/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.

Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources.

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Resources: Please spend at least a minute to check a web search engine with your question.
*Many free software projects have active mailing lists.

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ %command% -h/--help
$ help %builtin/keyword%

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Jow Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux:

>What distro should I choose?
>What are some cool programs?
>What are some cool terminal commands?
>Where can I learn the command line?
>Where can I learn more about Free Software?
>How to break out of the botnet?

/fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

/t/'s GNU/Linux Games: Previous thread:

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Other urls found in this thread:


Hi guys.

Is there any reason I am getting freezes every few seconds when running steam client and in games? This only happens to steam specifically every other thing works fine.
popOS ubuntu 19.04 using nonfree Nvidia drivers

>Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
How do I do this exactly?
virtualbox won't download and just loads forever

I'm a girl.

me 2


What bootloader should I pick? Should I just pick grub2 like the handbook suggest or go for Lilo?

grub if you love clusterfuckery configuration

Use vmware workstation player. It's much easier to get going because the virtual box guest additions are ass.

All right lads. In windows 10 power settings I can set my CPU to never go higher than 99% or whatever that means. I have to do it to stop making my laptop sound like a jet engine.
Is there a way to do this on Linux?

If your distro of choice has systemd and you plan on installing it on a UEFI system, you can use systemd-boot, which is included already in systemd. I do use it, it is pretty easy to configure, it is only text based, so it looks old-school. Some people say that it should be faster than grub, because it is simpler, but I have not tested it.

Arch, fedora or debian for a newbie?

install gentoo


WARNING: systemd-networkd is not running, output will be incomplete.

1 lo loopback n/a unmanaged
2 eno1 ether n/a unmanaged
3 wlp2s0 wlan n/a unmanaged

3 links listed.

where would i go from here?
new to command line, but im trying


systemctl start systemd-networkd

What's a good distro for a 2 in 1 laptop? Meaning switching from normal use to touch / pen use?

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>want to use arch
>but is so hard to install

Install Manjaro

>install gentoo first
>installing arch is now easy

Ubuntu ye fuckin snowflake.

do i need netctl when i have networkmanager?
im using the NM via nmcli
also, firefox keeps recreating Downloads and Desktop folders in my ~ after i delete them, it fucks my structure, wat do

Yes there's a way, but it's probably very convoluted. Just stick with windows and save yourself the headaches

Get out.

>systemctl start systemd-networkd
ah ha, now i get this. but when i restarted it didnt stay
1 lo loopback carrier unmanaged
2 eno1 ether routable unmanaged
3 wlp2s0 wlan off unmanaged

3 links listed.

Admit it, it isn't as easy as two mouse clicks on Windows. I loathe windows but fuck me, to undervolt my Vega on linux I have to install python dependencies, clone a git, add parameters to grub, use the cloned git to get a gui where I insert the voltages I want so that the gui gives me the commands I then need to use to set the voltages per state.
Windows- open radeon settings, click each voltage box and write the number.
If you enjoy the Linux way your time is not valuable

You're still here?

not sure what you are trying to do, are you trying to fix your internet? if so, wireless or ethernet

Yes, I can't figure how to close the browser on linus :DDDDD

wireless. although now im looking and it doesnt seem the wireless card is supported

GNU/Girl reporting in.


So I got this trashy Acer Aspire V5-571-6119 as a sort of "gift" from my father since he got a new computer(he know's I'm interested in computers so he gave it to me to clean up and tinker with). What would be a good choice of distribution that still supports my graphics chip?

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Okay then, what also comes without SysD, has a non-bloated desktop environment and functioning networking packages out of the box, and can entirely fit on a single 2GB pen drive

50 cento a best. GuixSD a best too now.

vim/emacs users, how do you debug your code?
after my transfer from windows to fedora and from IDEs to vim, I miss comfy GUI debuggers.
what software do you use for that?

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well, thats kind of annoying. so on some laptops there is just no way to get wifi working?
means i cant even print anything with this... and thats one of the main reasons i was doing this.
i guess its not wasting time if you learned something

What version of debian should i use? i downloaded 9.9.0 64 bits, is it stable?

Probably just devuan with xfce or lxde.

Other options are void, guixsd or hyperbola.

Maybe Slackware too. Idk, I’m not autístic.

Is it true i can dualboot linux/windows?
My father says if i do it it deletes the windows when i format, he understands more of computer than me

You can dual boot them. But:

GNU Linux will delete the boot sector that redirects to the windows boot loader and replace it with its own. So if you delete the gnu+linux install afterwards you will need a windows boot disk to restore the boot sector to what it was before.
Lots of tutorials on how to do it.

Lots of tutorials on how to dual boot and on how to restore afterwards.

So i have to delete the linux if i ever want to boot the windows?

