Whats the easiest programming job? frontend webdev?

whats the easiest programming job? frontend webdev?

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How is that programming?

yep, especially if you use a library or framework like react or vue. becomes literally a joke

I'd say desktop business software. Front-end dev can be fairly complex if you're doing a single-page app or fucking around with responsive and compatibility code.

front end dev detected

and thus, user has found his career path

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Embedded programming.

FEWD seems easy and fun until you get a job doing it. Then it is all bike shedding and meetings to suck your soul out.

That really depends. "Embedded" covers a huge range of stuff. Some embedded software jobs are just plugging shit into FreeRTOS. Other Embedded jobs can involve developing/maintaining compilers and OSes made entirely in-house.

Data "scientist".

>Other Embedded jobs can involve developing/maintaining compilers and OSes made entirely in-house.
For sure, some are like this, but these are not the majority. But I agree, embedded is very diverse. Low-power stuff where you work with 4KB microcontrollers, are fairly easy. Sure, you need to deal with painful SDKs, but all in all, theres limited how much code goes on to these things. The same where your SoC can run an OS, such as VxWorks or Linux, you mostly just stitch together functionality and write glue.

Webdev is the most difficult path. Everything is overcomplicated. It was easy in web 1.0 days, not anymore.
In embedded you actually know what system your code runs on. With webshit you don't know the hardware, you don't even know runtime that on top of the hardware.

Also the end users run software which sometimes yanks away part of your code. Things still have to work.
And you soon have to be a lawyer to write web software because of all the regulation.

now im concerned. i thought this to be easy comfy codemonkey work.

Webdev can only be considered "programming" if you're working on something more complex, like a browser game or a social media platform. If it's a static page (most common task), closer to an interactive Powerpoint presentation, you won't do any real programming.

If you really want to become a web codemonkey, it may get tedious because you'll always have to keep up with the latest frameworks. If you're the creative type (which you probably aren't since you browse Jow Forums), stick to static pages and you'll be fine.

Just take a look at Angular 7. No , webdev in 2019 is not a codemonkey.

wait, really? I am desperate for a job and it's this shit or cleaning toilets. I guess I will try to give it a chance.

is it hard for a brainlet to do front end?

QA, specially if it's manual QA because there is almost no programming involved (if you count variable assertions) but it is tedious. Other than that maybe desktop software, it is comfy when you are writing windows apps n shiet, front end dev is easy as long as you are not dealing with legacy code or have a complex SPA with lot's of dependencies.

t. former data scientist

Help desk

If you have the web familiarity and technical ability to use Jow Forums you probably have an advantage over most of the people who go through a web dev bootcamp

It's actually fucking difficult if you know what you are doing and do your best. Thing is likely nobody in entire company knows what you are doing so you can do whatever as long as it produces some generalising model before deadline. Still I'd say it's not easy because the studies to reach that position are extremely difficult, so even if it feels easy when you know what is what it really is not. My family didn't understand anything I told them about my work during passover even when I assumed it was basic elementary level shit.

t. data scientist

obviously front-end webdev is the easiest and is a joke, even back-end like node or django is a complete joke. repetitive menial tasks that any brainlet can do

If you're the creative type, sure front end can be easy. But get ready to see the joys of no unified CSS interpretation across multiple browsers and certainly not across versions of the same browser.

>The ticket calls for this line spacing
>It doesn't look good on internet explorer 8.0
Get good at the back end. There's more money in it and it's consistent.

>woow I'm so hardcore I do harder jobs

Takes less code to go to the moon. You know those pictures of people next to stacks of code on paper? I bet even just a printout of the contents in the node.js module directory folder of a hello world page would be much longer. It is a bloated mess. He said complex, not elegant.

This right here.

>Read ticket
>Implement perfectly
>Client uses it
>double digits IQ Boomer
>Uses non compatible browser and breaks the application
>Complains to the PM
>You're now on the hook for this new compatibility that is out of scope
>Adding it in is a huge security flaw and makes what was once beautiful code a huge pile of shit
Many such cases.

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Learn something back end that the end user will see as a black box. You'll thank us later. Users are huge niggers.

any specific advice on languages and skills to learn for backend?

That's too toxic a topic to suggest anything without everyone having their own favorite. Basically look at the job market, see where you want to work and learn the language they need. SQL is always on the table though.

hmm okay, got it. its interesting seeing how many people advise against frontend itt.

It's basically over saturated by pajeet willing to do it for pennies on the low end and larger firms that bend over backwards to moronic clients on the high end. Not worth the headache but certainly an easy way to gain experience if you've got none.

you make it sounds like it's absolute ass kek. why do you stay there then? and yeah, from what i see, requirements for frontend are not that high and i already know some basic html, css, js and thats why i thought about going there first.

I haven't been in web dev in 4 years. It was my way into the door but I got out as soon as I could.


I use Emacs and program shitty scripts with elisp. Can I do it?

webdev shit seems easy on the surface, but just wait until you get into devops related shit you will be expected to understand for it, you will want to kill yourself

This + designers/business people bitching that it doesn't match the spec pixel-perfect on every different browser/resolution under the sun has me looking into other areas of tech.

this unironically

What did you transition into?

Backed work and a little bit of mobile dev. HTML CSS and JavaScript are great tools but the difference in how they're interpreted across different browsers makes it a nightmare.

Webdev is definitely the most frustrating imo.

I think sysadmin can be pretty easy but obviously depends on what exactly the company has you administrate.

Back end*

If you consider HTML to be a programming language, you could start a carreer in writing HTML and styles according to a design.

It really depends how hard you make it yourself.
I've seen wonderful JavaScript libraries made by passionate talent, and i've seen backend logic basically autocompiled by laravel because Pajeet said he would make an ecommerce for only 1500$.
It doesn't take much effort and talent to program, with google and StackOverflow anyone can make something that "works".
I'd say the easiest thing to do is probably make android apps, google made so much libraries and documentation that you only need to worry about color shades.

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