>mfw finally managed to install arch linux
Months of messing around with linux and now I've finally ascended to the true haven of all computer neets. I am now a true enlightened sperg and now I can finally say without a word of a lie, I use arch btw.
Mfw finally managed to install arch linux
Welcome to the club, brother. I use arch btw
see you in a week using a different distro
Install Gentoo.
good luck getting a projector to work
what reason would a hikki arch neet have to use a projector? I don't even leave my house unless forced
just use arandr if you're that much of a brainlet
who uses projectors? every meeting room i've been in just has a big 4k tv
arch is for brainlets! INSTALL GENTOO
install gentoo
>Install windows
lmao fag use linux
>Install ubuntu
lmao fag use a better distro
>Install manjaro
lmao fag use arch
>Install arch
lmao fag install gentoo
When does the ride end? Is gentoo the final stop? What about void or other non-systemd distros?
mr bones, I want to get off your wild ride
I installed Arch recently too OP, it's pretty epic
hey Jordan would you come eat my ass
stop caring about what people think...though I do suggest using a systemdless distro
Eric, incorrect answer
>When does the ride end?
Ends at debian.
No. Install LFS!
Good, now reinstall it with encrypted boot, make a key file and put it in your initramfs image, make the root partition with btrfs+compression(lzo for example instead of ext4, zstd compression will be supported by grub in the next release), instead of swap use zram-swap (a block device that compresses your memory), you won't need to create another partition for this, the 5.1 kernel will ship a new algo lzo-rle winch is greater than anything else.
With suicide, right?
what does this achieve
lmao come back when you code and install your own OS kid
Fuck off Terry, you're dead.
BASED user that values stability and gets shit done.
Satan uses arch guys
Install Cross-Compiled Linux From Scratch on an embedded system.
You are trading convenience for freedom.
The ride ends with you living in a selfmade wooden shack in the woods on some mountain away from civilization, living off the land, not using any electronic devices, drinking water that is more likely to make you sick than not and wiping your ass with leaves.
Contrary to what the deluded hiveminds on this board want you to think, using Linux on a home PC at all (even something "popular" like Ubuntu) is already autistic neckbeard territory, as the ~2% market share prove. And I have no doubt they will come and rip me apart for this post, because NASA using Linux on a space station or smart toilets using Linux to flush clearly means it is the best OS to use for everyday use on PCs at home.
ITT: bandwagoning NPCs
Good job! You finally took he first baby step. Next up are Gentoo, OpenBSD, and Plan 9.
rolling cheap version of slackware
>lmao fag install gentoo
lmao install ECHELON