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>He complains about people on a Jewish dairy board
Juan Flores
Brandon Harris
Seek hale
Alexander Butler
>op doesnt realize he's complaining
Xavier Hughes
Josiah Moore
I'm sorry people are so mean to you, Israel.
Logan Baker
Hay bale
uhh uhhh uhh huhuhuhuhu waaaaaaHhhhhhh
Jonathan Miller
Listen to me Jew and listen good. We gonna get money to get other pepo to pay to get more money.
You get me Schlomo Goldberg?
Carson Cruz
How do I get a jewish gf?
Jonathan Kelly
Jonathan Collins
Ok goy 99% for me 1% for (You)
By being a Jew
Or going to Tel Aviv I guess
Zachary Morales
Okay. 99% interest for you and 1% for me. Enjoy your loan. First payment is on the first.
Checkmark Shekelstein.
Michael Jackson
This guy just outjewed the local jew
Logan Anderson
* I transfer the money to my Swiss bank account and then declare bankrupcy*
Teehee guess you'll have to pay the rest
Brody Diaz
*blacklists your SSN*
Oops, did I do that?
Brandon Murphy
this is an intense battle. if he can outjew the jew we might just have a chance
Lucas Morris
*Tfw I'm not an American and have no SSN*
Brayden Ross
They seem to have reached a stalemate
Angel Reyes
Joseph Cox
Jews are the arian race?
Kayden Collins
*runs away from country and gets a new identity*
Landon Sullivan
yes goy
Jonathan Jackson
>shoot yourself in the foot
>say it doesn't hurt
*audits you*
Hope you're not using any of your money lol
Cameron Reed
*launders money through shell companies in countries with low tax*
Bentley Green
*obtains a copy of your photo ID's from a form filled out with the Israeli MoI then forwards your information to Interpol for corporate fraud and money laundering*
Zachary Gonzalez
*Spends all the money in a no-expense barred fuck fest through 5 continents and then kills myself*
Hope you didn't plan on taking the money back
Evan Diaz
That just means your debt falls on your family.
Dominic Martin
*calls your bank to collect the original loan amount, audits your family and collects the insurance from your loan defaulting because we're a tribal lender out of the US*
And there's one less Jew.