Here's your home button and headphone jack back bro

Here's your home button and headphone jack back bro

Attached: 71jHiR72KNL._SL1500_.jpg (1272x1500, 92K)


Only $79 for a button, and 3 connectors that cost 10 cent each in Mouser and 50g of ABS plastic.

Itoddlers BTFO

Attached: 1552895163507.gif (346x275, 920K)

Post Satania.

i________ ____

Attached: 1546469810292.gif (445x250, 2.97M)

And they don't even mold the plastic to nicely fit the phone.

What you're doing user this is not Satania.


>isuck dicks

>too retarded to do anything but mash a button
>needing analog audio on a fucking cell phone

>this is not satania

Attached: 1551057337606.webm (1554x874, 2.91M)

I'd like to solve

Attached: 1523443929787.png (470x540, 344K)

So should I watch Kaguya-sama?

>can't you afford this overpriced piece of plastic?

Attached: image.jpg (601x508, 51K)

Bruh, that's raaaaad


good troubleshooting tool for phones with broken home buttons.

I’d rather have a smaller screen with integrated button and analog audio tho.

It’s a third party product. Apple doesn’t sell this or license it you morons.

Attached: (2048x2048, 400K)





Attached: [HorribleSubs] Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai - 11 [720p].mkv_snapshot_03.55.962.jpg (1280x720, 163K)

Could I get a vowel?

dumb imposter
based satania

yeah, you need to be an AIDS ridden, mentally ill faggot to buy iToddler products at all

am a disgusting attention whoring anime pedo fag

seething iToddler spotted