>writing buggy code

t haven't written more than 1K lines of code in his life

No. If you ever want to delete gnu+linux it will require an extra step to make windows work on its own.

You can dual boot just fine.

yes, on the bright side tho, merely installing linux will download more ram and give you double what you originally had
hurray for free software!


every time i've installed ubuntu it's recognized the windows installation and added to the grub config so i could boot through that, i recommend creating a backup windows usb just incase

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If it compiles than it’s correct.

Stop using Windows.

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Both have options or addons you can get for that stuff. I don't personally use them though.

what do you mean by that? do you write all your stuff in one big stream of lambdas?

anyway, what kind of bait is this. anyone who works on a serious large project needs to debug at some point

nigga we all 1337 here

what do you use than? stdouting values?

think I'm gonna retransfer


Does debian do this?


the more debugging you need I would say

It’s a purely functional, strongly and staticly typed programming language called Haskell. By having contained side effects if it compiles then there are no implementation bugs.

is using a targeted initrd any faster?
Or is just ram usage autism?
there's the flag to generate one slimmer or in installation with the debian expert installer

I never installed a OS so i kind of worried about dual booting linux into windows i dont want to fuck my shit up.
If i run my linux from a USB will it keep alterations made or will it go back to the original state every time i take out the usb

What do you mean by debugging? It seems like you are thinking of testing, if so then use a testing framework.


no, I mean seeing what's happening while my code runs

Manjaro for all

i would assume so, their install programs werer very similar, just make sure to disable fast-boot on windows 10 before so linux can mount the drive windows is on

You would have to install it on usb or use a distro that supports running from usb and saving state.

For that you use a debugger. Your ide simply has one embedded.

What about "emacs-realgud" which is an emacs interface that can apparently can connect with multiple different debuggers


Just installed gentoo and have been wading through issues and setting it up. When I go to launch i3 with startx, the keyboard and mouse don't work and the system becomes un usable BUT it launches i3 and has the first start config thing pop up. I have the INPUT_DEVICES set up and I installed the drivers for xorg. Why would keyboard stop working in WM. It's just a CF-30 toughbook with intel graphics btw. Where did I fuck up?

Attached: 112245.jpg (750x1000, 54K)

ALSO I do have a "Unsupported high keycode 372" thing when I run startx with exec i3 taken out of the .xinitrc

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Linux will generally tax your CPU less, so just don't launch a bunch of CPU heavy things at once.

Your keyboard no worky.

front facing brainlet wojak creeps me out

But it works just fine not in xorg? How would I go about routing out the issue. Synaptics also seem to not worky as well, even though I make flags for libinputs, synaptics, mouse, keyboard.

I trouble shoot'd by plugging in my little keyboard that instantly works in gentoo just fine. That doesn't change anything inside of i3 when it's run.

Hello! I was wondering if there's any Linux alternative to JSGME (Generic Mod Enabler)?
I'm on Debian Unstable if that helps narrow it down.
Also I've been having performance issues with a game that's not very demanding (Brawlhalla) on Proton / DXVK steam but it works and runs beautifully on Wine Steam, why would that be?
pic unrelated, my wife

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are there any errors in the xorg log?

Windows 10 Enterprise

Void Linux is great for general snappiness and minimalism but I feel Debian/Devuan/AntiX/MX-Linux are better suited to graphics performance which I assume you'll want. MX-Linux is pretty good and neat if you don't want to fuck around too much and comes with SysV by default if i recall, Void is more barebones but I feel is better in regards to control over your machine.

Failed to load fbdev(doesn't exist)
Failed to load vesa(doesn't exist)

At the bottom it says config/udev Adding x(/Dev/input/eventx), then says no input driver specified, ignoring this device and another bit about it being added with another device file. This is for about 30 instances at the very bottom(x is power button, ducky one2 mini, lid close, gaming mouse, generic mouse, at translated keyboard)

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Jow Forumsuys brainlet who needs help here. I can't upgrade my system because of some dependency conflict on arch linux. Both seem to involve systemd. What do?

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what WM should I use for lxqt? I'm using it with openbox and after a while the window labels become corrupted

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fucking around with arch for the first time

other than physical access are there security concerns for a arch-/chroot from a live boot?
I'm mildly concerned

Why do I have so many boot entries? I've never even installed ubuntu. What is safe to remove?

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Ok so debian is giving me the option to install
Which one do i choose?
Also, why does it accept installing all of them?
I tought you could only use one?

>I tought you could only use one?
You can install them all and only use one at a time.

look them up and see which one you like the best

xfce if you want performance, KDE if you want features. The rest are irrelevant.

that's terrible information

none, install dwm afterwards

So um why do people get mad when I say I use leafpad over vim/emacs?

because they're autistic. you're fucking based for using the best text editor on linux