To all you window manager autists

xmonad, awesome, i3, dwm, ratpoison, qtile, bspwm, wmii. Which one do you use and why

Attached: sush.png (1366x768, 754K)

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> i3 + i3status + dmenu + conky
Sane defaults and it's easy to customize. Awesome is a very decent option for the same reasons. Gaps are gay.

why not consider using polybar instead of i3status?

Started on ratpoison back in 2011, now on i3 since early last year. Thinking of switching to dwm. Opinions?


if you dont care about looks why would you use polybar?

I use rio.

Xmonad. reason? Haskell

Sway because it's the best Wayland environment right now.

I have a sway compile script (pre 1.0) for Ubuntu but I don't want to fuck with that again (dep hell).
I wish they had an official PPA because I'm not going to use a random russian user PPA.

man that was a good movie

Just build from git master, it's super fast.

Yes that's what my script did/does. But Ubuntu had a lot of older dependencies and you need to build the entire tree not just sway. Even jsonc was a problem and if you need to touch wl protocols you're fucked.

used i3 for 5 years. switched to bspwm last week.
i3 is great, bspwm is also okay. my only qualm with (default) bspwm is the amount of hotkeys. with i3, resizing windows was put into a mode (mod+r -> resize), but bspwm by default just adds +alt to the binding, and +shift+alt to shrinking windows, which is ridiculous
I like that you can predetermine the split direction with bspwm though. the only reason I'm trying it out (feeling like going back to i3 though, because using super, ctrl, alt, and shift for things is annoying, vs with i3 almost everything is just mod or mod shift)
I know the entire binding schema can be redone, but...

why would you not care about looks?
debshit eternally BTFO

why yes, I use Gnome 3, how did you guess?

Attached: gnome.jpg (1068x601, 65K)

wayland-protocols is literally just some XML files. I don't know why so many people seem to have any issues with it.

I use i3 because I can get the colors to match polybar through my .Xresources file which is controlled by my wallpaper by pywall


awesomewm I hate lua but allows to configure everything

>i3 + some scripts for background and screenshots (using imagemagick) and for statusbar
scripts are written in bash and python, and my idle cpu usage is only 2% on my Dell Latitude E6400

Why yes, i use dwm

Attached: 1556384580671.jpg (1618x2100, 934K)


i3 gaps, because it just works.

tabbed not tiling

what you want is to add this
workspace_layout tabbed
hide_edge_borders smart

that would be enlightenment if it wasn't for xdg shell

>(pre 1.0)

oh but if you insist on dwm i suggest awesome