He's right you know

He's right you know.

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ipajeets will defend this


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its true but apple gave an extra 4 year warrenty on those devices so if it breaks u get a new one

Normies are awakening.

based and sataniapilled

I am stupid (actually not stupid!)

please take my money apple which i willingly give you this day of free accord and please in return hand me one known defective mac keyboard. p.s. you are stupid apple.

Casey "Reading Donald Trump Tweets Has Irreversibly Effected My Cerebellum" Johnson

>if it breaks
when it breaks*

>less than 5% market share in India
>Wincucks still trying to push this iPajeet meme
I use Android btw


>its true but apple gave an extra 4 year warrenty on those devices so if it breaks u get a new one
they had no choice in the matter. they have to give extended warranty because their product is fucking garbage and they are facing lawsuits. apple are dangerously incompetent but their retard customers are much worse.



If it breaks, they blame you for using the keyvboard wrong and offer you to buy the new one, assuring you it won't have the same problem (it does).

absolutely paste



based & redpilled

how will mactoddlers ever recover?


Based and redpilled.

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