Why do GNU project logos look so bad?

Exhibit A: The main GNU logo
I'll post more if you want

Attached: file.png (1048x1024, 153K)

What's the matter? It's not minimalistic and boring enough for you?

>stick GNU head on my thinkpad
>people randomly walk up to me and ask if i'm a satanist

It's a Bvll.


Attached: CopyQ.FiQWsx.png (880x645, 8K)


Proboably he is used to modern flatshit

No, just extremely unflattering

Attached: file.png (250x100, 18K)

It looks like a womans reproductive organs, because GNU is the mother of free software.

Attached: GuixSD-V.png (159x141, 7K)

I like it. Sorry user I think you just have bad taste. ¯\_ (ツ) _/¯
For real though how is the GNU logo the worst you could find a you a drooling moron?

One of the worst i could find, as technology goes.

Attached: file.png (250x100, 20K)

here is some real ammunition kek

Attached: clisp.250x100.png (250x100, 11K)


Attached: 1552150464357.png (320x280, 30K)

Was going to post that next lole
I mean, this one's alright

Attached: file.png (250x100, 10K)

Attached: kisspng-gnu-hurd-gnu-project-free-software-foundation-kern-5adcc2bb095928.9950304515244172110383.jpg (900x900, 94K)

It's got human eyes

it's a stylized cartoon

Attached: GNU.jpg (700x467, 82K)

Because no one who uses GNU software cares about aethetics or name brands

Looks like shit

These look ok.

Not sure about this one.

Attached: enlightenment.png (209x450, 39K)