Aight nerds, let's settle this. Debian or Fedora?

Aight nerds, let's settle this. Debian or Fedora?
Which one do you think is better an why?

Attached: serveimage.jpg (376x279, 28K)

mint (mate) you silly goose.

>debian or debian, guys?

Fedora because it has backing from (((Redhat)))

Are you running a server? Then Debian.
Are you running a desktop? Then... kill yourself.

Each is better for a certain use case
Neither is better overall

If I had to choose between the two I'd choose Fedora because I'm a NERD and love exploring the latest technologies.

In my experience, Debian runs much better on old potato computers than Fedora. While Fedora can be minimal, it can't reach Debian levels of non-bloat. Debian is a faster distro on hardware as long as it's not a computer released this year. As for the package managers, I don't really care. APT's package dependency hell is a nightmare. DNF takes twice the time to download or upgrade a system compared to APT. Fedora is a retarded name and sadly connected with that terrible meme and there's no way I can take that out of my head. Sad I know. Debian has some SJWS in the anti harassment team which might also make you think twice before they get triggered over a wrong pronoun. Debian is absolute rock solid on stable but packages are old compared to Fedora
Basically, they have they their pros and cons. I'd pick Debian over it though. In fact, I would pick Debian every time except if I can't live without new programs that I truly need. Then I'd just use Arch.

Fedora for bleeding edge packages.
Debian for stable packages (although I'd rather recommend CentOS for that).

Fedora has a terrible support for nVidia graphics card. I don't know about Debian.

Fedora because it's not outdated as shit

>I don't know about Debian
My video works

Better for what? They’re both different.

Fedora because I need more up to date packages to support hardware.
What? You have both negativo7 and rpmfusion to pull from, let alone you could install it yourself.

Not really true anymore. You can just enable rpmfusion and install proprietary nvidia drivers with a single click from the software app now.

Each is better in its own way. If you’re asking for a personal preference, I never really felt quite home in Fedora.

Fedora uber alles


Attached: Screenshot_2019-04-27_19-01-54.png (1366x768, 369K)

Ian died, so fedora.

Fedora has a lot of extra security features, such as SELinux configured out of the box. It's also far more up-to-date without requiring the use of testing or unstable repos. Fedora Silverblue is absolutely revolutionary.
>DNF takes twice the time to download or upgrade a system compared to APT
Because its dependency model allows for more granular control and is more complex as a result, and rpms aren't just glorified tarballs with binaries. Also, use rpm-ostree.
What retarded meme is this?


>Because its dependency model allows for more granular control and is more complex as a result, and rpms aren't just glorified tarballs with binaries
what does dnf and .rpm brings to the table?


Fedora is basically debian rolling, but since there are less packages I download them from rpmfusion when I need to.
You should use Debian if you don't need or don't care about out of date packages, it would be just easier to maintain.
If you are going for testing in debian... Just go fedora

Fedora for desktop
CentOS for server

which kernel is better Linux or Linux?

Fedora, because if a bad package crashes an update, you can actually recover from it by deleting the cache and doing a rpmdb --rebuilddb.

Also, dnf is much more advanced in general, though you seem to pay for it with slightly longer install times.


Debian > Fedora

1.) Not a testing ground for IBM
2.) More packages
3.) Sane update schedule

0.5) RPMs

Does proprietary nVidia drivers works well on Rawhide too?

Debian is superior in every way.
You're a NEET tripfag, KYS.

>1.) Not a testing ground for IBM
(Citation needed)
>2.) More packages
they are all outdated anyway, the few you're gonna need from fedora you can build from source or install from rpmfusion
>3.) Sane update schedule
(Citation needed)
You only need to upgrade fedora every 13 months, and running --security flag in the package manager reduces the number of packages you need to upgrade. Or just don't upgrade, you are not running a server in your desktop anyways.
>4.) Writting debs is a fucking pain in the ass
>5.) Controlled by tranny coc, not a meritocracy anymore

Debian, stability with the option of upstream if thats your cream.

Solus for desktop
Debian for server
Fedora for Gnome

Fedora Silverblue+Fedora Toolbox :)

Absolutely based and redpilled

Debian Testing with KDE is comfy as fuck, and so far it's working well for me. If DNF weren't as slow as it is i might use it. We'll see how Fedora 30 looks.

debian testing for me
I ran fedora 25 for over a year and could never update the OS version due to everything being version-specific in rpmfusion repos
if fedora had a sane rolling release option I'd go back

Debian Testing with KDE is like asking to krash

Working absolutely fine so far. Don't see how that makes much sense though.

debian (and all major distros) follow redhat, so
>fedora or fedora

Debian because I like the logo better.

I use Debian Unstable with KDE and it's not crashing at all. What has been crashing for you, or are you just spouting nonsense?

Debian honestly is better.

Fedora isn't ran by trannies and commies.

.rpm stores better information about dependencies. I don't remember if a .deb stores this at all or is just different metapackages from the mirrors which apt gets and stores in the system.
Plus rpm are way easier to write and read.
And dnf keeps track perfectly of versions and dependencies, even when you uninstall, it removes exactly what you installed if you want. With this comes the easy way to downgrade, or even have multiple versions installed


debian and lxde, werks4me

Everytime I try Fedora my screen randomly rotates.On Debian everything works fine.

>follows redhat
debian itself admitted that fedora is good

kek, I've read that in the forums with fedora beta. I've never had this happen to me, supposedly it's autorotation by the sensors like in android
fedora develops most of the upstream of Linux and open source used commonly, of course they love those security upgrades

>kek, I've read...
And the best thing is, you cannot just go to the settings and change rotation because that option does not exist.

I'm currently running Debian 9 (Stretch), is this a good moment to upgrade to Debian 10 (Buster)?

I'm asking because I have to reinstall two Debian 9 systems soon due to an SSD upgrade, and I don't want to have to re-install my systems again once Debian 10 becomes stable, I hate dealing with old config files and customizing everything after an upgrade like that one.

Fundamentally there's not much difference anymore. Both use similar software stack and don't offer much choice, except for superficial ones like changing your DE. If you don't care about absolute latest packages, pick debian stable. Otherwise use debian testing/sid or fedora, same shit.


install arch

Attached: Archlinux-icon-crystal-64.svg.png (1024x1024, 60K)

Debian + i3wm = Alpha.

Don't understand why you would want it any other way unless you lack knowledge in using the terminal or are to lazy to personalize your minimalist desktop

Attached: small pinus arch logo.png (383x321, 25K)

>not dwm
u lag termilulz nolage m8

Based and Red pilled.

Install Gentoo.

