Linux is good because you can create muh scripts

>Linux is good because you can create muh scripts

Meanwhile Windows has the best script program

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Are you actually this retarded?

I won a weekend trip by cheating in an online flash game. It required to press two keys alternatively as fast as possible. While it was easy to create, the AHK script couldn't beat the other cheaters. A C program using xdo did the trick tho.

Autohotkey has a delay of what... 1 second, just to move the mouse somewhere? Also, that synthax is pure sodomy.

Ahk is just easy too use.
In Linux you need 3+ program, to do the same what ahk can do.


Was it this game?

Attached: 2019-04-26 13-18-16.webm (548x400, 490K)

AHK is a fucking trainwreck tho
Python on windows is a better alternative, the only downside is that you have to use Python, but it's WAY more responsive

>Python on windows is a better alternative

Something like that, I had to press Q and W alternatively to make to dude run. Ended up having 4 instances of my program running, glitching the game. Everyone on the top 50 obviously cheated yet the top 10 still won. Based JavaScript devs doing such a shit game

you can use Python to write and run AHK scripts, and execute them within a Python program, which somehow makes them run much more reliably

It's black magic of the highest order

Well Linux Nigger can you replace text aka abbreviation?
replace Idc with I don't care, in 1 Code line?

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this brings back memories.
Me and some friends did so much fucking shit with AutoIt in world of warcraft. It was insane. Up until wotlk you could just manipulate a lots of variables which were not perfectly verified serverside.
Like you could just change x,y and z coordinates. The only thing you had to check is that you dont do it too fast and you only had to jump to "confirm" the change server side. This way you could go through any wall you wanted. Epic times.
Also wrote quite a few bots for honor hunting in pvp.

Attached: asdasdasd.jpg (1280x720, 195K)

line="${line//"idc"/"I don't care"}"

learn to code nigger

>setting some variable is somehow text expansion

echo fuck you nigger, idc | sed 's/idc/i dont care/g'

Are you retarded?

Yes, thank you

>1 Code line
>write Code with 2 lines


::idc::I don't care

which code looks cleaner?
That's the power of Linux!


What you're posting is variable evaluation, not text expansion. Text expansion is typing "idc" and having it be replaced with "I don't care". Not evaluating the value of some variable in a specific instance of a specific shell.

Are you retarded?

No, thank you.
1 is a system level macro, the other is not. They're not even comparable.

will it fuck up if you type midcar?

anything with more than 10 lines becomes an unreadable mess

>They're not even comparable.
but they are lol.
>Systems are not comparable

>10 words about 10 lines
That's kind of neat, user.

>::idc::I don't care
what is this meme?

How are they? Your example only works in sh, and only on the interpreter level. A text expansion macro works globally. If I type "idc" in firefox, it expands the text at an IME level.

I don't think you know what you're talking about at all and are just after attention.

>>cheating in an online flash game
>JavaScript devs doing such a shit game

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baited hard

Well it looked like a flash game but flash being depreciated for a while, I assume it's some JavaScript shit, maybe HTML5. I have no knowledge of interest in webshit

In linux you cannot even do everything that ahk without writing thousands of lines of code some times. And even if you can do the task, you are comparing creating a script with 5 lines of code vs a script with 50 lines of code - doing it on linux takes much more time.

It's AutoHotKey Synatax to replace the first "word" with the second "word".
In this example replace idc with I don't care, which Linux is not capable to.

i prefer autoit script and i also eat my own boogers

where can I learn it

Yes Linux is capable of search/replace, what's your fucking point

i guess it works in any context in Windows, which is not doable on Linux

#define idc "I don't care"

The fuck is your point?

not that user, but it's probably because sed works with actual input text, it has to be a file, or part of command input... while windows may have some sort of "current selected text box" variable which AHK can read without putting it in manually
actually, there's probably a way to do this on linux too.

Won't deny I'm missing AHK, but if the downside is having to use Windows, then I'll gladly abstain.

