Protonmail: Yay or nay?
if yay, why?
if nay, que?
Please actually provide sources before making any wild claims, especially those involving
>le antarctic submarine drone hax0rs
I encourage people to actually do digging into these subjects.
Protonmail: Yay or nay?
if yay, why?
if nay, que?
Please actually provide sources before making any wild claims, especially those involving
>le antarctic submarine drone hax0rs
I encourage people to actually do digging into these subjects.
Other urls found in this thread:
yes. because switzerland and encryption.
no. because switzerland and encryption.
>account disabled for abuse or fraud
>created 1 hour ago and used to sign up to 1 forum
not even a shady forum or anything, in the end it turned out to be an automatic ban thing but made me uneasy as it wasnt fully resolved and proper reason wasnt given
It's "yea", you moron.
>yay (pronounced "yay") = exclamation of happiness
>yea (pronounced "yay") = expression of assent
>yeah (pronounced "yah") = exclamation of happiness or expression of assent
It's shit.
Use Yandex.Mail.
Just a friendly reminder that if you're going to make a protonmail account, they log the ip used during the creation process. I'm not sure if they monitor the ip used when accessing an already made account but chances are they do. If you get past that tho, and your passwords are good enough, even the protonmail team can't read your emails.
So that's nice I guess.
The fuck?
could you elaborate?
no im not paying not to use their webshit client fuck off
switching to tutanota
no because kikes
no, it's jewed and fundamentally insecure because of how it's designed.
use cockli+gpg.
>t. yandex shill
what more is there to say, their detection system locked me out of an account for over a week and in the end couldnt explain why
Have been using it for 2 years with no issues. Not sure what your problem is.
Well to be honest, I rather trust my data to Russians than Americans for example.
>I rather trust my data to Russians than Americans for example.
Why not none of the two lmao
me neither, i made another account just in case and that one was fine
just a weird encounter that made me a bit uneasy about their detection algorithm
>if yay, why?
There is no imap/pop support without a closed source plugin.
They explicitly say on the homepage that they don't log users. They log users ip.
Also, as a bonus they deactivate accounts based on their meme politics.
Just use some webmail recommended by fsf:
No, because it routers your mails through Israeli servers.
How about mailfence? Anything shady about it?
ivan pls
that's awesome. chuds btfo
Mailfence seems legit desu.
I'm glad to not be using that shit
Also if you trace the ip it goes through Israel and they are known to shut down any email account they want for whatever reason.
Don't going OP