Post your GNU/LINUX neofetch infos fellow hackers

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come at me bro

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fuck off nsa

It's purely to discover which distros true technerds use.
I will sell some of the info to facebook, but don't worry about that.

> kernel 4.19

why not upgrade to the latest user?

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Imagine not using 4.14

I heard having linux certificates give you a better chance at getting a job?
Where do i find FREE linux courses?
Poorfag i am going into tech area becuz i want to get a better life

1. Install some distro
2. google the shit out of the problems you are having
3. repeat for some time

Welcome to the Linux master race.

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> overhear some guys talking about game emulators
> ik this guy who does them and he uses linux
> ah man ive heard of that before
> isnt that the hacker thing people use?
>yea man you have to type everything and know exactly what to put in or the whole thing doesnt work

No, i mean certifications to prove that i actually know linux.

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certifications cost money. just learn how to use debian and fedora then go from there.

>if you type the wrong thing it doesn't do what you want
scary stuff

people shit on the command line, but back in the day I hooked my friend up with a slackware installation on his PC, and he loved it because everything came with documentation, he didn't have an internet connection to figure stuff out, but you didn't really need one since everything had a man or info page, and there was more stuff in the kde help system.

>need certifications to make money
>need money to get certifications

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imagine not using 4.9

Maybe i should get in these sites that pay for you to watch propaganda and let it run while i read my books.

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aren't all of them scams?


Pleb setup

i use my pc to do shit, not look like hacker u monkey

No i dont think so.
They pay VERY bad, but i cant find a fucking job so a terrible fucking "pay" is better than no pay

i never got a degree or certifications, all I have is a GED. if you have a skill and there is demand, then you can definitely find a way to make money. Linux, web development, and software development are some great areas to be skilled in if you have no money or formal education actually, since there aren't legally required certifications or training, it's all up to the employer or client. Most professions you can't get away with self-teaching, this is one where you can.

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Anthony is most based LTT character. Prueba que estoy equivocado

surely there are some talented GIMP/photoshop wizards here
can one of you edit a picture of anthony so we can see what he would look like if he had a healthy BMI?

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