>flash being depreciated for a while
It still is deprecated. Hasn't Adobe even literally declared it dead a while ago?

Are you retarded?
You don't even know what you have written.

Maybe it's possible but every program on Linux is "possible".

It's "possible" play games on Linux.
It's "possible" run Adobe/Office on Linux.
It's "possible" to do word replacment on Linux.

But you need 10x the time and it's not run perfectly without errors.

Well it's not only AutoHotKey, there are more faults, look games adobe etc.
It's even a pain to install a printer on Linux.
On Windows you just need to plug the fucking cable in.

>more faults
There are inconveniences, but the inconveniences related to Windows outweigh those by far.

You remind me of a cager that tries to make public transport sound bad to a seasoned public transport rider.

i carefully assume that there's similar code under the ::replacement:: macro. it doesn't work like that "because windows"

AHK is a god send to the windows community and is truly needed onl linux.

Seems impossible to handle all those windowing systems compared to 1 standard one. The best you could probably do is integrate scripting capabilities into your chosen WM, but obviously they're not going to be universal like AHK scripts.

AHK really is pretty great. I'm using it to make custom hotkeys out of a separate numpad, I don't know how I'd do that in Linux on a global level since some of the keys are non-standard and are essential to my setup.

Have you ever used Autokey?
Is so buggy it's not even funny.

>wanting a macro to mutate global state
At least our FP overlords will show you the rope when they finally take over.
Global state is ALWAYS a bad idea. Especially what you are suggesting.

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You're not even in the same ballpark my man. This is an input scripting language, what are you expecting?

The future of input scripting languages is a statless REPL like the GHC fren

People have been saying things like that for decades at this point.

what's the appeal of AHK ?

>language is ugly af and unreadable
>only runs on nonfree os

Why not just learn a real programming language that runs on all platforms instead?

Because 1 is made to script inputs and UI element events, and the other is for making programs themselves.

AHK is a tool to make your computer use easier. Do you think people learn AHK in order to use it for general development or some shit? It's a tool which makes (human) input customization and UI automation easier.

winfags actually btfo

Attached: Screenshot_20190426_073153.png (1366x768, 82K)

You have to use the forked python3 version dummy, not the 2012 abandonware

What's your window manager theme called? Looks hella neat

Not even close to ahk

>i have baby duck syndrome
I forgive you user

Atleast on KDE it's piss-easy

Attached: simplescreenrecorder-2019-04-26_17.50.23.webm (1920x1034, 1.6M)

It wouldn't be, because the extra, non-standard keys on the numpad I have don't generate normal keycodes, they generate a very quick Alt + numpad sequence which corresponds to the character on each extra key. For instance, when I press the '(' key on the numpad, it actually generates 3 keypresses, namely Alt + 0, Alt + 4 and Alt + 0 again. This means you cannot bind to one of those keys with any standard hotkey functionality, you have to bind to a very quick sequence of (fake) keypresses instead of a single key + modifiers.

I also have it set up so that pressing one of the extra keys switches the numpad into 'hotkey mode' where each regular press of a numpad key is instead handled as a different hotkey, without interfering with regular numpad use. That sort of thing wouldn't be handled by KDE's default hotkey support either. If there's any way to do it on Linux it would require some custom scripting, like it does on Windows with AHK.

What are you using it for? Bind "le open my torrent folder" to a button or something?

I use AHK to switch default audio outputs, switch power profiles and graphics card OC profiles, switch monitor brightness profiles across all my screens at once and to be able to mute audio easily, since I don't have one of those keyboards with volume control.

Man I wish logitech wouldn't have dropped the volume roll that was in G110
Maybe I'll do my own shortcutboard someday, should be easy enough

That's just your keyboard being retarded mate, if you want the functionality extend the programs yourself

No thanks, I'm not interested in patching parts of KDE and then periodically spending time on fixing it when updates break it. I don't want the functionality since I don't use KDE on this computer, you're the one who even brought it up.

