Are electrical engineers welcome on Jow Forums or are they considered subhumans here? Asking for a friend.
Electrical Engineer
gtfo computerlet
What do you mean user :)
>Are electrical engineers welcome on Jow Forums or are they considered subhumans here? Asking for a friend.
yea because Jow Forums is a super cool exclusive club of really smart people, i'd say nah
Is this sarcasm?
do you eat ohmlets for breakfest
You're gonna have a better time on
OP here, so funny :)
Not sure what you mean by this user
Can anyone give a serious answer
Can you elaborate?
no please stay on Jow Forums
there are arduino build threads here from time to time
EE is for gamps, fuck off
It's simple: Jow Forums fucking sucks
I code my own microcontrollers though
I just checked that board out and I believe you have me confused with a monkey with spare components and a cartoonish perception of reality.
Electrical engineers and engineers in general wont have jobs in 20 years.
good luck
Not quite sure what you mean. Can you expand on that thought?
Take computer science as an example: It's very difficult to get a job after age 30; the field changes so rapidly it's impossible to keep up
Not true. Only sectors driven by trends, like web development and security, suffer from this. Technology moves quite slowly elsewhere. Computer architecture, operating systems, and networking protocols, and databases change glacially. The skills needed to write enterprise java stacks have more to do with navigating the business than mastering some new frame work.
Isn't that the point of every high paying profession? You keep adding onto what you know every day. Doctors deal with that, so do lawyers. I thought most people knew that when going into STEM. It's git gud, or get left behind.
EE to CS is the patrician path. A solid understanding of physical limits is necessary to properly appreciate the deeper challenges in CS.
I have a question for EE or anyone who works with circuit boards. I was gonna post in the sqt but this seems right.
LCD monitor doesn't turn on. Power indicator light is on and turns green. No backlight. I checked the board inside.
>AC of 220V confirmed
>Bridge Rectifier / Converter good
>Circuit has power, 5V throughout.
>Checked the huge amount of diodes and capacitors, all good.
>Checked the pins on the LCD connector to the board,
>Couldn't find a pinout and no labels on the PCB.
>No broken connections, the Multimeter beeped.
Only thing I found was on the connection to the LCD from the board was the voltage was 1.5 instead of 3 or 5V. I'm a stupid programmer and I'm not sure what this means
In my town, normies actually believe the college for EE is better for programming than the math CS masterrace.
Something is shorted, which is why the voltage is lower than expected. There is probably a broken component somewhere and you would need to do more probing to figure out which one needs to be replaced.
Got my 2 year in electrical engineering tech and I lurk Jow Forums every once in awhile.
/ohm/ on /diy/ is probably your place instead, Jow Forums is really more like a tech consumerism and programming board
Not OP but also an EE, but /diy/ is a bit too hobbyist at times.
a deeper appreciation of that isn't really worth 4 years of your life. maybe if we lived for 500 years or so it would be
The other way around. You engineers shouldn't stoop so low to hang out with us. We CSfags are below you.
How do I learn how to program microcontrollers and shit well?
you're literally gods to Jow Forums
Jow Forums does not understand resistance, capacitance, inductance, power, or work.
Speaks the truth.
Nice bait retard but cs won't have any jobs in the future because every retard like you want make gaymes.
Er is the most future proof job.
i.e. electricity
Without EE you fuckin Zoomer wouldn't have any of th3 modern IT stuff you so conveniently use all day nowadays. Go kill yourself.
sarcasm is the lowest form of humor so yes
Sure fren
you can feel superior to every faggot in here
True Jow Forums is shit and have always been shit. This shit hole is filled with beta incels who believe they are smarter and more important than what they really are. Just leave this place.
no, the lowest is shitposting