Risk thread
Red fourth reich montana
the fuck is everyone?
Damn, these threads used to be fantastic around a year ago.
Risk? I haven't heard that name in years
>The Empire of The Lone Star
>Edgy Red or Blue
eh bant was better back then to
either way
you wanna play Egore?
the neverland ranch
the atlantic ocean
purest poorfuks
I won't be able to finish, but you got some players
Fill the south
Trip update
le edgys
the bottom of argentina
Mine comraden
Dont worry he's there user you just have to believe
i want to believe
Lol, keep filling the south
4th Reich starts filling alberta
You should ask op to start filling in the map for you fren
my bad senpai
user start filling in the map
Le edgy move up Argentina
Finish the south and head into bean land
4th reich starts heading east towards coast....
in the east lol
british columbia that sort of shiet
edgys take the little island of the coast of argentina
nigga thats called the falklands
what falklan islands?
through the falkland islands,le edgys take the border aargentina/brazil
More beans please
Apparently not anymore lmao
look at that falklan map! THERES FALKLAN ISLANDS EVERYWHERE!
and on the other hand, le edgys continue moving up the mainland
Going north east taking as much of british columbia and alaska as i can this turn
poor boy you still here?
Beens for mee
4th reich wants to anschluss alaska
6 spills
bro your country is gona have the fuckin shits tomow mine nigger
through the falklan islands, le edgys take the border argentina/brazil
>Expelling everything brown
Thats the plan
oh? well anything left over can take the north
just clean up the fucking border gore and make it look less like a border gore fucked fascist faction of canada in hearts of iron 4 lol
lol somprise me jewish bro
oh jk my bad lol
lol dont sweat it user
how is costa rica btw?
That shit looks fucking awesome on google maps
Finish off my beans and fill the carribeans
4th riech pushes into north canada and towards alberta
you have a +1 bonus
thats cool lol
i saw it at the begining of the match
just use everything to take more land up north
5 spills
le edgys complete taking over uruguay
Central america
user you should start pushing toward brazil le edgy needs more clay
pretty tight desu. the beaches and the rainforests are actually like in the pictures
edgys start taking brazil
Thats fucking awesome bro
ive only been to the carribean a few times
but everytime ive gone its been chill af
Central America spill yankee land
rth riech heads towards ontario and takes just a smidgen of north dakota on the way
put your bonus in your name
oh well i guess i have pluss 1?
edgys start taking south brazil
same as last roll
edgys to finish off argentina
4th reich takes as much ontario as he can and one province of wisconsin if possible
also plus one 1 for alaska
and possibly pluss 6 for western canada???
you need to have all of western canada for that, including ontario, the rest of nunavat and manitoba
lol someone really likes sand beaches and sandy bitches
oh damn
well pluss one then lol
Fill eastern us then fill mid us
4th reich connects territory in central canada
want to make a faction?
you there desu?
Well ill claim the rest of western canada and start heading into the midwest via michigan and wisonsin if i can
Okay scratch the middle us go for the western us
2 spills
Do i get the pluss six now user?
yes, your bonus is +7 now
Alright then, blitz for the east coast aiming to take out everything from main to the mason dixon line
31 spills
lol just push into his land
be gentle senpai~