Anarchy Linux

>always stable
>always updated
>always secure
You have 10 seconds to explain why you are not using the best Linux/GNU distro.

Attached: anarchy-linux-0.jpg (695x391, 40K)

what is it with people shilling arch installers lately?

Too dumb to install Arch

>not an arch edgelord
>have other things to do than break my system every update

Because is used to be an install script till someone got all pissy about them using the arch name and instead of tell him to fuck off they caved

>>have other things to do than break my system every update
>a fucking arch installer
>installed arch with it
>suddenly have debian tier stability

>>Anarchy Linux

Attached: anomalus.png (500x300, 68K)

that always confused me. there's not much to installing arch, in fact I had no problem with it when I first stated using linux. just partition, mount, pacstrap, set locale, install bootloader, unmount then reboot. that all takes less than 20 minutes but that doesn't matter anyway since arch fucking sucks and arch based shit is even worse

>>have other things to do
You spend at least half of your day lurking Jow Forums, but can't spend ten minutes typing commands from the distro's front page a few times a year?
Linux is shit for a lot of reasons, but this isn't one.

How do you live without the AUR?

almost everything I need is in the repository. if it isn't then I just manually get the source and compile it. just like what every other user does

>Anarchy Linux
Sounds based.

Attached: noam22.jpg (426x500, 106K)

But the AUR does all that automatically including resovling deps why do more work than you have to?

>Linux is shit for a lot of reasons

This will be fun: Name one.

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nice new logo,

How is anyone too dumb to install arch? A brainlet like me installed it in ~30 mins by just literally reading and copying from the wiki.

Attached: 1555472053872.png (1111x1392, 2.09M)

I never compiled anything that required a ton of dependencies. in fact the only time I had to install one was libsdl. I just said almost everything I need is in the repository

>always stable
>always updated
>always secure
But this already meets the criteria

Attached: Fedora-logo.svg.png (2000x2000, 112K)

Ok install firestorm secondlife viewer from the repo
Oh wait you can't so I guess I can't use that distro cause I need secondlife

>New, untested and broken software
no thanks - I'll stick with debian.

not him, but developing user apps is kinda shit for linux, because it's hard to ship releases out directly to the users. although flatpak/snap/appimage are trying to solve this.
many defaults and design decisions to make linux run well on servers, not desktops.
never breaking userspace has its pros and cons.
much duplicated effort due to freedom/fragmentation.
so many distros/spins and software configuration choices/states, increasing chance of bugs/breakage. although fedora silverblue and nixos try to solve this.

You're too dumb to write your own package manager and just use Slackware.

how much emphasis do I need to put on almost. also I can easily just go on their page and download it so you're proving nothing.

>Go to there page and download it


As much as I like the AUR; part of the reason it's so liked is because Arch honestly doesn't have that many packages in its official repos.

>developing user apps is kinda shit for linux, because it's hard to ship releases out directly to the users. although flatpak/snap/appimage are trying to solve this.

This is because you're developing with a windows "clicky click wait for the bar uh oh it didn't work" mindset, imo the effort to port that functionality to linux in the mainstream is fucking retarded

>many defaults and design decisions to make linux run well on servers, not desktops.

not sure where you got this from but it's utter bs

well that's good for you, also you seem upset. I never told you to stop using arch. my point was that I can live without the AUR. calm the fuck down

no, it has nothing to do with windows. distributing software for linux has always been a lot of unnecessary work for developers.

if you think linux wasn't built with servers in mind, then you clearly don't know much about linux...

>always stable
>always updated
>always secure
You have 10 seconds to explain why you are not using the best Linux/GNU distro.

Attached: suse_logo_1408x640_og-image[1].png (1408x640, 75K)

>not sure where you got this from but it's utter bs
Not him but I can think of one. Linux's OOM killer is designed for servers where data integrity is more important than responsiveness. This means your workstation will freeze from trying to avoid killing processes if the system runs out of memory.

>overpowered but useless
>prone to failure
>hair is light blue like an autist
>followers are dumb zealots who try to convert everyone they see
>superiority complex
>no panties

Arch is the Aqua of Linux.

dont like yast.
opensuse defaults are slow (see phoronix tests).
kde seems more unstable than on other distros.

they want to feel superiors

Jow Forums logic

>You have 10 seconds to explain why you are not using "shitty software here"

2 years later

>nah man that "shitty software here" is now used by normiefags

>no, it has nothing to do with windows. distributing software for linux has always been a lot of unnecessary work for developers.
>if you think linux wasn't built with servers in mind, then you clearly don't know much about linux...

Linux *wasn't* built with servers in mind. Are you a fucking idiot?

I liked OpenSUSE because btrfs snapshots for desktops used to be a great cutting edge feature. However, it's been succeeded by real atomic distros such as Fedora SilverBlue and Nix OS.

2.0+ is

fucking hell you can't be serious

Wow, chap! Be careful next time. The operating system comes before the kernel.

Imagine being this ignorant

Attached: 757.jpg (1022x547, 57K)

Is that a custom DE? If not, what is it? I could vibe with that when needing graphical shit.

Because I'm already using Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise

I do use it. On my laptops and servers. Even my mom used it before the motherboard shit its pants.

>if you think linux wasn't built with servers in mind, then you clearly don't know much about linux
The entire point of Linux is to be a general-purpose kernel. It didn't take off as a server OS because it was designed for it, it was just a decent Unix-like that isn't overpriced like a real Unix flavor.

Phoronix's benchmarks are the only thing they publish that's not blogspam.

if its just a few commands, why not make an easy installer?