Stick it in me

>stick it in me

Attached: denon_avr5308ci_back.jpg (1023x520, 171K)

imagine the cable mess

>eleven speaker outputs.

why the fuck do people use gay shit like this when it can all be done in software?

is it a manchild thing?

>owning these many analog devices in 2019

I know right? There should be only digital inputs, and just about enough analog outputs for the speakers.

Imagine the watts

Half the stuff there is bloat. If you own that and care about quality so much you wouldn't use composite video, svideo, or composite audio.


im pretty sure i saw this at my local goodwill last month for $30 and i wished i bought it but i didnt because i had just bought a receiver a year ago for $60.
my current system cant do 3D passthrough and i just bought a projector that can do 3D. pawn shop was selling a brand new projector for $300.
i dont even ever plan on watching 3D movies but i still want the ability to do it.

>THREE power plug sockets

Attached: imgguyobsessedwithpacman149.jpg (843x474, 44K)

forgot to add.

Attached: 1106514-cool_story_bro_super.jpg (600x599, 93K)


Attached: RXV481_Back.jpg (2048x1536, 139K)

There is nothing wrong with svideo for older game consoles.

they are power outputs, so your denon can act as the most overpriced every power strip

it's passthrough you dumb bitch

but TEN inputs

Now use them all and keep the cables organized

>it can all be done in software
Right on, Lawnmower Man!

Attached: 1554941464132.jpg (700x700, 209K)

>2000 + 19
>no hdmi vcr

>What are legacy devices?

this receiver is from 2008
those along with the multiple trigger controls are there to control up to three different zones of audio/video with a single button
if you are spending 5k+ on a receiver it better fucking turn shit on/off automatically so you don't have to juggle 5 different remotes to coordinate all your shit

It actually use to be a common feature on hifi equipment, a relic from when power strips were not heard of yet and you needed to plug multiple things into a single outlet for your hifi setup.

and here is the current version of the top priced denon receiver

Attached: Capture.jpg (1500x699, 303K)

I would REALLY like to see a person who needs more than one composite input in 2019, much less seven of them.

>a relic from when power strips were not heard of yet
Do you just guess, then speak about it like they are facts?

What the 70s?
Power strips existed but they weren't common.

I downgraded from something like this to something like this. Audio quality hasn't decreased, the volume loudness is still there. I bought mine for $8.

Attached: digital amp stereo.jpg (1001x1001, 105K)

>Power strips existed but they weren't common
Shut up, idiot.

A power strip is not a replacement for those sockets. They're controlled via the receiver remote, and in some high-end receivers they can be individually programmed based on the selected source or output.

>pre out
>speaker out
why use both? it should either have the pre out so you can use external amps or speaker out to use build-in amplifier, but nobody is going to use both at the same time
btw, pre out should use symmetrical TRS jack

Attached: 57159907_1158086201060982_5212473809092739072_o.jpg (1440x715, 116K)

>noisy as fuck server in a home cinema room

it's not servers, it's amps and audio suff

Attached: XTI6002.jpg (1500x901, 143K)

>Server and UPS in the same room as the people watching the movies
Which brain dead retard designed this bullshit?

Alright my bad, gomen!

Aren't you going to say you were merely pretending?

Attached: Cat_eyes.gif (313x320, 3.95M)

what don't you understand about multiple zones?
these high end consumer receivers are designed to be a home control unit that lets you output sound to multiple rooms from multiple sources

shit like wiring up a deck/pool with outdoor speakers and having a separate zone in your kitchen
and you've got a theater room

No, because I am objectively correct, casual.

Hey everybody get a load of this guy who thinks he can power 11 speakers with software!

>being this obtuse

This is the AVR used in this setup
Do you feel poor? Because I do

Attached: rs20i-back.png (1280x539, 854K)

So tell us how we are gonna POWER 8-12 passive speakers with just software and a PC.

With a power software duh
And a lot of ram

Attached: clown.png (2048x2048, 804K)


in before a powered hub with 12 pairs of USB speakers hooked up to a thinkpad playing music out of all of them simultaneously.

