Can am*ericans do this in under 2mins?
Special test for them is to guess every European country
Can am*ericans do this in under 2mins?
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eat my shorts, slav
now do the asia quiz leaf
im going to be real with you
i need to learn the smaller eastern european countries
western is no problem for me tho
also no way i could do asia
Poor am*rican
Hahan stuppidmutt you did it in 1:23????!!?,?!//:::111
ameircans so stupid
Regardless of where in the world you live, if you cannot complete this in under two minutes, you do not deserve your next breath.
Same goes for this.
This too.
Well, this was pretty ridiculous not even including the Caribbean states, but whatever.
Good leaf
nice proxy
>africa in under 2 mins
I see, thou must be a midwest niqqa
time to do what my us middle school teachers never did.
learn geography
I admittedly did it rather slowly
if you make but one mistake, you are an absolute pleb
This one's also ridiculous.
Nah, PNW whiteamoor. It's just weird to me that someone wouldn't know where every country in the world is by the age of ten or so, shit is not difficult.
That said, I'll admit I actually fucked up on my first try on this one and had to restart, though.
impressive, now try THIS:
Nice, couldn't find that one.
Caribbean's easier than South Pacific, in my opinion, since the islands basically just run in a line and you just have to remember the order west and south from Puerto Rico. That one was annoying toward the end because Grenada was totally obscured by the label for Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, though.
At what age were you diagnosed with autism?
I failed miserably with the lesser antilles desu
after 30 minutes finally mastered this.
probably going to practice everyday.
now to master south america africa and asia
Literal brainlet
Never been caught.
What helped me when I was first learning them was pinning down which are still French, British, and Dutch colonies. Once you assign some of the islands this qualitative difference from the independent states, it's easier to pick their positions out, and then the positions of the independent states relative to them is fairly easy to get down in a day by rote memory. Guadalupe in particular makes a good "fulcrum" for the whole region, because every country (and the one dependency) to the south of it is just in a straight line, aside from the Barbados, which is the obvious weird one way out in the sea to the east. Then to the north of Guadalupe, there are actually more British, French, and Dutch dependencies (the northern French and Dutch ones did not show up on the quiz) than real states.
This is another pretty good one, where you have to type in the names of every country in the world within fifteen minutes.
jesus that's ridiculous, i didn't get every country and spent more time. i never try to remember the tiny island countries in the lesser antilles and pacific.
There actually aren't that many of either, they're just kind of hard for most people to care about. That and I think a lot of African countries (which there are quite a bit more of) are where people tend to have trouble.
For Westerners, an easy starting approach to all of those places if you aren't familiar with them at all is to learn the boundaries of the old pre-WWI colonial empires, which tend to be associated with easily-remembered West European states, since thinking, for example, "Ah, right, there were those two weird spots the Portuguese used to have in the south of Africa, one on the west coast and one on the east," will tend to give your memory more of a jump start that trying to just cram a bunch of unfamiliar and meaningless words in there with no "story" associated with them.
The only reason why I remember Mozambique and Angola
A lot of countries also have weird borders, which can help you remember them more easily
i.e Chad
it keeps asking me to find where kosovo is but no such country exists
Your own government feels differently, but I know what you mean. I get similarly triggered by seeing maps that expect me to pretend Western Sahara is a real country. At least Kosovo has de facto independence (well, as much as the next burger puppet state, anyway).
Yeah, border shapes is also a good tip, especially for Africa.
the only reason I remember chad is because chads head in the "virgin x vs chad y" meme is literally its borders