Yeah, there are multiple ways you can make one. I only really bought this numpad because I wanted it on the left side instead of the right, the way its extra keys behave obviously wasn't documented anywhere. I just worked with what I had when I figured out what it was doing and AHK was an appropriate tool for the job in this case.

In that case I'd just use Xmodmap to remap the keys. To solve the 3 input problem you can make the first input temporarily block the others by remapping the keys in addition to executing a command.

Sure, maybe you can do that. I haven't looked into it since I obviously don't run Linux on this computer. I'm sure it's not completely impossible to do it in some way.

You can automate Linux with xdotool and shell scripts.

Personally I use Ruby with xlib bindings though.

Autoit is better than autohotkey by the way. And powershell is probably more ideal than either. Also, I write cross platform Ruby scripts that use win32 API bindings to automate windows (autoit and autohotkey are just interpreters that wrap the windows API....)

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>actually bragging about AHK
The only reason it exists is because actual scripting on Windows is torture at best and literally impossible at worst. It's a kludge that any GNU/Linux WM/DE can do natively without needlessly affecting your setup's global state.

Yeah maybe we need to download extra tool aka ahk but that's better than everything Linux can offer.
Linux fails even on such an easy thing like text replacement.

Tell me 1 (one) good reason someone sane needs text replacement on a computer. There's a reason noone cared enough to implement that shit.

If you need to write an essay, replacing thats with that's for example saves so much time. Furthermore it's proof that windows it's better on everything that Linux offer. Tell me 1 thing that Linux can do, which windows can't.

Jow Forums refuses to allow me to post my answer, so have a pastebin:

>that's better than everything Linux can offer.
It uses a dialect of BASIC.
Linux can do the same thing in a DE GUI.
You are actually defending this.
>Linux fails even on such an easy thing like text replacement.
It does not need a solution to problems only Wintards have.

I wouldn't say it's bragging. It's simply one of the many 'linux is hard, please tell me it's okay to stay on windows' threads we're going to have today.


vim does auto text replacement...
Libreoffice probably does too

Im not trying to be mean user but if you use autohotkey to automate stuff you got to be actually retarded not to at least try gnu/linux. Install manjaro on a vm, trust me you will love it.

So basically, OP is to retarded to learn how things work on Linux so he'd rather use a half-assed scripting language on windows. Between xbindkeys, xautotool, and bash you can do the exact same things on Linux. And yes, using three programs is better than using one, which by the way, autohotkey is just an interpreter which wraps other libraries and programs so it's not accurate to draw this comparison anyway. Regardless, I use python or ruby to automate windows, Linux and os x, but the preferred solution on windows is powershell. Autohotkey is for people that aren't knowledgeable enough to learn how the OS actually works.

>shell scripting
>even remotely implying it's good
OK weenie

>seeting lintards ITT lmao

I use it for emoticon inserts ⊙ ヮ⊙)

sed 's/idc/I don't care'


I am a 100% Windows/Linux user, but apparently Mac (OS X) has the best scripting possibility/interface. Due to how Cocoa works, you can query every interface button, due literally everything. It's insanely good. We ran our tests on OS X due to this sole reason.

well, thanks to wayland you'll certainly never see something like it on Linux.

well, Windows is fucked the same, just look at dpi and scaling... and they do control the ecosystem...

* they could control


Don't even mention Windows DPI problems, I have a high DPI laptop and sometimes I need Windows only software, you can't really change the DPI because it's coupled to everything else, meaning you get blurry text and icons everywhere, it's a shitshow.

The fuck is this shit? Why would i use it over shell and some window manager keybindings?

Actually the best program for scripting is Apple's Automator, it's great.

You can do everything AHK does in Linux with xdotool and a bash script.

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which KDE version? what distro? theme?

xdotool is godly, I have a window manager-less thinkpad running chrome to watch netflix and hulu that I can control over ssh just with xdotool