Attached: 1556127559035.png (1000x1000, 168K)

Crowns quite noisy though.

Attached: USB beef teriyaki.jpg (400x600, 47K)

>I am obtuse
>please spoonfeed me knowledge

I would do this if it actually accomplished anything, but whenever I do spoonfeed obtuse persons, they simply require more feeding. you are obtuse, this is your way.

yep. They're way less noisy than a server and less noticeable when watching a movie, but that setup seems to be totally anal about audiophile quality and these amps and other active cooled gear shouldn't be there

Attached: 1365289199704.jpg (420x443, 33K)

>I know there is no way to power passive speakers from a PC with only 3.5mm headphone jacks, but I'll pretend to know

You're not pretending to be retarded at this point, so don't even try to defend yourself by claiming you're merely pretending.

Jow Forums needs an IQ requirement to post

Attached: 1534082206382.jpg (400x400, 19K)

Could be done by forcing registration over IRC

>but nobody is going to use both at the same time
I am, for my half-active speakers (each has independently powered bass section)

>sound processor DATASAT RS20i : 18000€
>EQ JBL Synthesis SDEC-4500 : 2*5750€
>amp JBL Synthesis S7165 : 4*3000€
>amp Crown XTi1002 : 4*580€
>projector SONY VPL-VW1100ES : 20000€
>Blu-ray player OPPO BDR-103D : 800€
>Blu-ray player Panasonic DMP-UB900 : 900€
>power noise reducer FURMAN P-1400AR E : 1500€
>"""power strip""" FURMAN PL-PRO DMC : 645€
>UPS FURMAN F-1500-UPS sol E : 2000€
>Screen Vutec 171 SILVERSTAR : 5000€
>subwoofer JBL 4645C : 4*1500€
>speakers JBL SYNTHESIS SK-3300 : 3*12000€
>speakers JBL SYNTHESIS SAM3HA : 3*2500€
>speakers JBL SYNTHESIS S4Ai : 10*2100€
>speakers JBL SYNTHESIS 2-SAM1HF : 2*2500€
>speakers JBL SYNTHESIS 2-SAM2LF : 2*1500€
>speakers JBL SYNTHESIS SURROUND 8320 : 8*400€
>cable DAXX 10 GA - a lot*120€
total about 160 000€ without the seats and shit

How can people have this much money to thow out of the window?

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t. newfaggot cancer speaking


looking forward to the day it won't hurt me to buy a dolby atmos setup

>pre-wii nintendo is onions
this is an 18+ website

if basic USB is 500mw then that pan is only 15w. not nearly enough for cooking

>stop talking mean about my childrens toys

radish's intensify

receivers are the best thing in audio

I'm not usually the one to bitch about hobbies and people wasting money on on them but 160k € on audio video home theatre is insane the deminishing returns are also insane.
I bet my clapped out soniq 48" and 40 year ancient stereo 4 ways using a terrible Sony amp sound and look almost as good plus I can game and shitpost from my bed.
The fuck brehs and I say this as someone who's blown that much money on cars + pc equipment over the years
All that money and all they watch is some gay endwar and xbox one x shit on it I bet
>muh 4k muh Dolby atmos

Attached: 1554720637551.png (644x800, 39K)

yamaha sounds like shit, get onkyo

monoprice is coming out with a oem datasat for $3k, it's so cheap

>i love my toys, i will play with my toys as western civilization is blacked and crumbles around me
>my toys are important to me
>learning about tech is a means to be at using my toys, not building a future for my children
>behold, I am a toy master

it shows sir.

