Is 5G a meme?

Is 5G a meme?

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Considering that some places in the US still dont have 4G, I don't expect 5g to show for another 20 years.

Dr. Jack Kruse here. I hope you morons aren't dumb enough to be in the city or near any major urban areas when this nnEMF mitochondrial holocaust rolls out. You idiots probably don't even sleep on a magneto pad or eat oysters. Enjoy your fluoride, imbeciles.

Unless you live in a mega city then yes it is.

what if I live in a MAGA city haha

I will never understand where this normie obsession with making your hair look like it's constantly being blown back by the wind comes from

I mean, it isn't available anywhere, so... How could anyone tell at this point?

That's why you're still a virgin


Who gives a fuck about shitholes like USA?

How is it not?

>t. Pajeet

have sex

>waah I cant immigrate from my third world shit hole therefore the US is bad.


Sure seems like it to me. The non-mmwave part of it is pretty much identical to 4G, and the mmwave part just has to be a meme. Given the line-of-sight requirements, I just can't see how it can possibly be useful.

I guess, sure, there may be special circumstances where it might be useful, but I can't really even think of any that wouldn't be better served by WiFi. It seems more like a backhaul technology.

>he posts on an American site

Yes. It'll be useful in dense environments but is worthless elsewhere due to attenuation.

man any more pics of these hotties?

5g is still a pretty good infrastructure upgrade

anything else that they try to switch to (6g) will be plain retardation

5g is the end of history

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>anything else that they try to switch to (6g) will be plain retardation
The terahertz spectrum might be useful.

see in google:
future 5g spectrum expansions
same infrastructure, same semiconductors, same everything

literally the end of history

Where I live, I have 4G even in the outdoors.
You dummies still think USA is #1 in everything, that might have been the truth in the 60's. And no, I dont hate USA, I love you cunts.

The site is own by a Nip and no, it's not american anymore.

Are you a retard?

Not an argument.

No, but you've found the pic of the 4 gayest men alive. Congrats

Not likely.

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You'll grow up one day, eventually

Thank you Dr. Faggot, I will remember your words when I will be downloading porn aƄ 1Gb/s

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Me on the left