PHP/Laravel vs. (ASP) .NET Core 3.0

if you're still defending this turd-polish that is Laravel, meant to "clean up" a language that was architected on-the-go by a fucking retard, then please look for local helium bags and pipe-fitted oxygen masks in your area.

give me 1 good reason not to switch to .NET Core now that it's passed the MVP stage, and ready for deployment on both windows and unix based servers.

Attached: phpdevsarefags.png (1417x700, 205K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>not using node desu baka

PHP jobs in my area mostly don't require a degree, while C# and .NET ones mostly do - so PHP is something to consider for a l2c self improving NEET.

Being better than PHP is not an achievement.

Fuck off.

It's open-sourced you fucking goon.

That wasn't the question. Usage statistics of PHP worries me.

The only valid argument. However, if I got hired on PHP and I know there's not too much technical debt to be paid, I'd introduce my ASP abilities and use it to get a raise.

Fx. our infrastructure is wildly complex (comprising of around 15 different microservices, 500k lines of code in total), yet switching was seamless because the general architectural decisions are comparable, but Laravel is really just trying to make a sad excuse for a language that looks like it wasn't planned at all (architected as they went, which resulted in speeds like pic related, this is not doctored btw, actual conversion speeds after no specific speed-improvement tactics in ASP), and it's suffering because of it. I like Laravels team, but the engine they based their shit on with was a batshit crazy choice.

ASP is the business mans language. Laravel/PHP is the NEET entrepreneur who has a dream that will never crystalize.

gas mask + helium. Now desu!

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Laravel (imo) has a faster development cycle

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All backend frameworks suck dicks and only Erlang / Phoenix are of any quality.

We were actually considering an architecture switch in one of the microservices that would require an Erlang MITM, primarily because of it's attractive immutability and functional paradigm.

You recommend? Obviously can't give details, as these are internal components.

>Usage statistics of PHP worries me.
Why? Webdev has always been a retard ghetto.

I took a quick Google search and found a Reddit thread where a user said: I've been coding in PHP for 7 years now, and Laravel for very long. I can't switch, it's too difficult.

Web devs are literally too lazy to switch languages because that would require actual effort to learn new syntax. These should be fired immediately.

I'm more familiar with Phoenix, which is Elixir (syntactical sugar on top of Erlang) but has access to every library in Erlang. But everyone I know who works with Erlang in a pro setting loves it.

I went from C to C++ then to C# to Java and then Scala and back to C++.
He must be a nigger.

>a 14.9K literal static asset being downloaded faster on .Net Core is due to the language

My god. We looked at Elixir too for webdev. Give .NET Core some credit though, it does have a pretty vast library of functionality and arguably the best IDE and support around.

What were your reasons for learning Elixir?

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>ASP is the business mans language

Noone's called anything ASP since god damned VB Script.

If you're not using Prolog for CRUD webapps you're missing out.
Prolog is god-tier for database integration and absolutely stomps all over LINQ.

>ASP is the business mans language.
Spring boot

you sound very informed on .NET Core

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>and found a Reddit thread
This wasn't a red light? Really?
>Web devs are literally too lazy to switch languages because that would require actual effort to learn new syntax.
It's a bit more complex than that. PHP and JS are dynamic, weakly typed languages with a lot of weird gotchas (PHP is arguably a language made entirely of them) and no strict need for build tools. This means that retards with almost no CS knowledge can loosely mash things together in ways that don't really make sense, but still somehow work.
Webdevs don't want to learn other languages because they are literally too retarded for it.

I think people who browse reddit is a good random population sample of the average web dev, so I mentioned it.

Your reply pretty much came to the same conclusions. Web devs are brainlets.

I learned Elixir because I hated everything about the .NET Ecosystem. You have to use Visual Studio and the IDE generates lots of code for you.
Elixir / Phoenix are really well made and have the best syntax I've ever seen for a backend framework. And they have excellent Emacs tooling available. Functional programming makes a ton of sense for handling an HTTP requests, doing something with it, then sending a response.

>I think people who browse reddit is a good random population sample of the average web dev, so I mentioned it.
That's a good point tbqh.

>You have to use Visual Studio and the IDE generates lots of code for you.

I can't put a finger on VS. It's arguably the most comfy IDE. The auto-generated code is minimal and necessary. Have you seen ASP .NET Core vs ASP.NET?

>The auto-generated code is minimal and necessary.
This is usually a sign that the language you are using is either too complex to fully understand, or so overly simple that cutting and pasting is common (i.e. Go).


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Only one thing i like developing in php is its autocompiler. Editing in server side is a breeze
While on .net core you need to build it.

>inb4 dotnet watcher
still, it kills the current iis express and instantiate again a new one which takes 2-5 seconds

PHP is interpreted, not compiled. That's why you can do that.
Would you build your commercial software in Python?

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>Would you build your commercial software in Python?
I never said that. I switched to .net core years ago and liked it if youre too retarded to get it.

ok, so how do I learn this .net core 3 thing till until I reach employability status?

Depends on your prior knowledge of C#, C# as a scripting language, general "neo"-tech website layouting: i.e. models, views and controllers (MVC). I think you should have it squared in 1-7 months depending on your prior knowledge.

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>244 ms to deliver static 19.9 KB on laravel vs 14 ms to deliver 19.2 KB on PHP backbone

as a webdev, i can not defend this. What do i do?

I meant 14 ms to deliver 19.2 KB on .Net Core sorry*

Can I learn C# and dotnet core entirely on non-windows OSs?

>Can I learn C# and dotnet core entirely on non-windows OSs?

Absolutely friendo.

Here's a guide if you're a handicapped Mac user:

Here's a guide if you're a Linux user:

There is no excuse not to use C# anymore now that it compiles to the 3 most used OSs.

interesting thread. bump

Yeah, but you'd probably still want an IDE.

The literal face of Laravel/Symphony/CodeIgniter devs right now. You do know that this + combined with a shitty site structure + slow loading times (as shown in OP) + bad DNS literally makes Google algorithm laugh at you.

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>Yeah, but you'd probably still want an IDE.
Truth, but as far as I can gather, the Mac version has intellisense and debugging, the most essential features.

Seriously is there any justifiable reason that so many websites run PHP when even though you pile layers of shit on top, the core is still utterly flawed?

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> in the year of our Lord 2020

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I use .netcore exclusively on Linux. Deployment is so fucking ez that I can type the command blindly.

>ssh to shitbox
>cd to project
>dotnet ef database update
>dotnet run/put dotnet run in systememe

what's your editor? VSC?


OP here. Literally this. You can say what you want about M*cro$oft, but open-sourcing .NET Core and making it x-compatible was a fucking based move.

When you dev do you use docker? Also is it .NET Core (a regular C# app) or ASP .NET Core?

what's wrong with Node?

Your infographic lacks info about PHP and server software. Is it PHP 5.6/7, and server Apache/Litespeed/IIS.
Delivering static files shouldn't involve PHP at all

PHP 7.2 allows you to write strongly typed code


I don't use docker at all, develop both

A good editor is useful but it's important to me that I can pull out a stock vim and make some quick changes over SSH if I need to.

I played with Clojure a bit recently and whilst I like it as a language, it's just about unusable without an IDE setup for it. Discussions about IDEs seem to be half their Discourse threads, and the most commonly recommended online book has 2.5 full chapters of installing IDE plugins in a 13 chapter book. Really turned me off.

you forgot to mention that PHP was ported to .Net Core (Peachpie) and it runs 10x faster =)