that traffic.

TPG extend DNS TTLs out to a week, so websites break all the time.


>Chad Tier

>Virgin Tier

>Literally why tier ?


This is the only correct answer