Sorry. We just need to do one faggot thing to keep retarding

Why does firefox do this shit?
Why did the braindead devs thought this is acceptable? Do they use another browser?

Attached: eatshitfirefox.png (618x323, 30K)

Other urls found in this thread:

chromium shills out in force

Ah yes in my autism rage, I forgot to mention.
Browser tabs are frozen, when I open a new window this message displays, when typing a url and hitting enter nothing happens, its just plain shit.

And I restarted despite my hesitation to pause hearing music on a tab, and voila, my fucking tabs are gone, my session WAS NOT FUCKING RESTORES FUCKING FIREFUCKS KEKING DEVS I HATE THEEEEE REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

So I now use FAlkon and have ditched Feirfooks

This happens to me too. They don't realize I'm in incognito and I'm not fucking done yet.

Do you have brain damage or just down syndrome?

Because you need to patch your shit. Retards like you never patch because it's a minor inconvenience. Then you get fucking slain by bugs patched months prior and sit there wondering why or blaming the browser for your own mistake.

>Do they use another browser?
Yes, most likely. Considering the type of people employed by Mozilla one would assume that apple products have the same level of popularity among that subset who work for Mozilla and the whole who don't. Safari on iPhones/MacBooks and Chrome otherwise. At work they probably use Firefox to keep up appearances.

Why do you let FF automatically install updates?

Don't update it while you use it.

Not OP, but happened to me too, without auto updates. On Ganoooo/Lee'n-UX… WTF, mozarella.

Firefox doesn't auto-update on Linux. Your package manager updates it.

That's even worse. Why the fuck would you force update FF if you still have stuff to do?

Didn't pozilla remove the option to easily disable auto-updates on some recent stable version?
I use ESR with a policy file to lock that shit up

Follow the mitigation guide:

It's easy to disable automatic update installation (it's under general options). Automatic update checking is more difficult to disable.


Why does firefox do this shit?
Why did the braindead devs thought this is acceptable? Do they use another browser?

Attached: WGzuUwD[1].png (778x311, 22K)

Attached: 1555602375372.png (1000x642, 194K)


It's to install system (ie, unmanageable by user) updates

It's right there on the fucking options!

Attached: file.png (694x433, 22K)

No it isn't.

Attached: 1542220568867.jpg (580x274, 20K)

*clicks restore previous session* because I'm not a retard.

Ubuntu version updates over system wide package manager already, it can't auto update by itself.

>mozilla shuts down their IRC server and replaces it with discord
holy shit you can't make this up, trannies are poison

nah you dumb cunt, this is for system (telemetry, etc) extensions, you can view them in about:support but cant disable/remove them

If firefox knows how to restore my tabs on the click of a button, then why not just fucking restore them? Why do you need me to click the button for? This is so god damned retarded.

Attached: 1.png (772x411, 47K)

>restores your session if it doesn't encounter any problems
>prompts you how to proceed if it does
Sounds pretty logical to me.

probably because it tries to store the content of the pages instead of loading them again? and it fucks that up but it still has the URLs so you click the button to open the tabs and load them all fresh. Not sure if this is the case.

Actually I'm a complete retard, I think it's because if a page crashes your browser, it would be stupid to load it automatically when you relaunch your browser else you'd be fucked, so it prompts you first.

Fuck that shit. They used to do that automatically and I hated it.

Firefox devs have long been paid off by Google to destroy the browser. That's why every incarnation since about 2010 or so has been a total pile of shit. The devs have been continuously making horrible changes and ignoring the outrage from the community over it and even gaslighting them over it. That's not fucking normal.

What the FUCK are you talking about?
OP is talking about updating Firefox.

Use ESR, faggots.

Speaking of which:

When I reopen Firefox, all my tabs were saved and they only load when I click them, and this is all well and good.
But when I click a tab and it reloads, it seems to be loading a cached version of the page, and not fully reloading it. This is apparent even on Jow Forums, where new posts don't show up until it's refreshed.

How do I make Firefox always fully load a tab with the freshest data?

It’s pretty likely. I worked on a mobile browser at Nokia and the manager of the browser team used Firefox instead of our own browser.

That's why I disable this bullshit.