I'm an adult!

>I'm an adult!
>I can buy anything I want!

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you can also deny yourself after all you're not a child.

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Jow Forums is a /v/ colony. Evidence:

it's just one guy

lol, you're probably the same kind of insecure faggot who refuses to wear a shirt because there's a bit of pink on it

t. trannyfaggot

>i'm going to tell people they're immature on an anime basket weaving forum, the literal brainchild of a skinny weeb working for Jewgle

>I'm better than other people because I don't like what they like
The absolute state of postmodern individualism

t. Colorlet

Bought a B350 pc mate.
It was the tamest, cheapest motherboard I could find.
Hope I can slot an R5 3600 on it in about a year or so.

Still has RGB but at least it's not turbo disgusting

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You messed up the joke. It goes "on a(n) [nationality] [artform] forum".

Like, "on a Taiwanese zoetrope forum".

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There is literally nothing wrong with that tho

And here I am sitting on a pile of thinkpads.

It's why I switched to Supermicro motherboards, server processors, and workstation graphics cards.

For me it's the Maximus VIII Ranger now most Mobos have tons of leds at least the high end ones...then name is a bit cringy tho...

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>Not buying the godly ASRock Rack X470D4U

Attached: aHR0cDovL21lZGlhLmJlc3RvZm1pY3JvLmNvbS9PL1gvODI1MTUzL29yaWdpbmFsL1g0NzBENFUtMi1MLS5qcGc=.jpg (1200x1000, 289K)

the magic of having a normal computer case with no glass/window

>ASSrock cRack XD 4 u


Pretty much perfect. VGA is outdated but the serial port would be very useful

party rockers in da house tonight

>serial port
>ignoring the fully fledged out of band management network port


Most good "gamer" motherboards are 250, what's your point user?

or get a cheap b450 board for 60 and buy pcie cards for any extra connectivity

And then your price is still 300+, and you still have out of band management.

But you sure have a lot of meme options for tweaking voltages and shit that doesn't matter. /

>I'm what you may call a professional. That means I use professional tools.
>uses linux and doesn't have a job

Reminder that black is a color you can set your RGB to

black is not a color

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shaming people based on their preferances.
these types of people is why im ashamed to admit to my self that i like anime

i feel guilt for my passions and i wanna neck myself for it

that gets me so mad, at least its class no grade. Most military bases uses normal office computers, how can people fall for that cheap lie...

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It's just a boomer making a bait thread. There's always gonna be someone giving you a hard time for just about anything you can think of. I can't say I don't know that feel, though; there's a lot of cunts that want everyone else to conform to their shitty ideals nowadays and it's disheartening. It's not so much about interests themselves, but more of a 'I can't have fun, thus no one should' kind of deal.

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I just turn leds off in software and get a nice blacked out look.
I don't even have a faggot glass case either so I couldn't give less of a fuck