what's up shitheads
since i couldn't find enough images to avatarfag with I just made some screencaps
I'm also drunk and read to be an edgy asshole to anyone who wants to start shit with me
What's up shitheads
why did u lose worl war 2 retard
oh you’re that tard who says ”kino”
fuck off
don't know
to to a logistical/scheduling fuckup we never covered WW2 in my class
no u
please explain to me what#s so bad about "kino" other then the fact that /tv/fags use it
kino post
funny thing i was actually planning on mining a custom trip but "Aoi" was to short of a string and mining "aoifag" would've taken an hour and i was to impatient to do it and also couldn't watch her show which was half the reason i got drunk because it uses my GPU so the video was all fucked up
you've never heard of merkin's tripcode engine?
google it my nigga
it allows you to basically brute force trips using your gpu so you can make the imageboard equivalent of custom license plates to take your tripfagging to the next level
The low iq Aoi avatard
The high iq Ashley avatarchad
no, i mean, why do you tell me this, i just showed you the middle finger
why not?
check this out my dude
btw,I get the impulse to flip off my screen while drunk can anyone relate?
>couldn't find enough images to avatarfag with
Heh, armature.
I checked multiple boruus and found only two pics that were not shitty pantyshots
You could try Pivix, I also heard Yandex is a good image search but it's also a literal Russian botnet so I personally will never touch that shit much like how I avoid us Google outside of my phone and how I don't plan on using Opperia either.
shit it actually worked a found one new image
Which one did you use?
I just searched an image i already posted on yandex
I'm to retarded to use pivix sine tags don't seem to autocomplete on the search bar
Pivix is confusing to use especially if you don't speak moon runes.
self-bump because I'm a shameless attention whore and the booze is really kicking in now
tell me something I don't know
also a bunch of skirt wearing homosexuals have no business talking about "mud degeneracy"
*crucifies you*
Sorry what user?
the legion are a bunch of of effeminate fags who's only strength is numbers and their leader is a pseudo intellectual narcissist who would probably post on r/atheism if Reddit existed in the post-war fallout universe
I'm aware of that. Larping is fun user.
please elaborate
how is a pathetic loser trying to use alcohol as an excuse for acting in a way he always wants to but is to much of a pussy to do while sober a metaphor for Jow Forums?
look at me, pretending not to care what other think of me yet also wallowing in self pity and trying to make myself look as non threatening as possible to avoid justified hatred. a pseudo intellectual piece of shit that likes to feel sorry from himself despite living a life devoid of hardship i am truly scum worth of nothing but mockery. i tell myself that i live out of spite for the world but the truth is i am to much of a coward to end my pathetic existent despite knowing it would be the right thing to do. fuck you!
>look at me, pretending not to care what other think of me yet also wallowing in self pity and trying to make myself look as non threatening as possible to avoid justified hatred. a pseudo intellectual piece of shit that likes to feel sorry from himself despite living a life devoid of hardship i am truly scum worth of nothing but mockery. i tell myself that i live out of spite for the world but the truth is i am to much of a coward to end my pathetic existent despite knowing it would be the right thing to do. fuck you!
Based and black pilled.