>as western civilization is blacked and crumbles around me
Take your pills

I'm 28 year old virgin the fuck is having kids and wasting millions on them at my age gonna do but put me in debt and force me to get a wage slave job.
I'd rather just piss money up the wall and deal with the crippling loneliness by shitposting on here and in vidya
>implying civilisation hasn't been blacked and imploded before
What is ancient Rome Greece Europe Asia Atlantis Egypt (all former white countries long before the modern West)
>muh toys
and? Kids are just a biological extension of that concept hence why kids literally play with toys and we call them kids toys
>learning about tech
Why not both?
>it shows sir
So your jelly of a poorfag neet who wasted your tax dollars
Typical wagie never change I bet you don't have kids either faggot
Doods a brainlet he's so dumb he doesn't even realise this has happened and will continue to happen till the end of time itself.
Nothing is new and we are doomed to repeat this shit simulation over and over again.
I prey vr headsets get good soon so I can use the virtual link on my 2080ti to fap hands free with suck tube

Attached: 2WXbeN.png (999x784, 337K)

>I am a toy master, nihilism is my partner in my toy kingdom
>No man can defeat me, for I have already defeated myself.


>behold I the fuax deep deus ex shitposting retard endlessly seeking validation responses vividly to the user with just obtuse aloofness he cannot help but be vexed by my ingenuity
End your corporial existence

Attached: funi.gif (615x548, 18K)

>nothin personnel kid

I am not impressed with your post, this is the best you could muster? Maybe the toy playing time needs to be truncated.

Either def or you never had a speaker system that would benefit. There are a fuckload of software defined presets that come with boomer tier demon AV as well

>I am not impressed with your post, this is the best you could muster? Maybe the toy playing time needs to be truncated.
What the fuck type of elder autism is this anons? I've been here since 09 and I am actually starting to think this nigger is serious

Attached: 1539686481122.gif (325x182, 3.21M)

>oldfag here

stuff it newfag.

>How can people have this much money to throw out of the window?
House investment.
>subwoofer JBL 4645C
I don't understand why you would get this one for a home theater. I know that high excursion subs are hard to come by outside the United States, but this is based on small-excursion midbass unit.

I've been here since 06 u eldertist

Didn't bother coming to Jow Forums and posting until I got a i7 920

>im going to upgrade to a SBC instead of cheap used AV unit

Had this Aiwa for years and does a well enough job to keep for now. Its bulky enough to want an upgrade though.

Attached: imgonline-com-ua-twotoone-nTYM03Gmhsv7W8hl.jpg (649x400, 95K)

oof, imagine the pure metrics tons of outgassing from the chinese components you have inhaled from that thing over the years.

check your white blood cell count sometime.

thats how yellow fever appears

>metrics tons of outgassing

Attached: depressed_babby.jpg (441x329, 32K)

What if I have 9 LD players so that I can watch the whole Star Wars OT Laserdisc box set with friends in one sitting? Do you honestly expect me to get up off the couch at least 8 times?

>composite audio
Composite is strictly about video, not audio.

USB is 500 mAh / 5V hence 2.5 WAh

hahaha jesus christ wtf

How to be a zoomer faggot - the post.
AIWA was a good brand. Cheaper than Sony but good. Can't compare them to 2019 China stuff.

Attached: 3673.jpg (309x351, 13K)

>yamaha sounds like shit
Can you elaborate please? because I already owned denon, onkyo and yamaha receiver

Attached: 1542489631850.png (608x648, 537K)

last one i returned back to best buy sounded very thin


it's mA not mAh what the fuck even is WAh that makes no sense

>fuckton of blue glow from behind during the movie

Sign me out.

What sort of receivers should I look into for
>4+ HDMI ports with HDMI Ethernet Channel
>S/PDIF optical in
>several component inputs
>2+ composite in

>I'm 28 year old virgin the fuck is having kids and wasting millions on them at my age gonna do but put me in debt and force me to get a wage slave job.
>I'd rather just piss money up the wall and deal with the crippling loneliness by shitposting on here and in vidya
Cope. Go fuck a whore or something and stop being such a retard.

Probably like 10 year old flagships. The multiple component and composite inputs in addition to 4+ HDMI will be the challenge.

It's pronounced 'tenputs'

>has c14 receptacle
>no ground pin
>has seperate ground connector

>>no ground pin
for noise immunity