Is it too late to stop technology from enslaving us forever?

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Yes. Almost everyone on the entire planet has submitted completely. The digital world is more enticing to most people than the real one. The real world just exists to obtain material necessities.
I expect a brief rise ecoterrorism and Unabomber wannabes, but they'll die out and nobody will care about then. They'll be frustrated young people who think their predecessors stole meaningful living from them and so they feel the need to lash out in the only way they have left. But it won't do anything besides kill people and let politicians have the perfect tragedy to pass authoritarian laws.



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It may be the technology that does the actual enslaving, but the real force behind it is, and always has been capitalism

It was a huge mistake to sell military technology to the companies.
All the things should've stayed in the military for the sake of better research advancement and having a healthier society.

But hey, it is not like if the internet wasn't meant for controlling the world in your own hands despite the false advertisement that you will have unlimited knowledge, isn't it? haha

>always has been
Read Marx

Name one (1) industrial revolution before capitalism,

>I expect a brief rise ecoterrorism and Unabomber wannabes, but they'll die out and nobody will care about then.
Just as nobody cares about him since he's serving 8 consecutive life sentences.

The neolithic revolution.


Just use an EMP.

It happened long ago.

Why would you stop it?

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based accelerationist

No. All of this technology will not survive this century.
Most of it will be long dead.
You forget, boomers will die. Everything they build was built on a lie and the children of the boomers have built nothing.
Boomer children live off the wealth of boomers.
Boomers built things for themselves, not their children or their parents.
When boomers die and they are going to die, all the stuff they built and gave value, price and import to dies with them.
Almost everything they built is a shell game, lie, falsehood and deception.
They forced this on lucid dream on everyone because of the money they stole from their parents and their children.
This all dies.
What will be left is a great nothing, void emptiness of old boomer toys.
Technology is just a boomer toy, it has no value other then to support other boomer toys, games and lies.
This rots with the boomers as its price, value and ethics can not hold on its own.
Boomer values are not your values, Boomer toys are not your toys and boomer lies are not your lies.
Boomers are the center of the world by the earnings, debt and toys alone. The are such a powerful generation that when they die, no other generation can keep their ponzi's going.
So the question is?
What will you burn? What will you spare?
What kind of world will you build when only your voice is left?

It's already here.

oh my god you fucking retard
shut the fuck up

We're just enslaved.
Look at your post, how you post, how you stay on this website, how you stay on other websites, how you are (or try) to be part of a niche.

You could always go inna and off grid.

He's not wrong.

He's totally wrong and is using le generation gap meme to proselytize nonsense.

>hurr all the boomers will die and all the facebooks and xboxes will go away and i can finally be alone in my apartment with nothing to program or do except read century-old books by myself and slowly go insane

To escape enslavement you must rule over your technology, rather than letting it be the vice that rules you. Transhumanism is a deceptive smokescreen hiding a technodystopia of which we are only seeing the tip of.
Join my cult user! We're techno-primitivists (aka: anti-transhumanists)!

Cult rules:
1. No social media.
If you want friends get them irl, and if you want to stay in touch do it by phone or email.
2. Keep tech out of sacred space.
Don't bring your phone to the bathroom, to the garden, or the dinner table. They are distracting you from appreciating room for thought and silence, serenity, and family/friends; they keep you from enjoying life.
3. Gardens are a necessity
Find a calm, slow, quiet place and time to appreciate the peace, to 'smell the roses'.

All it takes is a solar flare to give us a second chance.

i will show you how to love trees

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Guess so. Nerds are the harbingers of death.

For me, no. For you, hmm...idk why are you enslaved now?

An anti-tech religion will become necessary. Think of all the dipshit kids being raised by their smartphone.

you should both kill yourselves for reading Marx unironically you peabrained troglodytes

gnot a gnelf

Nah skynet already launching soon bro.

The amish kind of already are one.

You are free to go out and harness the power of technology to make your own business such that you rake in the cash and have no boss telling you what to do. Stop being such a little bitch and take ownership of your life you fucking cuckold.

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I don't know I'm kind of on board with this dude

>that picture
>no nosulus rift

Really bonzis my ponzis

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None of those are self made user

It's surreal to me how many Americans own guns, but don't do anything with them.
Think of the power that affords you, the last bastion lies in your hands.
Even playing field.
Like, that photo of Bill Gates at the burger stand or whatever.
I'm not condoning anything, I just find it crazy that nothing has happened yet.
Instead, we get depressing as fuck school shootings.

But I thought automation would decrease jobs and lead to UBI and everyone would be a neet.

>automation would decrease jobs
The industrial revolution caused a rural exodus

I hope not. I bet AI will genocide non-whites immediately.

the chinese are the world leader in AI though

Good, China will be ground zero for the demise of the Chinese