Terry Davis

Was he as brilliant as people say he was?

Attached: terryadavis.jpg (800x450, 84K)

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Damn straight he was fucking brilliant. Fuck yeah he was.

yes. His IQ was confirmed to be over 130/

he bilt complier

Memes aside, no

fuck off cianigger

Yeah. TempleOS is tangible proof of his brilliance.

Yes I was

>tfw he silently drove far away to a train track and jumped in front of the next train approaching
he was too good for this world

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I see Redditors say that anyone with a CS degree could write an operating system from scratch. But I doubt that.

we lost a real G that day, God bless

Still no proof.

He educated himself on how to write an OS.
His OS was brilliant and unique but it was also unfit for most use today.
TempleOS lacked certain safety features and if you were careless or made a mistake you could brick yourself pretty easily.

However his schizophrenia blinded him from reaching his full potential, we will never know what he could have accomplished.

Speaking solely of the memes, he's a madlad genius.

Yeah if you use the most simplistic definition of "operating system" possible then yes any CS grad probably can. TempleOS is well beyond that.

Yeah but he was also crazy.

arent we all crazy here


A lot of CS grads could do a barebones unix clone written in C. What Terry achieved was remarkable. He created his own compiler in assembly for his own new language then used his new language to create a entirely unique operating system with a lot of new ideas. He also created his own filesystem, own rich text format, etc.

damn straight... even wrote his own compiler too.

You're bigger retarded than he was.

Any Electrical Engineer, who graduated from MIT, in the late 70's, could make a simple embedded OS.

That is correct, but I wouldn'y know about nowadays... :/

TAD's designs cut many corners, and the code is hard to read... A+ for creativity though.

What's so unique about TempleOS, other than it being made by a prophet of god?


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Well it's also god's third temple.
But really it's just interesting to see a OS that isn't another Unix clone.

>Managed to donate and sent him a youtube link before he died

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btw it was methods of dissolving into god and I hope he didn't take it as "kill yourself to meet god templeOS is finished"


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idk dude, although it wasn't complex he wrote an entire OS and graphics library by himself and it amounted to only 2mb.

That's pretty impressive.

templeos is shit and anyone with a religious delusion that he had could have built it

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you might as well have flushed that money down the toilet because terry never did anything with that money except waste it on vending machines, fast food and vmware licenses