What is the point of using Zsh shell?

What is the point of using Zsh shell?

Attached: zsh.png (600x600, 20K)

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I have no idea. I always switch to bash when I have to do something more than a for loop.

b/c im a linux noob and it was the first result on searx when i searched up "best loonix shell". i noticed that the tab completion was far superior to that of bash and i just stuck with it. for example, typing a command followed by a "-" and tabbing will show you the corresponding options.
~ % tar -
A -- append to an archive
c -- create a new archive
f -- specify archive file or device
t -- list archive contents
u -- update archive
v -- verbose output
x -- extract files from an archive

also, tab completion of nested directories is supported. typing .c/i and pressing tab twice expands to .config/i3 automagically. i don't remember this being in bash but desu i'm not sure.

for people who care more about rice than compatibility
i don't write scripts in anything but standard posix shell command language
shell scripts are already unbearably slow, anything that doesn't run in dash is even more so.

autocompletion is better with lists showing stuff
it fixes typos if you dont bother with capital letter somewhere
history browsing is easier, I write "git" and arrow up/down and cycle through all commands that contain git somewhere
and while fagts tell you ctrl+r does that in bash, it is worse and cant get back if you went one beyond, its really generally unintuitive
custom behaviour more easily done, want to have have hotkey that inserts sudo at the start of the current line and then returns cursor at the end? yeah, thats like 5 lines I have in my .zshrc

its generally just to be lazy, in a good way
I shoot myself before using bash, that history thing is incredibly important once you get used to it

Attached: zsh2.webm (908x708, 664K)

Attached: zsh1.webm (786x605, 530K)

zsh can be used for scripting, but that's generally a bad idea since it's not as ubiquitous. You're supposed to use it interactively. Most people use it for the tab completion since it massively improves usability.

There's also oh-my-zsh, but I wouldn't use it since it's extremely bloated and destroys startup time (which matters a lot with quick terminal jobs).

I use zim-zsh

speed is not an issue

To use ohmyzsh. Of course!

Attached: file.png (633x346, 71K)

post configs

what are some disadvantages and incompatibilities you have personally encountered, if any?

Zsh became popular when mactoddlers started using the commandline. Doe to the utterly outdated bash shipped with macOS (Apple somehow fears the GPLv3), stuff didn't work and they switched to zsh. Then they wrote lots of blogs on how zsh is the better shell since nobody ever read the bash manual.

so it's a worse version of emacs ?

my only custom thing in .zshrc
add_sudo (){
zle -w end-of-line
zle -N add_sudo
bindkey "^f" add_sudo

only thing that comes to mind is this picture code wont work
but anything longer than one line gets its script with shebang #!/bin/bash

Attached: Strip-Roulette-russe-650-finalenglish.jpg (650x897, 335K)

Bragging rights because bash isn't cool and hip enough

zsh, bash, and ksh all have non-POSIX features are all basically compatible with each other, just not pure POSIX
Pure POSIX is completely insane due to backwards compatibility. It's okay to use the sane features ksh adds.
And no, shell scripting isn't slow. It's objectively the easiest way to work with the scheduler (calling parallel jobs) and it's the best glue language for grep, sed, awk (which are much faster than perl/ruby/python)

>i noticed that the tab completion was far superior to that of bash
It's the most annoying "feature" of ZSH. I want to hit tab to see what my options are, not cycle through them.

brew install bash

>I want to hit tab to see what my options are, not cycle through them

unsetopt menu_complete

Why even use zsh then?

Because it's still way better. Single tab pulls up the list of all completions, and tabbing again lets you enter the menu to move around or cycle through them

That's worse. I just want a list.

fish > zsh

Then you hit tab once and don't hit it again? I don't see why you would consider having the option to use more functionality a bad thing